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– Zero Trust Model – Modern Security Architecture | Microsoft Security
The user is created and added to your Azure AD organization. We start with an understanding of how a Zero Trust strategy can benefit organisations like yours. In the verify access pillar, our focus is on segmenting users and devices across purpose-built networks, migrating all Microsoft employees to use the internet as the default network, and automatically routing users and devices to appropriate network segments. While this work is represented at the top of the deployment stack illustrated earlier in this article, you can begin this work anytime. If employees want to use their personal devices to access Microsoft resources, the devices must be enrolled and adhere to the same device-health policies that govern corporate-owned devices. This process includes designating global administrators, using non global-admin roles where possible, enabling privileged identity management and designing identity polices. Azure Government Developer Videos.
What is zero trust framework on windows 11
All users have received policy updates to their systems, thus making this internet-based network their new default. Join thought leaders from Microsoft, AustCyber and NTT as they discuss how organisations can reimagine their cyber security in