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Listing 4 is a program for finding the starting ad- dress of a C program saved on disk. Unfortunately, C programs that use an auto-run fea- ture won’t load in C mode. Start-up program.

More aulomtk starl-up program. SYS addreuftmier fm ML program on disk. The RUNning Board also features a menu format that makes it easier and faster for you to select a specific section of the bulletin board.

We use a standard protocol, baud, one stop-bit, no parity, full duplex and a word length of eight bits. You can get on-line anytime, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by dialing our new number: Q0 p«r order This oHor also valid on ponpherals and accessories urtdfjr 6 pounds. Oidors arrtving before 1 1. Allow 2 weeks or personal check lo cloar Shipping: Sd. Add S3. PA Glrcla on Raadsr Service card.

Educational computer software holds one of the greatest prom- ises for the future of home comput- ing, SubLogic Corporation’s Whole Brain Spelling is an example of an excellent progratTi that combines sound educational techniques with the advantages of computer- assisted learning.

It’s a series of spelling pro- grams that can assist everyone, from preschoolers to scientists, through the use of reinforcement techniques.

The child’s version is appropriate for ages five through nine, and the general program is tar- geted for age ten through adult. Each version of the program con- tains different word lists of ten words each. A page instrucdon manual consists mainly of the listings for all of the different versions. The program is very easy to oper- ate. It really isn’t necessary to read the instructions, although you may enjoy the material on the background of the techniques used. Whole Brain Spelling makes exten- sive U.

JALA ness. The words are displayed in large, bold type, so even a color TV set can serve as a good output device for this program. You can either select a word list to study by number or just browse dirough the lists. When you’re spelling new words, the program does an im- pressive job of analyzing your enors and bringing them to your attention.

The audiors of Whole Brain Spell- ing emphasize that spelling tests are not included. Scores are not kept be- cause the program is intended as an aid. Parents purchasing the program for their youngsters should plan on su- pervising die child’s use of the com- puter and offering additional support.

You are encouraged to use internal visualization skills to improve your spelling. Research has shown that the more senses involved in the learning process, the greater the retention level for the student. For that reason, I was somewhat puzzled that the sound capabilities of the C are not used as another re- inforcement tool. Interesting too, that the man re- sponsible for the Commodore trans- lation of the program is a musician who specializes in computer-con- trolled music synthesis.

Whole Brain Spelling is an excel- lent piece of software. It appears well suited to the task of improving spell- ing skills at all levels.

SubLogic Corp. An CNceptifJnal program liiar outshines all others. Very Good. Lives up to its billing. No li;is- ,slc5, headaches or disappoint- ments here. There are better un llie market. Substandard, with many prob- lems. Should be dccpsixcd! Re- leased in , this top-notch pro- gram is not a game in the traditional sense. It’s a flight simulator that com- bines flawlessly animated graphics and an instantaneous response to user input.

This creates a realistic feeling of flight that is second only to the real thing. Like the BD-5J jet airplane it lets you fly. With TImeworks you get more than software. Plus, you get: Quick access to important informa- tion.

Items can be easily retrieved and printed by name, index code, date range, amount range, or any category of information stored in the system. Plus, you get; Sideways – Prints all your columns on one, continuous sheet. Performs mathematical functions, up to 12 digits. Allows the use of minimum and maximum values, averages, sums, integers, absolute values, and exponen- tial notation. Performs financial analysis functions calcu fates the present and future value of a dollar and the present and future value of a constant amount annuity.

O Tlmgwotki, Inc. All Righls nastrved. Circle ori Reader Service card. Software Gallery i Become airborne with Aerojet. Instead, you have a choice of icn competitive events, ranging from flal-out circuit racing to com- plcx acrobatics.

You can cither fly alone or compete against up to three others. Whenever a record-breaking performance is made in a particular event, the winning com- petitor’s name and the score achieved arc automatically saved to disk.

The top half of your screen consists of a view from the jet’s windshield, with a perpetual moving image of your plane centered there for precise alignment.

The bottom half of the screen is packed with a dozen crucial instruments. Tlic layout of your most frequently used flight controls is straightfor- ward. Your joystick is thejet’s control stick, and its fire-button serves as a solitary control for the rudder. The most fascinating and enter- taining aspect of Aerojet is that your BD-5J operates basically the same way most small aircraft do in the real world.

There is no time lag between your action and thejet’s reaction. Fly too slowly, and it will pitch up and stall; fiy inverted and your controls reverse; lower your fiaps completely and you’ll simultaneously gain lift and lose airspeed; or bank steeply at a high rate of speed and you rjet main- tains altitude.

It’s essential that you memorize the manual and learn how to keep your jet aloft and on course before you’re ready for serious competition. Begin- ning Aerojet users are sure to spend countless hours attempting to com- plete one circuit of the basic pylon course without crashing. WTiile airborne take-offs and land- ings are possible, you’ll forfeit many points if you choose to u. If all this sounds a little overwhelm- ing, I assure you dial it really is.

But one great benefit accompanying all this intensity is that you really learn how to fly an airplane. If the measure of a flight simulator is how well it teaches you to fly, then Aerojet could not have been better made. MicroProse Software, Inc. Their furtiier success will destroy the compu- ters, triggering a massive earthquake that will result in the usual B-movie destruction.

After that introduction, however, things get more tlian a little confusing. You are in control of the remote unit undersea tank. Your view is of the tank’s control console, which con- tains fuel gauge, clock, weapons panel, map and keyboard. If you haven’t already been daunted by the scenario, the keyboard may do it for you.

There are eight modes to the keyboard, and they will change at the twitch of a joystick, which is not always when you wish them to. It is this multiplicity of modes that prevents you from learning the game quickly, to say nothing of mastering the moves. For example, there are seven weapons in the Weapons mode, but all will not work against all tar- gets.

The game would have been as good, perhaps even better, with fewer choices. Moving from one option to another is not as straightforward as it should be. Before you can move from A to B, you must first access the Command mode; then to move from B to C, you must return to the Command mode.

In the game play, your object is to capture iJie offending computer in- stallations. Though it is never stated — because the documentation is dedi- cated almost entirely to helping you wade dirough the control command structure — you assume the game ends when you have captured or destroyed all die renegade computers, tluis pre- venting the killer quake.

The graphics and sound are good, though they are not reason enough to buy the game. Buy Quake Minus One only if you wish to get involved in a slow-moving, time-consuming game that leaves you with little or no reward.

Mindscape, Inc. Ervin Bobo St. This software package comes with over 50 pages of documentation. It’s lavishly illustrated and a lot of fun to read, but Color Mail is so well laid out that you may not even have to look at the instructions. The idea is to create a full -color, electronic greeting card. Soimd can also be added if you like. The pro- gram makes full use of both the high- resolution color graphics in the C and the talents of the SID sound chip. Continued on p.

They have limited strategic depth and a limited sense o realism. That’s why ActionSoft Corporation was created. We’re going to redefine the state of the art in simulation software.

We take you from the depths of the Pacific ocean to the infinite frontiers of space. Up to now this type of realism has been available only on the most expensive military simulators. We’re making it available to everyone. Up Periscope! ActionSoft simulations are generations ahead In strategy, action, and technology. ActionSoft simulation software sets the new prlce’performance standard against which all other simulations must now be judged.

But don’t just take my word for it. Try ActionSoft – you’ll be convinced. Clrelo tea on Rsador Senrice caid. We think you’ll find that the superior striSitfegIc play action and 30 animated graphics of this simulation put it generations ahead of the packl strategy You command a WWII fleet class subrrvarine. Patrol the Atlantic and Pacific Ihealf es ol war. Captain John Patten’s years of US Navy service provide the submarine combat strategy missing Irom other sub simulations.

Successful enemy engagements are conducted In our separate phases: 1. Approach Close to within effective weapons range 3. When you master the daytime penscope-depth attack, move on to the dangerous and skill-demanding night surface patrol. Armament supplies include everything from a selection of old reliable Mark 10s to advanced wakeless but unpfoven Mark ta torpedoes that can be fired Irom both fore and afl torpedo tubes. Potential targets include enemy reighfers, tankers, troop ships, destroyers, andbaltleships.

A complete instrument panel and split-screen views let you scan all vital Information at a glance during the heat of battle. All major land masses and islands and even a few minor ones are properly located. Use detailed Pacific and Atlantic charts to plot your course and navigate right to the action. But be careful not to get rammed or depth- charged by enemy ships.

And try to avoid the embarrassment of sinking one of your own Allied ships or running aground on an uncharted Pacific atoll. For true submarine action and realism, nothing else compares with Up Periscope! CtrolB on RoadBr Servlcs card. L” See Your Dealer Or write Of call us or more information.

For direct orders please specify which computer version you want. Include S for stiipping and specify UPS or first class mail delivery. Apple 11 is a trademark ot Apple Computer. IL circle on Readsf SotvlcocanJ. Your choices in- clude sound effects, backgrounds, characters, symbols and much more. With your selections made, you can begin using a special editor to assem- ble the pieces into a card.

Each item can be placed in your choice of screen positions, and the commands are in- cluded on a handy stand-up refer- ence card. Many of the graphics can be ani- mated although I found that some- what of an optimistic term. The pic- tures can be made to move across the screen in accordance with a desig- nated path; however, the motion is not fluid. You can insert a waiting period be- tween different elements so that the music or effect comes at an appropri- ate moment in the presentation.

A simple text-etUting system lets you choose between two different type sizes and either black or white let- tering. Your message can be placed, one line at a time, anywhere on the screen. When all the elements are in order, you can play your greeting to see if it suits you. If it is to your liking, a menu handles the save-to-disk operations. With your manuscript created, it’s time to mail your card. Through ar- rangements with CompuServe, Color Mail files can be sent by uploading them to another user through the Easymail system.

Keep in mind that your intended receiver must also have the Color Mail program, or your greeting card file will be useless. Furthermore, Color Mail must be customized with your CompuServe ID, so it’s not pos- sible to use a friend’s copy to view your pictures. Color Mail maintains an on-line presence.

It’s also possible to obtain, for a fee, additional graphics and sound libraries directly. Color Mail opens up an oudet for creativity in electronic communica- tion. After all, when you care enough to send the very best, why not send it electronically! Hall- mark Cards, Inc. The three levels of difficulty are a nice touch; since no two games are alike, it’s not easy to get bored. The action menus, an attractive fea- ture of Intrigue! The joystick control option allows you to play without having to be right at the com- puter, although keyboard input is re- quired at dmes.

The object of the game is to not only find out where a genetically en- gineered polio virus has been hidden, but also to stop it from being used on Washington, DC. During the course of the game, there are a number of ways to foul up your case.

Pumping characters for in- formation is a chore — especially if you say the wrong thing — because of the slow disk drive. Be sure to watch the facial expressions when you inter- rogate your witnesses. Each character is a different fa- mous movie star from the 40s, like Humphrey BogarL They are pictured on-screen in excellent hi-res graphics. Action is taken for you if you do not move fast enough. One interesting option is the choice of the sex of your character because re- sponses to questions vary with gender.

Some characters can present a lan- guage barrier problem. The Little Black Book manual includes a Spanish glossary containing some of the for- eign terms. You can usually get a sense of what’s being said, however, by the surrounding words or sentences. The documentation does not stress basic strateg ‘, so you must search for everything. Although you cannot search an area with a character pres- ent, you can make most characters leave.

This is an exciting software pack- age that can be learned quickly. I’ve never won a complete game, probably because I’ve never correctly fingered the culprits, but I have defused the bomb at the end of the easy level!

The design and its ease of play are excellent for play- ers of all levels. I found the game challenging at times, but I enjoyed outwitting the computer.

I think anyone who likes adventures or mysteries will be satis- fied with Intrigue!. Lords of Conquest, is fast; the computer whipped me soundly in about 30 minutes. It is also a game that can be saved to disk and resumed at a later date. Wliile Lords of Conquest invites coni’ parisons with the board game, Risk, its speed and save features make it much more enjoyable. In play, Lords allows single-player action against the computer, or two to four people can play as live oppo- nents.

Vou choose from one of four difficulty levels and then select the number of cities you must capture in order to win the game.

From there you can pick one of 20 maps to show the territories you wish to dispute, or, if none of those in- cluded really suit your drive to con- quer, you can go to the edit area and design your own.

Control is through the joystick, and the moves here will remind you of tlie board game Othello; Good strategj’ is to select territories that will surround those of your opponent, while avoid- ing being surrounded yourself.

At the bottom of the map screen, a command box constandy apprises you of the options you have when it is your turn. You select an option by moving the joystick, and confirm your choice by pressing the fire-button. Although the aim of the game is conquest, it’s not necessary to attack at every turn. Instead, you may plan for future attacks by redistributing re- sources, strengthening border terri- tories and, in multiple-player games, by trading and forming alliances.

The key to success is not in simply blun- dering ahead witli guns blazing, but in seizing the strategic inidative. Documentation is satisfactory and includes playing tips from those who designed the game.

Sound is good, consisting of musical cues that may be toggled on or off. The graphics are more than sufficient for clarity. If the game play sounds familiar, it may be because Lords appeared a few years ago, without great success, un- der the name of BorderLands, distrib- uted by Kon Software.

Electronic Arts, with its greater distribution clout, has performed a rescue operation for this highly entertaining game. How about the two Bobby Knight- led Indiana Hoosier champions fac- ing each other right on your com- puter. Final Four College Basketball makes these and thousands of other match- ups more than pure conjecture.

Work- ing from a solid and accurate statistical base, the teams are rated as teams and the players as individuals. This all-text format doesn’t use up all its memory with stick figure play- ers moving up and down the court — that chore is left to your imagination. Instead, the space is devoted to cram- ming all the realism you could ever hope to have into an easy-to-play format. Offensively, you are the master of your own fate.

You control to whom the ball is passed for about one-third of the time. Whether your pick gets the ball in the place you’d like is a different mat- ter.

When a player receives the pass, you’re given a percentage figure on his chances to hit a shot from that spot — you decide whether he takes that shot. You pick the lineups for tlie teams, but watch for signs of fatigue. Get the Continued on p. Super Sunday gives you the best Pro Football teams of all time, computer analyzed to per- form with proper guidance, just as they did in real life.

Your bril- liant play calling is re-enacted on screen by all 22 players. The additional Champions, season as well as the General Manager’s Disk make this a must for all football fanatics. Color Graphics Board required. Super Sunday S35 G.

So you can imag- ine their reactions when we announced we’d discovered a new universe. People laughed. People scoffed. And they really freaked out when we told them where we’d found it: Inside a Commodore It’s called GEOS. And it turns any Commodore into a powerful PC that holds its own against any computer, no matter what kind of fruit it was named after.

GEOS: The superior mtelligence. Of course, we always knew Commodores possessed superior brains. It just took GEOS to discover them. You see, GEOS opens your Commodore to a huge universe that can hold an infinite number of applications. Increase your speed to warp factor 7. But five to seven times faster than normal. Which lets you streak tlirough files and documents at what seems like warp speed. And that saves you endless time.

Every universe comes complete vdth a desk. It’s just like your desk at home, only without the coffee stains. The Desktop keeps your art and documents filed, and comes with all the accessories you need to keep you organized: An alarm clock keeps you punctual. A notepad keeps your memos. And a calculator keeps your accountant honest. How to communicate with a new universe. With geoWrite, you can rearrange your written words.

Move blocks of copy. Cut and paste. And even display your text in fonts of different styles and sizes, right on the screen. With geoPaint, you become a Michelangelo with a mouse. You can invert, mirror and rotate images. Insert them into your geoWrite documents. Finding your way through the universe. The most difficult thing about a new universe is finding your way around. When GEOS offers you options, you just point to your answers and click your mouse or joystick.

You want to draw? Point and click. You want to fill in that obtuse rhomboid with an air-brushed geometric pattern in a lighter shade of pink? Easy, huh? And in case you ever do make a mistake, GEOS backs you up with an “Undo” feature that undoes the very last command you entered. With GEOS, that’s hardly likely. Because there’s endless space in the universe for new applications. Unfortunately, there’s only so much space in this ad. So zip down to your nearest software dealer. Tell him you want to explore the new universe in your Commodore.

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The number of satellites in the GEOS universe is infinite. Judge Font Pack on looks alone. Let’s face it. People judge your work not only by what it says, but how it looks. That’s why we devel- oped Font Pack. A collec- tion of 20 different type styles that not only say what you mean, but really look like they mean it. Boolt is all business. FuiitlCrisisc is financial. And Telegraph is. Look what we found in your desk.

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Need help or more information? No motlem yet? We can help. Call GEnie” Stay online longer, for less. So, What’s the Bottom Line? So, it’s time to talk about spread- sheets again. In this first of two articles, I’ll describe what spread- sheets are and what they’re used for. Accompanying the article are a table outlining spreadsheet features and a list of cotmriercially available spreadsheet pro- grams.

Next month, I’ll present an application template for use with your own spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are actually nothing new. There are clay tablets from Babylonian and Egyptian times that can be classified as spreadsheets, and, of course, spread- sheets have been done laboriously with paper and pencil for years.

Now they come in electronic form. Everyone who’s had a computer for more than a few weeks has heard of electronic spreadsheets, but to many they remain a mystery,. However, just about anyone can find a spreadsheet progiam useful.

A spreadsheet operates on a template, a matrix of rows and columns whose intersections are called cells. Each cell holds numbers, text or a formula that relates or operates on ihe contents of other cells. You read the spreadsheet from left to right and top to bottom. The last column and bottom row usually contain totals or summations of the information in the other columns and rows, and any changes you make in the spreadsheet show up there.

If a ceil holds a formula, what you actually see on your display is the value that results from that formula’s calculations, unless you type in a command to view the formula itself.

Formulas can be cjuite complex. Imagine a whole sheet filled with these interdependent cells. A change in one value can ramify throughout. Householders and businesspeopic often use this “ripple” effect to ask “what-if juestions about their financial situations. For instance, if you were planning to buy a house, you could use a home-budget template to predict how big a mortgage payment you could add to your expenses.

You’d enter various possible pay- ments into the template; then the spreadsheet program would calculate the impact of each on your budget. Before personal computers came along, this kind of exercise used up eons of time and oodles of erasers.

Spreadsheets can be quite large. Typically, they pro- vide more cells than there is memory in the computer to handle them. The number of cells you can actually use depends on the length of the text and formulas in the cells.

Most programs give you a way to see how much memory you have remaining at any time. A typical commercial-quality spreadsheet for Uie C’64 has space for 64 columns and rows — that is, over 16, cells. Probably only 5 to 10 percent of those are us- able at any one time. Naturally, with a C you can fill more cells, and larger-capacity spreadsheets should soon appear that take advantage o Comtnodore’s new R.

You view and manipulate a spreadsheet through a window in the video display that lets you sec only a small part of it at one time. The C provides a win- dow of 80 columns by 2. Some spreadsheets do program in an column option for the C Commands for tnov- ing the window rapidly around should be among the first you learn when you start using this handy tool.

If you’re in the market for a high-quality, professional spreadsheet program, one of those on the list accoiii’ panying this article should fill your needs. If you’d like to try out a spreadsheet before buying a commercial one, you can use the CalcAid 64 program that appears elsewhere in this issue of RUN. As a matter of fact, many people may find that CalcAid is all they’ll ever need.

SI Address all author con’esponde-nce to Joseph J. At each intersection there’s a cell. For instance, a matrix 10 rows by 10 columns would contain cells. Cell; A “holding box” that contains the information numeric value, text label or formula for a Specific location in the matrix.

Names of rows, columns and cells; I’o identify where you are on die spread- sheet, rows and columns are named with either numbers or letters. In some spreadsheets, columns are numbered, starting at zero and progressing by one from the left side. The rows begin with A and continue through the alphabet down from the lop line. Other spreadsheets use the same ba- sic scheme, but with numbers for the rows and letters for the columns.

For instance, in the first scheme I described, the name for the Home cell upper-left corner would be AO. The name for the cell in the 27th row and 35th column wouid be. The first column is 0, so the 35th col- umn is numbered M. In addition to this convenient meiliod for naming cells, some spreadsheets such as Microsoft Mult plan by Epy. For die most part, however, you’ll work with the conventional row- column names lor cells. Value; A number. Label: Text that identifies or clarifies numbers on the spreadsheet.

Arithmetic Operators; Symbols for the arithmetic operiUions, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, scjuaring, cubing, and so forth. They are used in spreadsheet formulas. Mathematical Functions; C perations that also appear in spreadsheet forinuhis such as summing a row or column, find- ing maximum and niinimum values, or figuring percentages, averages and means.

Higher-order functions include gieater than, less than, equals, s uarc root, absolute value, integer value, logs either base e or ba.

Paging: This convenient feature lets you jump your cursor to the next adjacent screen in any direction in one move, rather than repeatedly hitting the cur- sor keys. Pages: Some programs can handle mul- tiple pages of spreadsheet information, rather tlian just one sheet.

This way you can do calculations between pages, such as adding the contents of a cell on one page to the contents of a cell on another and putting the result on still a third page. Since the other pages are usually stored on disk, tliis operation can be painfully slow because of all the disk accesses necessary.

GOTO or jump to another cell: This fea- ture a! Menu and help screens; Menus display your currently available options; help screens display infornuuiou on wiuit you can or cannot do at any given moment.

Both menu and help screens are designed to keep you from getting stranded in the middle of an operation without knowing what to do next. Automatic cursor advance; This feature saves ke ‘strokes when you’re entering a lot of data. Normally, you’d enter the data for each cell and then hit the return key, but with this feature you enter the data and hit a cursor key, which places the data in the cell where the cursor is located, then advances the cursor to the next cell in the direction of the cursor key selected.

Home Key; With most spreadsheets, hit- ting the home key once moves the cursor to die top-left cell of the screen, and hitting it twice moves it to the top-left cell of the spreadsheet. However, this function may vary somewhat among spreadsheets. Clear, or blank, a cell: This feature erases the contents of the cell under the cursor, or even a range of cells. Edit cells: Most spreadsheets let you edit the contents of a cell.

Usually you hit a special key to go to Edit mode, and then you can edit the cell contents just as you would with an ordinary screen editor. Clear the sheet: This function erases the contents of all the cells on the spread- sheet — a fast way to get a blank slate to work on.

Most spreadsheets use the clear key for this, atid will ask you “Are you sure? Cell formatting — individual and global: The formatting function is for selecting how the values and text labels that you enter will appear in both the screen dis- play and the printout.

Individual format sets up a single cell; global format sets up cither a whole row or column, or the entire spreadsheet. Normally, global for- mats do not oveiride individual forinats, so you can change the general format of a sheet without destroying any special- case cells.

You can change these arrangements with this for- mat command. It’s most often used on an individual cell, row or column, but could be done globally, as well. S: DispUtys values in dollars-and-cents format two decimal places. Scientific: Displays numbers in scien- tific notation. This is useful when working with large numbers that vvon’t fit into the colinnn width you’ve se- lected.

Some spreadsheets default to sci- entific notation when numbers become too large to display. Maximum precision: This, the comput- er’s ordinary floating-point format, dis- plays numbers with as many decimal places as are required or as will fit into the selected column width.

It’s a display for- mat only, not affecting the precision of numbers in calculations, and it’s die de- fault format for almost all spreadsheets. Set- ting it to 2 would be die same as S format.

Other spread- sheets let you select the column-display widtli for individual columns my prefer- ence. By changing die column width, you can display more or less of your spread- sheet on the screen or printout Titles: Rows and columns can have ti- des, and he titles can be locked in place on the screen so that they remain in position as you scroll through the spread- sheet. Once you’ve used this feature, it’s difficult to get by without it.

Graphics: You can set the contents of a row or column to display as hi-res or lo-res graphics on the screen or in a printout. This is useful when you’re making presentations to other people. You can highlight a cell, row or column by displaying it in a selected color. You can retain long lines of text by continuing them through more than one cell, but then, when you change column widths, strange gaps will appear in the text. This is especially conve- nient for placing long tides or conniients at the top or bottom of a spreadsheet where tliere’s no danger of overwriting information in adjacent cells.

I have a friend who actually uses his spreadsheet as a word processor by us- ing this feature! If you don’t want auto- matic cotitimiations into adjacent cells, you specify short. Insert or delete rows and columns: You will need this feature if you fmd that you need an extra row or column in the mid- dle of what you’ve already done on a spreadsheet, or if you want to delete some rows or columns you were using only as a scratch pad.

Fortunately, die program will make these adjustments for you automatically. This is fine for small sheets, but lakes impossibly long for large sheets. For the latter, and for entering a lot of data on a new sheet, select Manual mode, so the spreadsheet won’t recalculate until you actually tell it to do so by pressing the recalcu- late key. Order of recalculation; Most spread- sheets calculate down one entire col- umn, then move to the next column and do it again.

On occasion you may want to use this feature to calculate row by row instead of column by column. The order of recalculation can be important if a cell formula references a cell in some succeeding column.

Replicate or copy; This function lets you copy values, text or formulas from cell to cell, leaving the conten ts of the source cells unchanged. With formulas, the for- mula itself is replicated, but the program inserts the values appropriate to each particular cell, unless you specify that a value is absolute. You can replicate from one cell to another cell, or from one cell to a range of cells row, column or block.

It’s also possible to replicate a row or column to another row or column or a block area, and even a block of cells from one area of the spreadsheet to another. The rule in replicating rows, columns and blocks is that the destination range has to be the same size as the source range. Move cells: This function works like rep- lication, except it erases the contents of the source cell. Search: This function searches through your spreadsheet for text or a value, and places the cursor on die cell that con- tains it.

Sort; This function performs sorts on rows, cither alphabetically or nmneri- cally. It actually rearranges the rows, and it automatically rereferences all formulas. Printer fonnatting: On a final printout, you may want to change such things as column widths, which columns to print, which area of the spreadsheel lo print and the print mode Regular or Condensed.

Timeworks’ new spreadsheet pro- gram, SwiftCalc, has a built-in option, called Sideways, for printing a spread- sheet sideways, so you’re not limited in the number of columns you can print out at one time. You do have to watch die rows, but that’s somewhat easier. If you already own a spreadsheet program.

Sideways is also available as a separate program. Table 1. Educalc School Edition — Grolier F. NY ; C. Pocket Series- Digital Solutions, Inc. Requires a Commodore 64 or computer with one or two or drives. Capitol Hwy. Circle 31 on Reader Service card. Sturdy, protective file cases make for easy access to each issue, while rugged binders allow magazines to lay flat for easy reference. Both hold 12 issues, are custom-designed in brown with gold spine lettering, and are unconditionally guaranteed.

Order today! RUN Pniladelphia. Newton Upper Falls, MA SwiftSoft— Cosmi, Inc. FigutToa St. CA ; C;S Trio — Sof’t. Vizastar — Solid State Software E. Hillsdale Blvd. You can use it to do anything from balancing a clwckbook to performing complex analysis, and it ‘sfree. Below that is a solid line running across the screen. Ihis is a comment line tliat CalcAid 64 uses to display important messages and information.

The numbers 0. I and 2 rcptcscnt columns. Ihe letters A through T are the rows. If you don’t like the. To change the text color, simultaneously pre. Upon your next operation, the en- tire text will change color. CalcAid 64 has 30 columns and 26 rows. Each column can display up to nine characters.

Notice that only three columns are displayed on the screen. Imagine that you are looking through a window and can only. The cursor keys allow you to move this window around the spreadsheet. Press the cursor-down key, and the spreadsheet will be [uickly redrawn with rows B through U.

Notice that tlie text is now the color that you chose. Experiment with the cursor keys until you can place the viewing window over all the columns and rows. Pressiiig the home key will te- turn the window to AO. Entering Information The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell. There are cells that you can use, A0-Z There are three types of information that you can enter into a cell; text, numeric or foi inula. In order to enter information into a cell, you need to follow a specific procedure.

Type in the cell location, row first and colutnn second, without putting in atiy spaces. Next, type a colon. Now you can type in text in numeric data up to nine characters: AOiBUnCK r 84 CI Text information can contain al- most any chiuacter on the keyboard, but must not begin with a number or a plus or minus sign.

After typing in your information, press the return key. If everything was typed in correctly, you should see the data in the proper cell. If you didn’t enter your information prop- erly, CalcAid 64 will display a Format Table 1. Sample prmtoui ofCakAid 64 program. Printout of formulas used in dmmtration of program in Tsble 1. To rectify this, simply retype the entire line correctly. Text data will be left- justified, while numeric data will be right-justified.

To replace data, just retype the cell coordinates, a colon and the new data. To clear text or numeric data from a cell, simply type the cell coordinates followed by a colon and then press the return key.

This procedure will not clear a formula, however. Press Y to clear the spreadsheet. Press N to exit the Clear mode. Calculations While you now know how to create neat columns and rows, the real pow- er of CalcAid 64 lies in its ability to do mathematical compulations using the data in each cell.

For example, you can add cell AO to cell A 1 and put the answer in cell A2. Al The Fl key will result in a reverse- character F on the screen. This key is used to access the special features of CalcAid If you forget W press Fl when entering a formula, the formula will be entered as text and displayed in the cell. Only the result of the computation, not the formula itself, should be displayed in a cell.

A special command allows you to view the formula in a particular cell: Ai! The full value of the numeric data in cell A2 also will be printed. This is impor- tant, because each colunm is limited to nine characters. CalcAid 04 will fill the cell with asterisks if the numeric data is longer than nine characters. You will then need to use the View command to examine that cell. A more involved computa- tion can be done by storing tbe inter- mediate answer in a spare cell.

Extra characters after the second cell or constant will be ignored or show up as a Format error. When typing in a formula, leave out all spaces and be sure to enter the cell Tirst and the constant second.

After you enter a fornmla and press the return key, y »u must press the left- arrow key. Wait for the calculation to be performed. During calculations, there will be a working message on the comment line. Calculations are done column by column from top to bottom. Column 1 will be completely done before column 2. This is an im- portant point. If cell F9 has a formula in it, the result- ing answer will be figured after cell AO is computed.

To overcome this, you should press the left-arrow key twice. After all computations are complete, the spreadsheet will be re- drawn with the results displayed in the proper cells. Attempts to divide by will be noted in that cell, as will an overflow note if an exponentiatitm calculation is loo large. Commattds and Special Features CalcAid 64 has several other com- mands that are very useful.

The fol- lowing examples show the proper format for the commands. You may u. The range must be in a straight row or column, with the first coordinate smaller than the second. Text data is ignored. Any text data is ignored.

Again, text data is ignored. Remember, you can u. This is helpful in remembering what each cell is sup- posed to be. Alternative frames are represented by a single presentation of a sentence or two , reminders of how an issue might be understood. This study focuses on how international news flows and not on the effects of the news on the audience. Therefore, framing devices are particularly important to this r esearch. In this regard, American public relations scholar Kir Hallahan proposes three types of frames, of which the last is especially interesting for the purposes of this study:?

Coalition forces were characterised as freedom loving, wor ing hard to avoid civilian casualties and see ing to protect religious diversity The Iraqi military were meanwhile depicted as brutal, tyrannical, corrupt, unethical and deploying? Saddam Hussein and his sons, li e a gang of Hollywood rustlers, were given forty eight hours to get out of town Knight, 1, There are many reasons for the use of the story frame in the production of news.

It is employed to attract attention by provo ing feeling in the audience, “inducing hi m to feel a sense of personal identification” Lippmann, It is also a consequenc e of the mass media’s continuous need for more news Boorstin, To satisfy this need, “bogus dramas and humbug heroes” are created which spawn an “empty world of celebrity” Hanson, We expect new heroes every season, a literary masterpiece every month, a dramatic spectacular every wee , a rare sensation every night Boorstin, Whenever things grew quiet on t he war front, he used the time “to explain again who’s the good guy and who’s the bad g uy”.

The usefulness of the story fram e was tested by Massachusetts Institute of Technology political scientist Alan J. Beri ns y and Kinder in their study of the decision ma ing process. They found that citizens understand particular event sequences when they can organize the relevant information into coherent stories.

Political leaders, analysts a nd government officials tend to frame their views and statements? In a study on how people ma e sense of politics, Berins y and Kinder found that when information is framed as a good story, the audience’s understanding of the data changes, which in turn appears to shape opinion.

These frames do not need to present strong arguments for one side or another in order to change public opinion. Small and subtle differences in the presentation of information can sometimes do the tric. Berins y and Kinder declares that [a] good frame is at its heart a good story. To understand why some frames succeed and others fail, we need to understand what ma es an effective story. Evidence is unscrambled. Causal and intentional relations are established.

Gaps are filled. Plot turns are identified. Thus, the story frame is a useful device to create desired perceptions about cur rent issues, and its utilisation as a strategic tool is advocated by US military scho lars William Casebeer and James A.

Russell : if military force is to play the appropriate role in our national security strategy and the? Global War on Terror,? Because the story frame has become a weapon in the hands of government officials and military strategists who use the media to disseminate carefully constructed tale s Payne, , it became imperative to determine what the elements of a good story ar e. As such, Propp’s schema will be used in this study to demarc ate the story frame to be used in the analysis of Operation Iraqi Freedom media coverage.

He bro e down fol tales into their “small component parts” and identified eight character types Table 1 and 31 basic elements or “functions” Table 21, next page in the stor ies Propp, , Table 1. Propp’s dramatis personae? Propp’s 31 basic functions Propp, 1. One of the members of a family absents himself from home. An interdiction is addressed to the hero. The interdiction is violated 4.

The villain ma es an attempt at reconnaissance. The villain receives information about his victim. The villain attempts to deceive his victim as to capture him or his belonging s. The victim submits to deception and thereby unwittingly helps his enemy.

The villain causes harm or injury to a member of a family. One member of a family either lac s something or desires to have something. Misfortune or lac is made nown; the hero is approached with a request or c ommand; he is allowed to go or he is dispatched. The see er agrees to or decides upon counteraction. The hero leaves home.

The hero is tested, which prepares him to receive either a magical agent or helper. The hero acquires the use of a magical agent. The hero is transferred, delivered, or led to the whereabouts of an object o f search.

The hero and the villain join in direct combat. The hero is branded. The villain is defeated. The initial misfortune or lac is liquidated. The hero returns. The hero is pursued. Rescue of the hero from pursuit.

The hero, unrecognized, arrives home or in another country. A false hero presents unfounded claims. A difficult tas is proposed to the hero. The tas is resolved. The hero is recognized. The false hero or villain is exposed. The hero is given a new appearance. The villain is punished. The hero is married and ascends the throne.

When these elements are distilled into a simpler form, the most common story tol d is that of a villain who harms a victim, prompting the hero to go on a quest. The h ero receives a magic agent from a donor, which he uses to defeat the villain in orde r to right the initial wrong and ultimately to win the hand of the princess Propp, While these stories have enduring appeal as fairytales, they also form the bac b one of popular cinema.

During Operation Iraqi Freedom the author, as an ordinary member of the global audience, was struc by the strong “story-li e” coverage by the media. Broadly spea ing, the events in Iraq were apparently framed by the Anglo-American news media? This fits comfortably into Propp? In this case, President George W.

Bush is the indisputable hero. The W all Street Journal described Bush as not only of strong moral character himself, but? He sees rights and wrongs? In his January State of the Union address, Bush pledged: Whatever action is required, whenever action is necessary, I will defend the freedom and security of the American people Bush, a. According to White House spo esperson Ari Fleischer a , however, nobody, but nobody, is more reluctant to go to war than President Bush?

He hopes it can be averted, but he is also clear about the fact that one way to save American lives is to prevent Saddam Hussein from engaging in something that can be far, far worse than the price we saw on September Despite this reluctance, Bush b told the press at his ranch in Texas: I’m going to continue doing the job the American people expect, which is to safeguard America and Americans My job is to protect the American people I’ve got my mind on the peace and security of the American people.

And I will do that Bush, c. For this, the US Senate and House of Representatives gave him the authority to ta e the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attac s that occurred on September 11, or harbored such persons or organizations The White House, The hero is often assisted by a trustworthy side- ic Propp, ?

The villain. Saddam Hussein is the villain in this tale, “the man who tried to ill my dad”, according to George W. Bush, referring to an alleged plot to assassinate B ush Senior in Kuwait in Lyon, With his dar suit, fedora and moustache, the gun-toting Saddam Hussein apparently fits in his frame as a Brando-esque villain Photo: CNN, In the words of Bush?

Richard Perle, chair of the Department of Defense? His brutal rule includes slaughter, rape, mutilation and the destruction of families? Saddam is wor ing feverishly to acquire nuclear weapons Perle, a. The Iraqi leader? Even Saddam? Much the same images were portrayed during Gulf War I, when Saddam was referred to as a Hitler, a dictator, a military strongman, a madman who was a menace to worl d peace and the American way of life, a beast and a monster that Bush Senior had t o destroy Kellner, The victim or princess.

In his 7 October speech in Cincinnati Bush l aid a perfect foundation for the future portrayal of the American nation as a victim i n the Gulf War II “fairytale”, who must be saved from the villain. In this speech, Bush rem inded the American people of 11 September , when America felt its vulnerability? We resolved then, and we are resolved today, to confront every threat, from any source, that could bring sudden terror and suffering to America. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, US government officials often reminded the American people of the tragedy of 11 September, thereby framing them as the victim: vulnerable and in need of a saviour Photo: New Yor Newsday, We now that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas.

Saddam Hussein also has experience in using chemical weapons. He warned that if Iraqi could obtain the smallest amount of enriched uranium, it could produce a nuclear weapon in less than a year: We’ve experienced the horror of September the 11th. We have seen that those who hate America are willing to crash airplanes into buildings full of innocent people. Our enemies would be no less willing, in fact, they would be eager, to use biological or chemical, or a nuclear weapon Bush, These views were repeated in January , when Bush again reminded the American people of their vulnerability and the threat Saddam posed: because of Al Qaeda connections, because of his history, he’s a danger to the American people, and we’ve got to deal with him before it is too late CBS, b.

The quest. The hero? Bush was quoted saying that Saddam was producing and hiding weapons that would enable him to dominate the region and intimidate “the civilized world? He continued to say that if Saddam? The safety of the American people depends on ending this direct and growing threat Bush, d. Bush announced the start of the war from the Oval Office, and told his nation that his quest was to disarm Saddam in order to protect the Americans Photo: The Boston Globe, a.

That duty falls to me as commander-in-chief by the oath I have sworn, by the oath I will eep. The terrorist threat to America and the world will be diminished the moment that Saddam Hussein is disarmed Bush, e. The donor. The US government acted as the donor of the magic agent that helped t he hero in his quest.

The US Congress recognised “the threat to [their] country” an d “voted overwhelmingly? Fully supportive of the war, despite a few in-house squabbles, “the House and Senate have been doing more cheerleading than debating or legislating when it comes to war-related issues” s ince the bombs started exploding over Baghdad St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Congress exercised its war power “by building and maintaining the military throu gh the budget?

The reason given for this united front was that once U. Congress is not li ely to leave them in a lurch St. In this instance, the US military acted as the magic agent prov ided by the government, the donor, to aid the hero in succeeding in his quest.

This “mag ic agent” was described in the media as an “immense force” that Bush was about to unleash Walcza , , acting with “breathta ing precision, almost eyewatering speed, persistence, agility and lethality” Sullivan, a in order to “to dis arm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger” Bush, g. President Bush gives the thumbs-up sign to his troops, framed as the magic agent with which he planned to obliterate the villain Photo: The Boston Globe, b.

The “peace of a troubled world” became the responsibility of the US military as Bush promised Saddam that he will use the “full force and might of the US military” a gainst him, referring to the coalition troops, six carrier battle groups, and m ore than aircraft that were ready to “pummel Iraq” Walcza , As the offensive stages of the war drew to a close, Bush told the troops onboard USS Abraham Lincoln tha t we have fought for the cause of liberty and for the peace of the world.

Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment, yet it is you, the members of the United States military, who achieved it Because of you our Nation is more secure. Because of you the tyrant has fallen and Iraq is free Bush, h. The victory. This was the moment when the “magic agent” brought the evil villain to a fall in a scene rich in symbolism: the US tan s rolling up to the statue on the Al Firdos square , a Marine covering the face of Saddam with the American flag, then removing it to r eplace it with the Iraqi flag, the Iraqis trying but not succeeding to pull down the st atue, the US Marines coming to the rescue, the giant Saddam that dominated the scene bowing t o the American forces, falling, and ultimately revealing that it is nothing but an emp ty shell.

The fall of this last statue became symbolic of the fall of the Iraqi government , even though Saddam himself had not been captured at that stage CNN, c. The Whit e House and 10 Downing Street agreed that these images did not represent the end o f the war and, in Blair?

When as ed by the media when the instant of victory might come, the reply was: ” I thin we will now that moment when we see it”. Instead, in another mad e-for- the-media scene, reminiscent of the film Top Gun, Bush dressed in a green flight suit and holding a helmet, got off a navy plane after it landed on the aircraft carri er USS Abraham Lincoln CNN, d. Despite the perception that the war ended when the statue was toppled in the heart of Baghdad, Bush received a hero? Hours later, he told the carr ier?

This message was however overshadowed by Bush? Although this happened outside the time frame of this study, it can be argued th at the hero, Bush, finally won the hand of the victim or princess, namely the American people, when they re-elected him as president in the elections.

Firstly, it was established why a theoretic al approach is necessary for a study of practical journalism. The news flow models of gate eeping, agendasetting and framing were subsequently examined.

The process o f gate eeping was discussed with special reference to Harcup and O? Neill’s updated version of Galtung and Ruge’s model of selective gate eeping, as well as Pamela Shoema er’s model, while agendasetting was studied in terms of McComb’s five stages of agendasetting. An exploration of framing failed to ident ify a single generally acceptable definition of the concept, but it was determined tha t various authors agreed that news may be framed as a story.

Consequently, Vladimir Propp’ s seminal analysis of fol tales was discussed and applied to general covera ge of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Also, studies are examined that employ story analyses reminiscent of Propp’s fairytale analysis to investigate news coverage. The primary objective of a literature review is to determine what has been done in the field of study and could therefore actually be referred to as a “scholarship rev iew” Mouton, The current study commenced in , shortly after Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Due to the recency of the war, completed studies of news coverage during the war was practically non-existent, with the exception of Hafez’s case study of the effects of military involvement in conflict perception. Initially, therefore, the review of scholarship on the ey issues of news flow and gate eeping, agenda setting and framing was done on studies that had nothing to do with either Gulf War II i n general or specifically Operation Iraqi Freedom, but which showed similarities i n some respect.

However, by the end of the current study, a large corpus of research on Gulf War II news coverage became available in academic journals. These scholarships were reviewed post hoc, and the most relevant wor s are included in this study for th e sa e of completeness.

In other words, much of the literature was reviewed not to determi ne possible duplication of research or the methodology used by those authors as it is done traditionally Mouton, , but to indicate various approaches that were fo llowed in studies that ran parallel to the current study.

Interestingly, shortly before the present study was concluded, the first results from a similar study conducted in the UK was published. The study by Robinson et al. The Robinson et al. Literature employed in the current study covers a wide field, as the study itsel f deals with war reporting from different angles, which necessitates a wide range of sou rces: 39?

Scholarly documents and monographs were consulted to support the theoretical approach to the study. Boo s, newspaper and magazine articles were included in the historiographical part of the study, but also in the theoretical study. Official documents from the US government were included to prove the intentionality of media management practices during the war. Interviews were conducted to give eyewitness accounts of the result of the med ia policies.

Video recordings of the television coverage of the war were used to refresh th e author’s memory with regard to the coverage of certain incidents during the war. The following were the main sources of information that was accessed and the locations where they were sourc ed:? Boo s, journal articles, as well as theses and dissertations were sourced from the libraries of the University of Stellenbosch and the Journalism Department at the University of Stellenbosch.

Theses, dissertations, conference papers and refereed journal articles we re consulted through the internet. US government, White House and Department of Defense policy papers, speech transcripts and other official documents were accessed via the internet. Hard copies and internet media archives of national and international newspape rs, magazines and academic journals were studied.

Approximately hours of video recordings of mostly CNN coverage of Operation Iraqi Freedom own collection was studied. Five interviews were conducted, four by e-mail and one telephonically. In the flow of news from its sources to the audience reporters and editors are responsible for the selection of news; therefore they are gate eepers Nosse , Journalists and editors are employed by media organisations, with the ir own priorities, and which form part of the greater media as institution. In turn, th e media as a whole is part of the social structure, and as such interacts with and is influen ced by other societal constructs.

When relevant news flow studies were identified, studies dealing with ne ws flow to South Africa were also considered, even though none of them deal with news fl ow during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The gate eeping studies that were reviewed only refer to Operation Iraqi Freedom coverage.

The most notable of these, e. De Beer, Serfontein, Naud? Because they form the basis of the analyse s in the present study, the wor done by the International Press Institute and Sreber ny- Mohammadi is discussed briefly.

War, politics and foreign relations are covered most frequentl y, while cultural activities and smaller nations as a whole are mostly ignored. Two of these findings are that politics and political actors dominate internatio nal news reporting everywhere, and that media across the globe tends to focus on events t a ing place in its immediate geographical region Stevenson, a.

The latter did no t apply to Operation Iraqi Freedom, when the South African media, li e that of hundreds of nations across the globe, enthusiastically covered a war that was geographically and politically far removed from the audience itself; the reasons for this could be the subject of a separate study on news values, news flow and gate eeping. Despite Sreberny-Mohammadi? This study, involving researchers in nearly 50 countries Stevenson, b , was seen as needed due to drastic 41 changes in global politics during the s, as well as economic changes causing political and social upheaval in especially Third World countries De Beer et al.

The results of the news flow study were never published in toto Schreiner, , but some participants decided to publish their “national” results, suc h as De Beer et al. These results represent two of the very few international studies of news flow to Afri ca Schreiner, This study also showed that compared to the global news flow study of cover age of international trade and sports increased while global politics received less attention.

In their study of international news flow and events covered by African media, D e Beer et al. They found that the media did not overly depend on the four agencies and that they us ed more stories from their own reporters and correspondents.

This implied a shorter news channel with fewer gate eepers to influence agendas and frames of the coverage.

A more recent news flow study in South Africa is the comprehensive wor of South African media analyst Wadim Schreiner who did a quantitative study of new s flow to, from, and within Africa. He noted that although South African news cove rage of events outside of Africa is decreasing, intense news incidents such as the at tac s on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon on 11 September tend to confuse the pic ture of news flow to Africa Schreiner, Internationally, a number of news flow studies were conducted since Operation Ir aqi Freedom, such as Hamilton and Jenner , Nosse and Horvit Th ese studies loo at the news flow phenomenon from a widely divergent range of viewpo ints.

In their study of the changing face of foreign correspondence, American mass communication scholars John Maxwell Hamilton and Eric Jenner , delineate changes in international news flow with the aim of elucidating the implications of such changes for future researchers who want to study the interp lay between news and international policy. Traditional foreign correspondents? Parachute journalists? Foreign foreign correspondent? Local foreign correspondent?

Foreign local correspondent? In-house foreign correspondent? Premium service foreign correspondent? Amateur correspondent? The authors of the study might have added a category for “expert non-affiliated foreign correspondents”, that is, foreigners who are experts in their field, but not jou rnalists per se, hypothetically for example, if South African naturalist conservationist Lawr ence Anthony would write a report for the Washington Post about the plight of the ani mals in the Baghdad Zoo.

Because the term “foreign correspondent” no longer defines the traditional conce pt, Hamilton and Jenner concludes: We cannot assess the health of foreign correspondence merely by counting the number of reporters sent abroad by major dailies and the networ s or by only analyzing stories in The New Yor Times, Newswee and CBS News. The Times London, UK and? None of the incidents occurred in the selected countries, which means that they all can be regarded as foreign news.

Nosse ‘s theoretical assumption was that when journalists identify foreign news events as their own “ours” , their professionalism is superseded by patriotism, but wh en an event is defined as “theirs”, traditional journalistic professional practices ar e followed : Expressed as a rule, we would say that the more? Nosse ‘s analyses indicate that 😕 After an event has been defined as terrorism, war or violent protest, journali sts determine whether it is “ours” or “theirs”.

When it is neither, coverage conform s to traditional norms of foreign news coverage. The location of the event is of no special importance as a news value. Not al incidences of political violence become foreign news? This belies the common notion that acts of terrorism guarantees publicity, which is the purpose of the deed. While the victim or target of the act may have an influence on the coverage, t he perpetrator has no control over whether or how the act will be reported on.

The study is interesting in terms of the flow of foreign news, but it is a pity that more recent acts of violence, such as the 11 September attac s on the US and the war in Iraq were not included; not only for the sa e of recency, but because the media landscape?

Nevertheless, the study gives insight into the logic of reporters during times of national crisis. American journalism academic Beverly Horvit conducted a study from another angle , namely to examine how six international news agencies reflected the internationa l structure of political power in the period prior to Gulf War II This is done to determine in what ways the news that most probably have reached the American public differed from news that flowed to the rest of the international community : whose perspectives were most salient, and was the coverage for or against the Bush administration’s foreign policies?

Analysing reports from international news agencies? According to Horvit , this is an indication that 44 the news agencies did not wor to cast doubt on a source? Horvit also notes that contrary to the views of some critics, Western news agenc ies cover a broader geographical area than their non-Western counterparts, and also provided news much more frequently However, the non-Western agencies reported on countries that would rarely be covered by Western agencies, such as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and the U raine, as well as Cuba, Cyprus and Nicaragua Horvit, Four of the agencies reported most frequently from the US and cited US officials more often than any other source Horvit, The study suggests that the West ern news agencies are even-handed in their reporting, with especially AP, AFP and Re uters getting “much closer to balancing positive and negative statements toward the US ” Horvit, Horvit concludes that [w]hile researchers have long studied the imbalance in the flow of news about particular countries, research into source dependency suggests the imbalance within the flow of international news should be addressed, as well An imbalance in sourcing practices is as problematic as?

This study gives a good idea of the leanings of the different news agencies, and it would be interesting if this study could be expanded in future to determine how the ag ency stories were eventually used by the media in different countries across the glob e. The news analysis of the current study partially addresses this issue. When reading these articles, however, it is clear that gate eeping is a ddressed.

Ravi studies the gate eeping role of nationality and elite opinion in the flow of news from its sources to the audience. The selected incidents and public addresses offer valuable points of reference to determine w hether the newspapers accepted, rejected or digressed from the official US war frame, a s well as to establish how national points of view and cultural and political differenc es shaped coverage of the war Ravi, Seven significant issues emerge from the study Ravi, 😕

The US war frame dominated coverage, as the rapid advance of the Anglo- American forces showed that they had the upper hand both strategically and operationally. The maxim that history is written by the victors proved true: the Iraqi war fr ame, with statements of fierce resistance and the coalition forces being halted in th eir trac s, was either ignored or derided. Reports seem to echo the values and views of the societies they belong to: US and UK coverage avoided images and reports of civilian deaths, as this “would represent a callous disregard for innocents and seem out of character with their own notion of their countries and their values”.

Patriotic coverage is a reality? Elite opinion directly affected coverage, especially in the US where it was di vided before the war, but unified behind the war effort once the attac s on Iraq began. Specific cultural and societal orientations are reflected in the coverage.

Wes tern society’s emphasis on the individual was mirrored in reports on individual casualties or rescue operations, while the South Asian emphasis was on the collective, which is in line with the value this society sets on the community, rather than the individual.

Truth and transparency pay off in information management: the Embedded Media Program and high-profile US briefings enhanced the credibility of the US military. Ravi did not consider the possibility that the “openness and truth telling” of the US administration’s information management was part of a carefully planned strategy, aimed specifically at influencing public opinion in favour of the US w ar effort Rumsfeld, a.

Palmer and Fontan loo at a completely neglected role-player in the gate eeping process, namely the fixer, and examine how this additional lin between the sour ce and the reporter impacts upon newsgathering in Iraq. Traditionally, the relay between an event and the reporter is seen as the “sourc e”? Because of the 46 brea down of security in Iraq since the war, as well as the language barrie r, the Western media became highly dependent on fixers, local citizens and reporters to report from Iraq.

These Iraqi? The reduced quality of the reporting resulting from the relationship with the fixers. To determine the ey issues in the minds of reporters and fixers Palmer and Font an conducted semi-structured interviews with 17 French and British reporte rs and 14 Iraqi fixers wor ing for US, UK and Japanese print and audio-visual media.

Language: hardly any of the Western journalists spo e Arabic. Recruitment: in most cases competent fixers were employed after coincidental o r friendship-based meetings. The fixer? They arrang e and even conduct interviews, translate, explain context to reporters, assess the security situation, handle dangerous situations and have access to networ s of local contacts.

The perception of ris arising from dependence on fixers: journalists fear mistranslation and omission of important information, that they will not blend with and understand the local population, and that the fixer will determine the reporters?

Parachute journalism and changes in foreign newsgathering: the traditional way foreign reporters operated had changed and now they seldom live long enough in an area to get to now the culture of their hosts, building up contacts, etc. Fixers help bridge the nowledge gap that is created by this practice. Palmer and Fontan conclude that the traditional foreign correspondent had change d dramatically during Gulf War II Media bureaus in Iraq are staffed by a rotation of reporters, who do not now the country and its people and are unable to spea Arabic, which ma es fixers indispensable.

Although Western reporters fear that their fixers would harm the quality of their reporting, an independent analysis is necessary to substantiate such a claim. The field of research begs to be expanded upon, for example, to determine the extent of the actual gate eeping done by fixers. Also, in view of the strict rules applied by the US military with regard to what embedded reporters were allowed to do, it ma es sense that locals who lead repor ters to stories the military would have preferred to be ignored, might cause problems.

I t would be interesting to study the stresses between the US military’s media policies an d the fixer-phenomenon. Despite the controversy about the gate eeping function of the US military, little research has been done on it. Furthermore, research on people in gate eeping positions does not explain the phenomenon in terms of the gate eeping as a theory, e. The reaso ns for this can only be speculated about. Howe ver, this study will focus on only two of those stages, namely first and second level agendasetting.

Also, although agendasetting is an effects theory, the reaction o f the audience to the set agendas is not tested as the focus of the study is on the fl ow of news. Agendasetting is a popular field of research, and during the period to scholars published the highest number ever 43 of international journal article s that refer to agendasetting Weaver, Obviously, not all of these stud ies refer to Gulf War II, but the controversial nature of the US government’s media polici es during the war proved fertile ground for scholarly studies on agendasetting.

Due to the number of studies that were published since the start of Gulf War II, the current study will only focus on agendasetting research done on coverage during the war. Research dealing with the period preceding the war includes studies by St. The main issue addressed in this study is the sources cited in coverage by the selected television broadc asters.

Five distinct groups of sources were identified Ayeni, : 48? This highlights an interesting and very important aspec t in the debate about partiality in reporting: while reporters may be unbiased in their presentation of information, the slant of the story may be determined by the sou rces they choose to cite Ayeni, Ayeni notes that the disproportionate number of government and militar y officials cited may be an indication of covert propaganda on the part of the Bus h administration’s “power bro ers”, which does not bode well to the general public who have to accept media reports reflecting the agenda set by the US government.

Thi s is a reasonable conclusion, although an in-depth study of the government’s media stra tegy may prove that this specific matter, namely the number of official sources cited , forms part of the more overt part of the US strategy.

Using second level agenda setting and framing Kang examines whether:? Results show that the news agenda before the war was dominated by war plans and diplomacy issues. After the start of the war the news agenda consisted almost en tirely of war reports, although in April criticism of the war plans was high on the a genda. In June and July , war intelligence and US casualties were added to the agen da. The results from Kang’s study shows:? While individual reports seem balanced, the mass of positive reports is responsible for the slant of the public opinion?

Ayish of the United Arab Emirates, also examine the way in which three television stations covered the war, but they concentrate on the way the Arab media, in particular Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya and Abu Dhabi Channel, covered the fall of Baghdad and the end of Saddam?

Neither Abu Dhabi Channel nor Al Arabiy a reported on anything but the war in Iraq, while Al Jazeera reported on Palestini ans who were illed and injured in Bait Hanoon in clashes with Israelis, as well as an e xplosion at a Palestinian high school that injured 27 pupils.

Zayani and Ayish conclude that the three television channels establi shed themselves as the main Arab source of information on the war and that the mobili sation of the channels is seen as a direct challenge to especially the US hegemony.

While no tears were shed on the fall of Saddam if anything the notable condemnation of the toppled Iraqi regime is a significant departure from Arab media? Behind the perspective that transpires from the coverage of the fall of Baghdad lies arguably a sense of malaise, resentment and frustration that emanates from several decades of defeat.

From a theoretical perspective, authors often se em to drift between theories, especially between second level agendasetting and framin g, sometimes treating them as variants of the same theory, for example the study by Kang This results in what Dietram Scheufele of the School of Journalism and M ass Communication at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and David Tew sbury refer to as “a confusing set of concepts and terminologies” , which seems to be quite common in literature on this field of study.

Of course, second level agendasetting and framing are interrelated and involves very similar, yet distinguishable cognitive processes and effects Weaver, ,1 Both refer to how issues are covered, rather than which issues are covered. This ma es it all the more confusing. The problem is enhanced by the fact that not even the ex perts in communication research seem to agree about the distinction between the two conce pts Weaver, Ayeni referred to the “agendasetting role” referred to by name of the sources cited by American television channels, while Nord and Str?

American Strategic Communication Professor Fran Dardis referred to a “paradigm” when writing about what other scholars would hav e called either an “agenda” or a “frame”, depending on the definition they accept. Because of this conundrum, an attempt will be made?

An “object” refers to topics, issues, and persons, which each have various attributes, i. Li e objects, attributes may also vary in salience, which ma es them equally powerful as agendasetting tools. Howe ver, when the war as object is examined closely, it becomes apparent that McCombs? A closer study of these incidents revealed that they too involved different issu es.

Coverage of the beginning of Gulf War II, for example, dealt with the number of missiles that were launched, how spectacular the pyrotechnics were, and the depl eted uranium in some of the rounds that were rained upon the city.

The success of the operation constituted the second level of the agenda, which was created by frame s such as myth the US army as the liberating saviour, stri ing selected targets with a lmost super-human precision , rites, rituals and traditions the ever-present American flag , jargon “shoc and awe” , and spin direct declarations by leaders of the positi ve outcome of the operation.

Figure 22 is an attempt by this author to illustrate the perceived multiple tier s that were identified within the two levels of agendasetting proposed by McCombs A telescopic view of multiple tiers of agendasetting and framing embe dded in the two levels of agendasetting proposed by McCombs Because of this lac of agreement amongst even the experts, the prol ific volume of framing research published during the first five years of ?

Interestingly, prior to , few academic papers wer e produced that dealt with framing theory Berenger, The growing populari ty of the theory in media research may be attributed to its being so well suited for s tudies in propaganda and public relations? Americ an Journalism and Mass Communication professor Ralph Berenger for example attempts to “lay the theoretical and conceptual groundwor to better understand global media? Susan Currie Sive of University of Texas at Austin compares the way embedded and unilateral newspaper reporters framed the war in Iraq and atte mpts to explain why the frames differed.

Three research questions are addressed:? How did newspaper reporters in Iraq frame their stories? Did the use of particular frames differ based on reporters’ status as embedded or unilateral? Do other characteristics of the reporters or their newspapers correlate with t he use of particular frames? To answer these questions, Sive analysed war reports by 57 journalists whose status as “embedded” or “unilateral” is nown that were published in the US, UK , Canada and Australia.

Eight topic categories are identified:? Soldiers’ lives? Reporters’ lives? Update on movements? Iraqi-American relations and future of Iraq? Iraqi daily life? Surrounding countries and Kurds’ concerns? Editorial or news analysis? Military capability and strategy Subsequently, Sive categorised the reports according to three dominant f rames that emerged from a pre-test of randomly selected reports, namely: 53?

Mixed The results of the analysis consistently shows that embedded reporters tended to adopt the “liberation” frame that was promoted by the US military, while unilateral re porters preferred either the “invasion” or “mixed” frames Sive , This suggests t hat one of the most important factors determining the frame of the war reports is the st atus of the reporter as either embedded or unilateral.

That attention is especially required given evidence of framing effects found in some studies. Dimitrova and Str? From this explication it is clear that fundamental cultural differences exist be tween the US and Sweden. For example, Sweden has a high newspaper readership, while the US has a low readership. Conversely, Sweden has a low level of television viewing, while the US has a high level of television viewing.

Sweden saw the war as a violation of international law; the US led the “coalition of the willing” against Iraq. They predicted that war reports in the US and Sweden would differ significantly in terms of tone, frames and sources. The newspapers differed significant ly with regard to the military conflict, responsibility, anti-war protest and progn ostic frames, but both used the human interest frame in 17 percent of the stories.

The y equally used the violence of war, media self-referential and diagnostic frames. Neither of the newspapers often used the diagnostic frame. Results also showed that The New Yor Times relied much more on official and military sources 92 percent than D agens Nyheter 40 percent. Interestingly The New Yor Times cited anonymous sources i n as many as 78 percent of the reports, while Dagens Nyheter did so in only 54 percen t of the stories.

The authors propose that these differences in coverage may ultimately reinforce and possibly increase global divisions about t he war.

The similarities in reporting, especially about human interest and media self-re ference, may “suggest a trend toward Americanisation of the journalism process”. The “nation al conflicts” conflicts refer to:? Pa istan and India? With the above classification in mind, Lee et al.

Are there significant differences between coverage of the war in Iraq and coverage of local conflicts by Asian newspapers, and if so, what are they? What are the most important indicators of war and peace journalism respectivel y in the coverage of the Iraq war and the Asian conflicts? Results show that a disproportionate number of stories were framed as war journa lism and fewer as peace journalism in local Asian reports, while the opposite is true of coverage of the war in Iraq Lee et al.

According to the study t he strongest indicators of the war frame in both the coverage of local Asian confli cts and in coverage of Gulf War II are:? The strongest indicators of the peace frame that emerged from the analysis of re ports on both the local Asian conflicts and Gulf War II are Lee et al. Most of the features and opinion pieces have a peace frame. The results a lso show a positive correlation between story length and the peace frame: the longer the story, the more li ely that it used the peace frame; the shorter the story the m ore li ely it is to be framed as war journalism.

It also seems that reports from foreign sourc es are more li ely to contain war frames and fewer peace frames than local Asian storie s. Other framing studies referring to the war in Iraq were conducted by Fahmy , Giffen , Lin and Boaz Some of the authors agree with one another, others disagree, an d many more write about completely divergent concepts, all referred to as “framing” Sc heufele, This disparity of approaches is exemplified by the dissimilarity of fr aming studies on war reporting.

For example, Denise St. In a study of media coverage before and during Gulf War I, American Philosophy of Education Professor Douglas Kellner found t hat the war was framed as “a simple conflict between good and evil”, which agrees wi th only one of the aspects addressed by Lee et al.

A review of the most recent framing analyses on Gulf War II creates an impressio n of a multitude of researchers all wor ing towards a collective goal, but with none n owing what the others are doing?

If the same research coul d be underta en using common parameters for delineating frames, a much better picture would emerge of how the war was framed on a global scale. As it stands now, fram e research on Gulf War II is a collection of disparate and disconnected? Suggestions by scholars such as Hallahan , Alan Knight, Australian Journalism, Me dia and Communication scholar , Berins y and Kinder , and film ma er and media critic Peter Wat ins about the “story” side of news promp ted the exploration of the use of the story?

Pfc Jessica Lynch , prompted t his researcher to loo into the possibility of using a story frame for the analysis of war coverage. Interesting wor has however been done in other fields, such as political studie s and military studies. For example, in his boo War stories American political scientist Bruce D.

Lar i n loo s at accounts of war from a political? Ac cording to Lar in, “[a]ccounts of wars are ‘stories’, a in to other inds of stories” 2 He continues to assign events during Gulf War I to the categories suggested by Prop p and concludes that “[t]here are startling parallels”. This salience of a story frame in times of conflict is also highlighted by milit ary scholars Casebeer and Russell , who loo at the attac s of 11 September 20 01 as part of a narrative?

While the public regarded the attac s as defining? Casebeer and Russell propose the creation of a comprehensive “counter- narrative strategy” to oppose the “Al Qaeda narrative”. Bin Laden, who portrays himself as following in the footsteps of Muhammad. He is on a heroic journey and struggles against great odds in a way that ma es him almost as mythic in stature as Muhammad himself? Bin Laden presents himself as part of a heroic battle against Western imperialism and decadence, a story that forms part of the very fabric of Muslim history?

The authors suggest that the countering of the Al Qaeda narrative should be a critical mission requirement of any strategy to confront the organization? Myth creation usually involves the effective use of narrative. As we formulate an? Good stories need protagonists, antagonists, tests for the protagonist, a promise of redemption, and a supporting cast of characters at the very least.

He explains that by treating decision ma ers as storytellers, it is possible to see the conflict between them as a problem of in tertextuality Ringmar notes that while narratives are often based on the same fact s, their interpretations and thus their conclusions differ : stories present different agendas for action and thereby different moral choices.

Consequently, it is not surprising that decision-ma ers who tell different stories end up disagreeing with one another. Ringmar points out narratives have always followed a predictable plot, which is why it grabs and holds the attention of the audience, and why the audience is able to m a e sense of it Four classical types of narratives are examined, namely? The hero is dashing and daring? Often there are three stages to the quest: first the perilous journey, next the struggle or the conquest, and finally the exaltation of the hero.

In all these respects the enemy is the hero? The remaining characters are either for or against the hero, and obviously there is never any doubt about whose side the audience is on. According to Ringmar romance is the story type favoured by “idealists and world- improvers of all inds”, such as free-mar et enthusiasts, anti-Communist crusade rs, Greenpeace activists, Esperanto-spea ers and anti-globalization protesters, as w ell as politicians and social elites : These are people who believe that evil can be defeated, that the world can be made into a better place, and usually also that they are the very instruments chosen by God, Providence or History to carry out this tas.

Occasionally, the romantics are pacifists, but more often they are warli e and fully prepared to fight for their beliefs. The world as they see it presents a struggle between good and evil, and evil must be annihilated for good to prevail. The story frame based on Propp? Following his own mind, he comes into conflict with the laws of society or nature, and as the social or natural order is re-established the hero is relentlessly crushed.

In the end no one escapes and no one gets away with anything, no matter how good the intentions. In fact, the better the intentions, the more decisive the defeat will be. In the war in Iraq the tragic narrative was promoted by the traditional American foreign policy establishment who declared that “[i]f we want peace we have to prepare fo r war, and only we ourselves can guarantee our own preservation” Ringmar, , 40 7.

Comedy commonly refers to an act designed to elicit laughter, but as a narrative type it refers to “a comedy of errors”, an account of conflicts and misconceptions that are accidentally resolved during the course of the story Ringmar, Our enemies should not be destroyed, but instead engaged in conversation; hence the importance of international organizations and fora.


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