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The rate of initiation of photocatalysis, the electron hole formation in the photochemical reaction is strongly dependent on the UV Fig. Wundows Surf, A. In: van Hullebusch ED, editor. Tzeremes, The results also showed that a solvent ratio as low WTM Audenaert, et al.❿

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Kallel et al. Acknowledgements SK would like to thank all the collaborators and Author Biography co-authors as stated in the references. Suela Kellici is Senior Lecturer funders. Kellici is an expert in innovative green supercritical References fluid technologies and materials chem- istry. She has a degree in Chemistry and Ph. RSC Adv. J Supercrit terials. Kellici sits on the Editorial Fluids. Appl Catal B. Education Academy and coordinator of outreach and Ph.

Chem A Eur J. The research in her group is focused in designing and discovering advanced functional nanomaterials 3D, 2D, 1D and 0D using a target-oriented approach and technologies that provide effective solutions for energy, biomedical and environmental applications. In the European Union EU the environmental risk of — How do ecological and agricultural differences influence chemicals is regulated in various ways.

However, This work is a theoretical discussion of data and experi- many of the pest species affected by pesticides belong to ences available in the open literature, in particular regulatory the same taxonomic and ecological groups being documents of the European Union. In addition, a literature responsible for many soil functions and services.

Finally, examples usually by spraying, but also in various other ways such from our own work both in Central and Southern Europe as as a coating on seed material. In terrestrial ecotoxicology the Due to the long experience with this very detailed soil includes the mineral soil, the litter and the herb layer. The focus of this contribution is on the compartment soil, The European Union can be regionally divided in various mainly because the whole environment i.

Central and Southern zone, which is done on the level of The main questions of this paper are summarized as individual countries. Other regionalisations focus on climatic follows: or ecological factors see Annex 1 of EC , including the distribution of organisms mainly plants e. Toschki — Can and if yes: how regional differences e.

However, with few exceptions the implemen- ecological or agricultural factors influence the perfor- tation of these regional differences in EU pesticide regula- mance or the outcome of pesticide ERA?

Protection Products and their Residues. EFSA J. Soil quality— EFSA Last but not least the respective agricultural vocabulary. ISO Geneva, Switzerland; Effects of deltamethrin, dimethoate and chlorpyrifos directly by impacting organisms or indirectly by changing on survival and reproduction of the Collembolan Folsomia candida soil properties. For example, Chelinho et al. Risk assessment of pesticides behavior and the reproduction of an earthworm and an for soils of the central Amazon, Brazil: Comparing outcomes using enchytraeid species, trying to identify suitable reference soils temperate and tropical data.

Environ Sci Eur. Since details of this implementa- tion are not yet clear, proposals will be made on how to Author Biography improve the ERA process but keep it at the same time Dr. These ideas will in Biology from the University of include the selection of representative reference soils and test Frankfurt a. In , he co-founded conditions for the Mediterranean regions. In this context comparisons with current of two Managing Directors.

He has published about papers in indexed journals. Improving ecological risk particular Oligochaeta such as earthworms and Enchytraeidae. Envir Toxicol Chem. He is especially ;—8.

Panel The Commission] Some of those needs, such as standardisation of toxicity tests J. Having M. ARENA efsa. Sousa et al. Guidance document on terrestrial eco- in-soil organisms species. The organisms. Ecosystems and human needed, since it addresses uncertainties in the risk assessment well-being: biodiversity synthesis. Restoration, vol 6. As a consequence, the interactions Ecology. With over papers pub- between the components of the soil biocoenosis are not lished in indexed journals, he has been addressed so far, and the detection of possible indirect effects developing research on soil ecology and soil ecotoxicology.

On soil ecology, his of PPPs use is not possible. It is recommended that higher activities are focused on studying chan- assessment tiers should address interactions between species ges on soil biodiversity patterns using and indirect effects via food-web disruption. More recently he has been interested in evaluating effects of extreme climatic events on soil organisms and service provision in to chemical PPPs have been proposed. Options are given agro-forest systems in Mediterranean and sub-tropical systems.

Several research needs were taminated soils. Since is an external expert active substances in PPP intended uses. Wetland environments are important ecological systems, elements speciation to understand if there is some new ele- with high and ecotone characteristics.

Moreover, many ment that suggest evidence of contamination by seawater. On the basis of the good ter. To preserve the biodiversity of the Palo Laziale area, with quantitative analysis of the speciation. The variable. Increases, for example, in the contained in the uppermost 25 m of the Quaternary deposits. In as an aquiclude. Although the system shows no evidence of the well C9 also increases the concentration of cadmium to the contamination by seawater, the withdrawal of the water from chloride, copper bound to carbonates, metallic iron and zinc the wells could rapidly compromise the system and produce bound to bicarbonate.

In the well C12, however, iron is pre- conditions under which seawater intrusion would be irre- sent in oxyanion form, increases the concentration of man- versible. On the basis of the results, in was ganese and zinc bound to carbonates. Well C8 does not show selected three well C8, C9 and C12 to work on the particular changes in speciation than the other two tested.

The well C9 was chosen as end member relying on the Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Rome, Italy results from descriptive statistics of the selected trace ele- e-mail: maurizio.

Table 1. Guidelines for drinking-water quality. Health criteria and other Barbieri et al. Geneva: WHO; So if the sea water was indeed mixed with C9, it would give a contribution of 2. Barbieri holds a degree in Geolog- This study suggests that all wells are in the same super- ical Sciences and a Ph.

He is currently clays, marly clays and blue-gray marl of the Pliocene, which Associate Professor of Environmental act as aquitard between the deep aquifer and the surface Geochemistry and Hydrogeochemistry at Sapienza University of Rome Italy. His carbonate aquifer. The wells cross lems. As, B and Hg , deriving the system appears without alterations in its function. The from hydrogeochemical anomalies of natural origin, and on water quality. He contamination by seawater is very low.

In management of a coastal wetland system: a case study of the Palo Dr. J Geochem Explor. In recent years concerns have grown over the occurrence in important to the wastewater industry since regulations aimed water bodies of micropollutants, also termed as emerging at controlling the discharge of selected ECs have started to contaminants ECs , because of their adverse effects on the emerge WTM Audenaert et al.

In Tijani et al. ECs encompass a vast and expanding list this study we will discuss an ozone-based novel technique to of man-made and natural substances such as pharmaceuti- degrade three potent estrogenic hormones including Estrone cals, steroid hormones, personal care products, plasticizers, E1 , 17b-estradiol E2 , and 17a-ethinylestradiol EE2 in pesticides and many other substances.

They exist in water real wastewater effluent. Harries et al. Ultrapure deionised water Resistivity 18 M et al. Of par- steroid were prepared in methanol from which working ticular concerns are the natural and synthetic estrogens solutions were prepared by water dilution to a desired con- which are extremely potent substances that disrupt the centration.

Real endocrine system. Although scientists have raised their effluent was sampled from Marley sewage treatment works, concerns about exposure to pharmaceuticals via environ- Yorkshire, UK. Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane D5 solvent mental media as early as the s, it is only at the begin- was purchased from Dow Corning, UK. This is largely due to the recent BMT , BMT Messtechnik, Germany was used to advancement in analytical instrumentation which provided measure the ozone gas concentration.

The degradation the tools necessary to accurately analyze and identify these experiments consisted of dissolving ozone gas into D5 and substances, commonly found at extremely low concentra- the ozone-rich solution was reacted with the wastewater.

The tions. The solvent of the internal standard as function of concentration. The simulation results ! The degradation of the health. It is only recently that the problem has been recog- estrogens was studied using individual solutions and in nized which led to the emergence of regulatory measures to mixtures. The times to reach almost full designed to deal with ECs, hence it is required to upgrade degradation of the three estrogens using LGO were 2.

Ozone technology and 0. The enhancement of removal rates ison to a conventional ozone gas process. In fact, the estrogens are hydrophobic organic molecules and References have tendency to distribute to the solvent phase where the ozone reactions take place.

The experiments also show that a Harries JE, et al. Environ Toxicol Chem. Environ Health Perspect. Sustain Chem Pharm.

LLO were carried out. The results showed that using ozone Luo Y, et al. Sci Total Environ. Asian J Water Environ Pollut. Swan SH, et al. Water Air Soil Pollut. Reprod Toxicol. The results also showed that a solvent ratio as low WTM Audenaert, et al. Future Regulation of trace organic compounds as 0. Based in WWTP effluents as a driver of advanced wastewater treatment.

In: Ozone news, The Newsletter of the International Ozone on the results obtained in this study, an ozone dose of Association, Tizaoui obtained his conferences as well as authoring technical reports for several organisations. He his Ph. School of Advanced Oxidation ration technologies, and emerging Processes. Given his international expertise in ozone and water treatment contaminants. Throughout his academic career, Dr.

Tizaoui has devoted and Engineering. However, membrane fouling still rep- bined system, due to the hydrogen reduction at the cathode resents a serious operational obstacle in the wider spread side, has not been explored.

Therefore, the present study application of the MBR technology. Therefore, considerable aimed to investigate the combination of electrochemical research and development efforts are still underway in order processes with membrane bioreactors in terms of treatment to control fouling and reduce the energy consumption. The bioreactor was fed continu- et al. Different ously with synthetic solution simulating municipal wastew- electrochemical mechanisms occur, indeed, when a direct ater.

A metering ment performance and reduce membrane fouling. Since the pump withdrew the permeate from the membrane module at activated sludge flocs are negatively charged Lee et al. Organic sub- their adhesion to the membrane surface. In addition, elec- stances and nutrients were analysed in the influent, the trocoagulation generated from electrolytic oxidation of alu- reactor and the effluent according to the Standard methods minium or iron electrodes increases flocs diameter size APAT and CNR-IRSA Membrane fouling precur- reducing membrane fouling.

The hydrogen production was meseaured through colorimetric V. Belgiorno tubes closing the reactor and working at anoxic conditions. Borea removal of both ammonia and phophate compounds. An e-mail: lborea unisa. Belgiorno indeed, observed due to the alternation of anoxic and aerobic e-mail: v.

Naddeo et al. Furthermore, the different electrochemical Ballesteros FC. Combination of electrochemical processes with membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment and fouling control: mechanisms involved in the MBR were able to improve a review. Front Environ Sci. Enhanced sludge properties and cleaning, membrane fouling rate and precursors.

Closing the distribution study of sludge components in electrically-enhanced membrane bioreactor. J Environ Manage. Membrane biore- tion of protons and water at the cathode side. J Membr Sci. Naddeo is associate professor at Department of Civil Engineering of the and Indian Ministry of Science and Technology and are linked to the University of Salerno Italy where he international project n.

Metodi analitici per le acque. Application of electrochemical He is Associate Editor of the Euro- processes to membrane bioreactors for improving nutrient removal Mediterranean Journal for Environmen- and fouling control.

Environ Sci Pollut Res. Wastewater Treatment and Energy Production … Naddeo teach the followinf and European networks. He developed advanced biological processes for wastewater treatment and He is the coordinator of international and national research projects, control of emerging contaminants, novel ultrasound-based technological supervisor of Ph.

Naddeo has co- authored over refereed publica- savind and production. He is In addition to the topics listed above, Dr. He holds 4 patents on water fection by-products DBPs , Advanced Oxidation Processes AOPs , river and wastewater treatments by sonolisys and 1 patent on novel electronic water quality characterization, remediation of contaminated soil and marine nose e.

They have information on the bioavaibility and toxicity of heavy metals long terms effects on the environment and can pose toxi- on biota. Finally, an analysis of the pore water anions, cological risks to fauna and flora. Scavenging of these metals metals and solid phase in the sediment cores were also in the sediments can be reversible due to several perturba- carried out to provide further information about the chemical tions and the sediment can act as a source of pollutants for processes controlling the metal distribution in contaminated the overlying water.

Once trapped in sediments, trace metals sediment with a special interest for the early diagenesis of undertake transformations through complex biogeochemical sulfur which play generally a key role in the behaviour of processes Ouddane et al. One of the major factors trace metals Vdovic et al.

The controlling the metals distribution in sediments is the pres- purpose of this study is to evaluate the mobility of trace ence of sulphides. Sulphates mainly present in flooding metals by different methods in sediments. Sediment freshly water; are reduced to sulphides by Sulphate Reducing Bac- deposit was sampled at different sites, characterized by high teria SBR coupled to organic matter OM decomposition pollution level, to conduct the remobilization experiment.

Because of the low solubility disturbance of sediments and a subsequent remobilization of of metal sulphides minerals at these conditions, the pollutants to the water column, thereby posing a potential bioavailability of metals is minimized but not ultimate. Metals are then buried in the sediment, unless oxidative The vertical distributions of metals in the sediment cores dissolution of the sulphide minerals phases occurs as a result collected from different sites in northern France are pre- of a physical perturbation such as resuspension, dredging sented.

The results are expressed as total concentration in the operations and bioturbation process Hamzeh et al. This contamination, observed in surface sediment B. The dispersion of heavy metals particles from the smelter trough the atmo- M. Ouddane et al. These results permitted toxicological tests on living organisms. From these anthropogenic pressures and urban waste discharge. In this results, it was necessary to investigate the metal contami- area we have investigate the distribution of trace metals in nation in deep sediment in this polluted area.

The vertical surface sediments in order to assess to the contamination distribution of metals in the two sediment cores collected in level, metal bioavailability and ecotoxicological status. Five front of the factory core 1 and approximately 0. The results expressed in enrichment sen; the results showed that trace metal concentration varied factors EF indicate the values ranges from to for seasonally and spatially.

Calculated enrichment factors EF revealed that Metaleurop. The knowledge of the total concentration of these sediments were highly polluted by Hg, Cd, Zn and Pb. In parallel the from Poses to north mudflat site. In fact, was positively correlated with toxicity index demonstrating many divalent metals with lower solubility product constant the usefulness of the toxicity index for sediment quality of compounds Ksp than FeS and MnS such as Cd, Cu, Ni, assessment and possible implication of metals in sediment Pb, Hg and Zn, can displace Fe and Mn from their mono- toxicity Hamzeh et al.

Artefacts in the speciation of low dissolved metal concentrations in the sediments. It is generally assumed that acute metal toxicity to fractionation. Acid volatile sulphide and simultaneously extracted metals in the sediment cores of the pearl river estuary, sediment to sequester all of the available metals i.

Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. Fang et al. Trace metal mobilization surface sediments shown values range from 0. Water Air Soil the highest values found for the sites around the Metaleurop Pollut. Spatial distribution smelter.

In this area, the values are higher than 1 and indicate and toxic potency of trace metals in surface sediments of the seine a potential availability of these metals Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Hg estuary France. Clean Soil Air Water. Environ Pollut. Implications of Sulphide on Trace Metal Pollution … His research activity covers a broad spectrum of environmental studies Environmental and Water Chemistry in of the speciation of trace metals in natural waters and sediments, studies of Lille University France , he has obtained biogeochemical processes in aquatic environments rivers, canals and coastal his Ph.

He has supervised more than 20 graduation courses University. Occasional referee for several international journals dents. Remediation of Selenium Contaminated Wastewater. Selenium Se is a naturally occurring, semi-metallic trace from the biological approach i. Since trial scale. These water treatment processes are aiming at then, many studies have been published describing its removing selenium from industrial contaminated effluents chemical properties as well as its biological importance.

For instance a stringent quite toxic Frankenberger and Benson ; Winkel et al. Selenium has emerged as a water treatment contami- additional challenges remain to be tackled when aiming at nant deriving from global industrial activities e. Selenium can bioaccumulate in aquatic ecosystems and presents a source of toxicity for many organisms, including humans Winkel et al.

Selenium in the Environment. New solubility and state of matter e. Dekker; Understanding selenium biogeochemistry in engineered ecosystems: Transformation and ferent chemical oxidation states mostly influenced by analytical methods. In: van Hullebusch ED, editor. Bioremediation microbial biotransformation reactions Jain et al. Springer book; This presentation technologies. Biotechnol Adv. Bioremediation of Selenium contaminated aims at reporting the recent advances regarding different wastewater, 1st edn.

Springer Book, pp , in press. Environmental selenium research: from microscopic Department of Environmental Engineering and Water processes to global understanding. Environ Sci Technol. Aquatic Chemistry and Microbi- tems e. His Ph. Eric van Hullebusch has been involved in several international projects.

Natural systems for the treatment of, and resource recovery from, mental Science and Technology. Solid organic waste management and resource recovery bioenergy, chemistry, environmental microbiology, biological wastewater treatment biochar, compost, gas treatment ; and biological organic waste treatment. Solid hazardous waste management and resource recovery critical elements selective recovery.

Urban agriculture and green infrastructures have been family gardens were surveyed in Paris and Manchester. More than a half of the population now lives in cities plots were soil sampled. Simultaneously Analysis covered soil fertility—pH in 0. They are owned by The results of the survey are shown for wallonia and public authorities, private agencies or communities and can Brussels as only family plots were investigated in Paris and take a variety of forms.

They cover a surface smaller ships between socio-economical drivers of urban gardening, than m2 and usually include less than 15—20 plots. Finally, dysservices and human health in some collective gardens of a typology of urban gardeners in collective gardens has western Europe.

One cities. Questionnaires were built in order to survey motiva- third of the gardeners do not till the soil. They use soil tions, practices and feelings of gardeners about their activies mulching and cover crops in winter. Organic fertilizers are and the environmental issues of urban gardening. Eighty percent of gardeners declare fol- according to the study case and the diversity of type of lowing the regulation for organic agriculture.

Most of them collective gardens as well, due to practical feasibility: only look for accessing food of better quality, social links, prac- ticing physical activity and reducing stress. Whatever the study case considered, the soil quality G. The soil e-mail: Gilles. Colinet ulg. Otte as well as the nutrient content. Otte rivm. Colinet et al.

Boukharaeva L, Marloie M. Healthy Urban Gardening. RIVM Report —, 70p; Gilles Colinet Belgian, born in is Fig. He was graduated as Engineer in agronomy, with a specialisation in Soil Science, in Its professional carrier begins with a two-year cooperation work in Mali, a few month of research in Liege Univer- sity dedicated to modeling the global carbon cycle and two years of technical and administrative support on GIS and databases to the Agriculture General Direction of the European Commission.

The title of the Ph. Gilles Colinet teaches applied soil science in the Liege University for bioengineers, geologists and geographs, as well as in specialized master Our study focussed on collective gardens in urban envi- degrees. He also coordinates a formation about the management of polluted ronment in Wallonia, Brussels, Paris and Manchester. Through sites in continuing education. The various steps in this very promising reliance on these fuels is not going away any time soon.

The need to equip ciency and environmental performance, leading to the the overall test facility with innovative sampling and ana- emergence of a number of promising technologies. Author Biography The main objective of this talk was to share related experiences with early-career scientists participating in this Dr.

Rachid Slimane is a Staff Scientist initial conference. Sandy beaches are dynamic systems evolving constantly as a map and 1 m inundation scenario using a GIS platform. As a direct consequence, in Morocco. In these conditions and and Exposure factors. The scores corresponding to each if climate change impacts are not addressed, any coastal variable were calculated and the weights assigned through an development could prove to be: not secure to live in; too expert judgment.

Therefore, preparing the coast for — Risk of inundation Example of Mohammedia coast, the unavoidable impacts of climate change is imperative Khouakhi et al. Raji among which the industrial units would be the most Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco threatened, followed by the urbanized areas and the e-mail: ma. Khalfaoui — Risk of erosion Example of the Atlantic beaches, e-mail: m. Flayou current situation of the studied beaches and the models e-mail: latifa. Kasmi impact on some beaches, and especially on those with an e-mail: sihamkasmi02 gmail.

Raji under 1. These results, even still e-mail: otmaneraji gmail. Snoussi et al. The impact of opment, but will increase the exposure of coastal popu- sea level rise on developing countries: a comparative analysis.

Climatic Change ;93 3 — Valuing the income shortfall for coastal — Coastal risk index Example of Tetouan coast Satta et al. The case of Tetouan coast : The assessment of coastal risk of Tetouan littoral Morocco. Ecosyst Serv J. In: Proceedings of the 1st Euro-mediterranean conference for environ- respectively very high and high vulnerability because of mental integration, Tunisia; Accepted in An index-based process in selecting the most suitable adaptation measures.

Estuar Coast Shelf Sci. Vulnerability assessment of the impact of erosion, due especially to the multiple anthropogenic pres- sea-level rise and flooding on the Moroccan coast: the case of the sures, the lack of regulation and bad governance; which has mediterranean eastern zone. The coastline is migrating landward and the beaches are insidiously shrink- Author Biography ing, posing a threat to their sustainability. If no measures to combat erosion are undertaken, sandy beaches will inevitably Maria Snoussi is a Senior Professor at be lost, with cascading effects on the economy and the well Mohammed V University in Rabat being of the local populations, particularly those dependent Morocco.

A great number of rivers of North Africa are equipped with quences is that it is impossible to relate recently observed many dams for multiple purposes, mainly potable water, coastal morphological changes to changes in the sediment irrigation and energy production.

In most of the countries— recharge from the continent. This study brings a synthesis of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, the storage capacity exceeds recent works on this topic over the largest rivers of North the runoff capacity, which means that water is stored several Africa in the three countries.

In Morocco and Tunisia there times in a row during its course to the sea. There we sampled sediment cores in river meanders, to lakes, but nothing is known about how much sediment is draw the history of real sediment exportations to the sea, on released from these dams.

This topic is mainly unstudied by the basis of granulometry, geochemical and isotopic studies. The times series show many available. Thus there are no time series of sediment loads to lack of data which are reconstructed according to the sea from the North African rivers. Mhammdi G. Mahe e-mail: nmhammdif yahoo. Hzami e-mail: habaieb. Hzami e-mail: iliaskacimi yahoo. Meddi T. Meddi L. Dezileau e-mail: mmeddi yahoo.

Kotti e-mail: dezileau gm. Abdeljaouad e-mail: elaoula. Mahe et al. He is responsible for this study. He has been member of the Central Africa and Maghreb, Ph. He is teaching since several years in resources in Africa and climate change. GSD occupies within the mixture. Conceptually each GSD was description can reflect the local response of sediments to characterized by a modal formula giving each mode M in hydrodynamic factors and provide information about the metric value and the corresponding percentage P.

When sources. Modal statistics complement the method, thus lead- discussion. Grain-size distributions in lower beach and near shore Another approach implemented during the reduced scale sands of a segment of the coast of the Golfe du Lion France study, used a deconvolution program LNDoGS, LogNormal were analyzed at two geographical scales.

Five morphological zones were sampled: the deviation, and proportion of each lognormal component in active berm, the collision zone, the crest of the inner bar, the the real sediment. The sediment was framework delineating geographically distinct sedimentary sieved by means of an AFNOR column with corrected mesh. These parameters were calculated components end members contributes to the grain-size using a MathCAD-based program enabling the plotting of distribution GSD of the sediments.

Quasi log-normal the curve and the determination of percentiles by cubic one-component GSDs form a minority group.

Mixtures spline interpolation. They measure the adjustment of the produce various apparently unimodal sands and bimodal grain-size curve to the Gaussian distribution and the devia- sediments and show the great sensitivity of parameters tion between this model and sample properties.

Moreover sorting, skewness, and kurtosis to small changes in the compositional formula of the mixture. Influence of mixtures of grain-size populations on the modal analysis.

J Sediment Res. Barusseau JP, Braud R. Grain-size components as markers of origin show. J Sediment Petrol. On the berm and lower shoreface, modal Author Biography values of the three sedimentary variants retain a close grain-size relationship. On the berm, where only bedload is Dr. Jean-Paul Barusseau is attached to present in the swash, monotype grain-size distribution trends the center of education, training and towards a lognormal model.

He is a geologist sedimen- on the lower shoreface, where there are numerous monotype tologist, specialized in studies of the grain-size distributions, possibly indicating a dominant coastal zone. His interest is directed process. In addition, Recent with a particular interest in the issue of sandy coast erosion. His work provided publications. He was the director of 12 Ph.

Geodata have flooded our life and they are used for all kinds the centimetre range. Besides the sensors on satellite plat- of applications with spatial characteristics.

Especially used forms active and passive sensors are mounted on airplanes for the protection of our environment and the sustainable and more and more on unmanned aerial vehicles. The use of planning of the future economic and ecological develop- small sensors mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles allows ment, geodata have gained high relevance.

If we think about new forms of data collection quality. A major step forward was business looking of the best site locations, geodata are the ability to get 3-D data from many sensors. This step needed. The implemen- This leads to the second area the availability of software tation of Google earth view and open street map give not only to map but to model the environment and the noticeable expression to the importance of geodata.

Today technology provides the If we talk about geodata we have to distinguish between possibility to work with large data volumes which is a two areas: the area of data collection and the area of infor- necessity to exploit the potentials the new senor data offer. For information processing we use different anymore be hosted by local computer but is hosted external. We use the software for spatial more and more relevance.

This development allows a high modelling of the environmental status or processes as well as flexibility for geodata processing for analyses and visualisation. The presentation will give an overview on the latest For data collection sensing technology in its widest sense developments and show different examples using the new has gained extreme relevance.

Sensor technology is data and the new tools their environmental applications. One influencing our daily life already to a large extent e. The data basis is a laser point cloud but point safe guards or for autonomous driving. This development in clouds retrieved from other sensors could also be used. There are a suit of city planning, environment application i. A large number of satellite data defense and security, navigation and telecommunication. The spatial reso- Another example will focuse on renewable energy studies.

Besides her manufacturers, investors, lenders and project developers engagement in a number of university boards she is today Dean of Studies at the Faculty and member of the Senate of the University.

Over the past years, she became more and more engaged in strategic science management respon- sible for the development of research and education programmes. Author Biography. In the NW, The convergence between Africa faulted young deposits with proeminent topographic offset and Eurasia is absorbed along the Atlas Mountains, at the across the Yussuf pull-apart basin; Meghraoui et al.

Tha fact that the anticline axes are deformed in a S accommodated across the Tell Atlas of Algeria and Tunisia. Mainly eastward across Algeria and Tunisia. Active NE—SW structured during the Alpine orogeny, the East—West trend- left-lateral and East—West striking right-lateral faults with ing coastal Atlas mountains of North Africa can be subdi- reverse component constitute the main tectonic framework.

In the eastern Tell Atlas, E—W striking right-lateral strike slip faults e. Although the present-day tectonics is The seismotectonics and stress transfer study in north central mainly expressed on NE—SW to east-west active Algeria shows a predominantly northeastward migrating thrust-related folding, the Quaternary and active deformation sequence from the to earthquakes.

The DCFF indicates that contractional structures and dextral strike-slip modelling shows that the seismic sequence is apparently faults are coeval. Using P wave arrivals reported in the by the stress transfer and interaction between faults which International Seismological Bulletin and zones of maximum typically result in the occurrence of earthquake sequences. The macroseismic intensity distribution and related 7. The correlation between the Previous works show that the maximum values obtained for the right-lateral Yussuf fault Alboran sea , and right stepping en Design Ground Acceleration range between 0.

The modelling indicates. In Morocco, maximum values that the compression to transcurrence ratio increases east- ranging between 0. Taking into account P axes directions of Alhoceima regions.

However, the strike-slip mecha- faulting and geodetic data, the seismicity catalogue and the nisms provided by seismic and geologic data do not comply physical parameters of the crustal deformation. The two latter main bends shortening and convergence is more evident along the correspond to zones of maximum compression to transcur- western section of the plate boundary, Fig.

In that case, the shortening component is Author Biography refracted from the slip vectors at the plate boundary and cannot be considered as coaxial with the convergence Dr. Meghraoui completed his Ph. His working group has achieved major Benouar D. Material for the investigation of the seismicity of Algeria strides, releasing pioneering studies on and adjacent regions during the twentieth century.

Stress change and continental active faults. They have fault interaction from a two century-long earthquake sequence in the developed paleoseismic studies in central Tell Atlas Algeria. Amer: Bull Seism Soc; in press. Neotectonique de large earthquakes, and in regions with low-level seismicity in Europe. France, studies has led to the group producing numerous peer-reviewed publications ;— Active faulting and transpression tectonics journals, citations.

These contributions focus on the development of along the plate boundary in North Africa, annals of geophysics. Ann paleoseismic and archeoseismic studies and earthquake geology in different Geophys. Furthermore, their Timoulali Y. The seismotectonic map of Africa. The Goringe-Alboran-Tell Galtel tectonic regions, and on studies of faults in regions with the potential for large or zone: a transpression system along the Africa-Eurasia plate moderate earthquakes and related physical characteristics.

Meghraoui boundary. Mourabit T, and 22 co-authors. Neo-deterministic seismic hazard D. Special Issue: Seismotectonics and projects. J Seismol. In Dr. Water and food con- Garcia et al. Infections that cause diarrhea caused by Cryptosporid- The collection of data entailing this present review of ium parvum and C. In Europe and in almost all the Mediterranean P. Health systems, sani- e-mail: panagiotis. Karanis are limited or not available in many countries Efstratiou Medical School, University of Cologne, Kerpenerstr 62, et al.

Cryptosporidium spp. It has dramatic adverse effects on child growth and An update of worldwide waterborne parasitic proto- where HIV, poverty, and lack of sanitation and infrastructure zoan outbreaks largely between January and December increase the risk of cryptosporidial waterborne infection. No has been published in Efstratiou et al. At outbreaks have been reported in Africa to date, raising least outbreaks attributed to waterborne transmission of numerous questions and hypotheses including water sanita- parasitic protozoa were documented during this time period.

The most common etiological agent was Cryp- tosporidium epidemiology, genetic diversity and distribu- tosporidium spp. The distribution of tion, and transmission throughout Asia Mahmoudi et al. Summarized data describes a picture of Cryp- available epidemiological data or general knowledge of tosporidium and cryptosporidiosis in Asia that differs only in water and environmental conditions in the reporting coun- detail from that reported in other regions of the globe.

Noticeably, developing countries that are probably Cryptosporidium oocysts have been detected in surface most affected by such waterborne disease outbreaks still lack water throughout Asia. The commonness of fecal wastes reliable surveillance systems, and an international stan- from human and non-human hosts suggests that many dardization of surveillance and reporting systems has yet to environments, particularly water and soil, act as vehicles for be established Efstratiou et al.

However, the number of the reported outbreaks in but also for foodborne outbreaks Ahmed and Karanis Asian countries is very low Mahmoudi et al. From to , 16 out- Cryptosporidium outbreaks. Infection usually associated breaks of waterborne-protozoa, were reported in Latin with food service and catering industries.

Clearing that fresh American countries. In respect of At least water-associated outbreaks of parasitic pro- these reasons, Cryptosporidium took the main focus of tozoan disease have been reported in the period between the methods development. Foodborne illness, costs global years — North American and European outbreaks economies billions of dollars each year. Worldwide waterborne parasitic protozoan quently poorly investigated or unreported.

Methods in current use for Cryptosporidium in water are highlighted, though attention is given to all Ahmed SA, Karanis P. Food material analysis for the detection of available published methods by country and continent. The Cryptosporidium oocysts. Parasitol Res.

Cryptosporidium and improvements and further developments in monitoring cryptosporidiosis: the African perspective. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. Baldursson S, Karanis P. Waterborne transmission of protozoan Cryptosporidium oocysts have been detected in surface parasites: review of worldwide outbreaks—an update — Water Res. Epub Oct Evolution of monitoring for Giardia regarding the occurrence and distribution of Cryptosporid- and Cryptosporidium in water. Epub 18 Jun Waterborne transmission of Cryptosporidium was detected in surface water reservoirs, protozoan parasites: review of worldwide outbreaks—an update swimming pools and drinking water samples.

Swimming is a — Giardia and Cryptosporidium: Occurrence in water supplies. In: Nriagu JO, editor. Encyclopedia of environmental health, vol. Burlington: Elsevier Science Inc; Why Cryptosporidium research for large water supplies: public health protection policy in Europe and Mediterranean investigations in the lake Mornos, the big water reservoir of greater Athens. Cryptosporidium: From Molecules to Dis. Although new innovative technologies used to October , Fremantle, Western Australia.

Distribution and removal of Giardia ; Spanakos et al. Water Sci The presence of Cryptosporidium in aquatic ecosystems Technol.

Human incidence and Sakkas H. Cryptosporidium and Giardia in natural, drinking and recreational waters of Northwestern Greece.

Acta Hydrochim prevalence-based studies provide baseline data against Hydrobiol. Standardized methods are Stojanova K. Occurrence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in water required to maximize public health surveillance, while supplies of Russia and Bulgaria.

Environ Res. Waterborne transmission of protozoan insight into the public health impact of waterborne and parasites: a worldwide review of outbreaks and lessons learnt.

In those countries J Water Health. Cryp- reporting systems. It would be important to coordinate all tosporidium spp. Euro- surveillance systems in between all countries for early surveillance; Cryptosporidium and cryp- detection and measures against waterborne-Cryptosporidium tosporidiosis: the Asian perspective.

Int J Hyg Environ Health outbreaks and to establish effective and suitable diagnosis ;— PMID: Water-borne protozoa parasites: the Latin American perspective. Int J Hyg Environ Health ; approaches and further developments in the understanding 5 — Epub of Cryptosporidium epidemiology in Europe and Mediter- 19 Mar He completed contributions on parasitic diseases and their control in many countries.

He has an outstanding academic pathogens and most important infectious diseases. He has authored university professors and researchers to China. Publication must be seen as an important, if not the most Author Biography important, part of the research process. However, writing Dr.

After producing data and generating ideas University of Sfax Tunisia. He received from your research, the remaining questions that need to be fellowships from the global change System answered are: how to write a clear and concise paper that for Analysis, Research and Training attracts the attention of journal editors? How to respond to reviewer reports? A Senior to to continue with his Ph.

After structure your paper, prepare a cover page and respond to completing his Ph. He shares his experience and his strategy for devel- the International Ocean Drilling Program IODP and applying foraminiferal and geochemical proxy methods.

In early lishes a workflow for effective and rapid peer review. He is mainly responsible for developing do not! The Editors are the hub of the how it is done? He helping them to handle several hundreds of submissions joined Venture Business Laboratory each year. Since , he has been lec- On the other hand, the increase of the Impact Factor is the turing at the Sfax National School of Engineering University of Sfax, goal to achieve for the journal team, meanwhile it is the Tunisia.

There, he has also been involved in various research projects catalyst of the journal success and plays a key role to attract related to Environmental Geology and Environmental Geotechnics. In addition, Dr. Kallel is involved as a consultant in urban and environmental and gain interest of authors in term of number as well as projects for the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development in quality. Nevertheless, for a newly launched journal, several Tunisia. Kallel has organized many prestigious workshops, seminars and approaches and actions have to be followed by the editorial international conferences.

Currently, he is supporting the editorial board of board to promote the journal and increase its impacts among the Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration Springer. We have inherited an H. The purpose of this event, which has been K.

Ksibi tries on the African continent. Nassali creation of activity. Tahar environment and climate change. Nor-Edine et al. His research focuses on chemicals in the environment, orations between the various industrial and university water and wastewater treatment and reuse. He developed new methods for clusters. Sc and Ph. The city of Sfax southeastern Tunisia has lived, for more development plans and thus jeopardized many future than 60 years, a very special environmental situation.

The strategies for a proper modernization of the city. Lastly, it second largest city in the country is distinguished for its has made Sfax a city whose atmosphere, water table and sea economic dynamism, its culture of entrepreneurial initiative are exposed to strong pollution, aggravated by an unprece- and the competitive spirit of its inhabitants, but above all dented accumulation of industrial and domestic waste because of its privileged location strategically convenient for affecting the quality of life and raising citizen dissatisfaction.

However, this strategic location closure of the NPK plant, expansion of the wastewater col- also has its shady side. This decision has caused and is parts of the country, some new advanced industrial zones, still causing dramatic effects on the environment of Sfax.

It has transformed the large-scale development projects delegated to international littoral into a place of diverse industrial and domestic dis- experts.

Also, this decision has negatively impacted the approach based on reliable data and not biased by stake-. The University of Sfax and its academic Author Biography experts have acquired and accumulated essential knowledge, Dr. He trained in Tunisia and then in Therefore, they can act as a wise and constructive interme- France where he graduated and obtained diary to bring positions closer together in order to under- his Ph.

School of Paris. He has co-published more than papers at national and inter- with all its regional components. The aim is to discuss these national journals. A road-map with of the National School of Engineers of Sfax, and President Rector of concrete proposals has to be created by involving an over- the University of Sfax — Water on Mars, on Jupiter Icy Moons, on Asteroids and hunting traces of water and ice and exploring new habit- perhaps even more water on more bodies of our solar system able environments.

The returned data reveals the similarities —Are water and life unique to Earth? The last decade of and discrepancies between our planets and the other bodies planetary exploration suggests that the liquid water, uniquely of the solar system.

In this seminar dedicated to the general characterizing, our blue planet is potentially a transitional science audience, Dr. Heggy will present how low-frequency phase that other bodies of our solar system may have gone radar sounding methods are being used to explore evidences through or will be transiting to during their evolution. On of buried Martian geological features, including possible Earth, as well as other bodies of the solar system, the geo- deep subsurface aquifers and ice deposits.

He will also discuss the geology of the Earth, Moon, Venus, Mercury, comets and similarities between the Earth deserts and several plane- Mars—as well as numerous other bodies in our solar system tary environments in term of groundwater evolution.

Author Biography His research involves probing structural, hydrological and volcanic elements in terrestrial and planetary environments using different types of radar Essam Heggy is a Planetary Scientist at imaging and sounding techniques as well as measuring the electromagnetic the Viterbi School of Engineering in the properties of rocks in the radar frequency range.

Coelli, Coelli, T. Managi, Shunsuke, Lehmann, Erik E. Kerstens, Allen N. Humphrey, Finn R. Srinivas K. Agrell, Paulo M. Santos, Brophy Haney, A.

Pollitt, Department of Economics. George Emm. Tzeremes, Subhash C. Wilson, Valdmanis, Gosse A. Alserda, G. Cherchye, L. Marshall, Elizabeth P. Latruffe, L. Abid A. Niazi, Picazo Tadeo, Korhonen, Yang, H. Hunt, Hans H. Weaver, Lychev, Andrey, Jerome Creel, Puenpatom, R. Per J. Dupont, David C. The determinants of U.


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Series editors Hassan Abdalla Md. The series is mainly based on the best research papers from various IEREK and other international conferences, and is intended to promote the creation bagas31 windows 10 iso development of viable solutions for a sustainable future and a positive societal transformation with the help of integrated and innovative science-based нажмите сюда. Offering interdisciplinary coverage, the series presents innovative approaches and highlights how they can best support both the economic and sustainable windowd for the welfare of all societies.

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Ultimately, roughly short papers were accepted. The Euro-Mediterranean region is currently facing not only political, economic, and social challenges but also an ever-growing environmental degradation—aspects that have made environmental and resource protection an increasingly important issue. These aspects have also rekindled the debate on revitalizing the Euro-Mediterranean integration process by means of concrete cooperative projects in various sectors, especially those related to environmental awareness, assessment, and improvement.

This integration process is mainly intended to reduce the development gap between the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean. Following peer review, about papers were ultimately donwload. The papers gathered in this book offer a general and brief overview of current research on emerging environmental issues and challenges, and of related applications windods a variety of problems in the Euro-Mediterranean region in particular, but also in surrounding regions and other parts of the world.

They are arranged in 10 major sections, reflecting the main topics addressed at the conference, namely:. Innovative approaches and methods for environmental sustainability; 2. Environmental risk assessment, bioremediation, ecotoxicology, and environmental safety; 3.

Water resources assessment, planning, protection, and management; 4. Environmental engineering and management; 5. Natural resources: characterization, assessment, management, and valorization; 6.

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Presenting a broad range of topics and downlad, EMCEI offered a valuable opportunity for researchers and students to more about new advances in environmental research initiatives in view of the ever-growing environmental degradation in windows 10 update Euro-Mediterranean region, which winndows made environmental and resource protection an increasingly important issue with regard to sustainable development and social welfare.

In addition to the several oral and poster sessions, participants enjoyed revealing keynote lectures by distinguished scientists and accompanying workshops. The workshops were also an читать далее to discuss in round tables several regional issues hindering sustainable development in the Euro-Mediterranean community, updating and summarizing the latest advances in connection with ongoing cooperation pro- jects between scientists based on the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean.

We hope that the ideas in this book can stimulate further work on environmental windows update 1709 download manuella aziza sf and sustainable development. Lastly, our thanks go to the Springer team for supporting the publication of these conference proceedings. Belkaid, Algeria. He managed the organization of 35 international conferences. Onishi, Juan A. Novo, Paula M. Arimoro, Jude Windows update 1709 download manuella aziza sf. Uku, and Nelson O. Taiwo, Mabel O.

Ipinmoroti, Olaniyi A. Olopade, Bashir T. Adeniyi, and Nathanael A. Deglet Nour Seeds. Alexandrino, Marisa R. Almeida, Ana P. Case of Beni Mellal City Morocco. Al-Azzawi and Myasar S. Radioactive Waste Management in South Africa. Halbaoui, and M. Essential Oil Growing in Djelfa Algeria. Genetic Resources in Tunisia: An Overview. Majuella Collected in Tunisia. Kolawole, Moshood N. Tijani, Rasaq R. Owolabi, and A. System in Jericho Area, Palestine. Ipinmoroti, Adams O.

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Case Study: Laalam, East Algeria. Aleksandryan and Vahagn Kh. Aleksandryan and Artak V. Amjad Kallel holds a B. Back in Tunisia, he worked at the University of Gabes from towhere he contributed to the elaboration of teaching programs at the Higher Institute of Water Sciences and Technologies of Gabes.

There, he has also been involved in various research projects related to Environmental Geology and Environmental Geotechnics. Kallel has organized many prestigious workshops, seminars, and international conferences. InDr. Currently, he is supporting the edi- torial board of the Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration Springer. Mohamed Ksibi obtained his M. His research focuses on chemicals in the environment, water and wastewater treatment and reuse.

He developed new methods for toxicity assessment of water containing various pollutants dyes, phenolic and pharmaceutical compounds, pulp and paper mills. He has copublished about 60 papers in indexed journals. He trained in Tunisia and then in France where he graduated and obtained his Ph.

He has cop- ublished more than papers at national and international journals. Furthermore, he supervised and successfully handled about 50 master and 30 doctoral theses. After com- pleting his Ph. Most recently, Dr. The two-dimensional 2D class of materials exhibit a water-soluble precursor s to give controlled, continuous and wealth powerpoint template free cooking remarkable properties high surface area, high rapid within windows update 1709 download manuella aziza sf synthesis of nanomaterials Fig.

This can be achieved via bottom—up atom by nor is it potentially explosive uses supercritical water and atom growth or top-down approaches exfoliation of the limits the use of harmful, toxic chemicals uses metal salts or corresponding 3D material windows update 1709 download manuella aziza sf to give an atom thick biomass derivatives.

It potentially enables new st 2D inorganic nanocom- posite functional materials designed and engineered in a more unique way нажмите чтобы прочитать больше using superheated water with unusual properties.

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Kallel et al. Acknowledgements SK would like to thank all the collaborators and Author Biography co-authors as stated in the references. Suela Kellici is Senior Lecturer funders. Windows update 1709 download manuella aziza sf is an expert in innovative green supercritical References fluid technologies and materials chem- istry.

She has a degree in Chemistry and Ph. RSC Adv. J Supercrit terials. Kellici sits on the Editorial Fluids. Appl Catal B. Education Источник статьи and coordinator of outreach and Ph.

Chem A Eur J. The research in her group is focused in designing and discovering advanced functional nanomaterials 3D, 2D, 1D and 0D using a target-oriented approach and technologies that eindows effective solutions for energy, biomedical and environmental applications. In the European Union EU the environmental risk of — How do ecological and agricultural differences influence chemicals is regulated in various ways.


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