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Our services

Here you can take a look to our servies and our bussines procedures so we can guarantee quality and growth

Simplify the Supply Chain

As your retailer, we’ll purchase product directly from you or your distributor, manage the sales tax nexus, pay warehousing fees, and handle all logistics from start to finish.

4+ Years Combined Experience

Our core business is in the wholesale-retail trade. We’ve spent the last several years taking education courses and working with brands like you to master how to operate a lean supply chain for FBA, FBM, and dropship, run cost-effective marketing for your products and build truly mutually beneficial partnerships with leading brands.

A You-First Approach

We tailor our strategies and technologies to drive success as YOU define it. Whether your goal is to grow sales, improve brand integrity, or launch new products, we have the experience and tools to get the job done right.

Inventory Planning

We utilize our proprietary sales forecasting algorithm to place consistent purchase orders and protect against out-of-stocks. We keep inventory turning regularly through FBA, dropship, and third-party channels.

Pricing Control

We partner with you on YOUR strategy, whether that means upholding a standardized MAP policy or helping you stay competitive on Amazon through our predictive repricing models that ensure you can consistently move product.

Opportunity Identification

We can partner with you to strategically identify new product or bundle opportunities to introduce on the marketplaces.

Get in touch with us

Write to us to request any information about our company or to request an appointment and we will reply or call you as soon as possible. Thank you!