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Embassy Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina The list contains selected publications and links e. The information above may be helpful to librarians, teachers, students, researchers, and organizations concerned with education and training in both the private and public sectors. Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov. May , p. The title below is the only title that we found. It is published by the National Library of Cambodia in As a general rule, the residents of Hong Kong rely mainly on the Chinese language resources available in Mainland China, both online and in print, and therefore very seldom produce and publish their own online and print resources in Hong Kong.

However, in the years ahead, we may see more Hong Kong information literacy published materials produced by Hong Kong librarians and information science professionals because Hong Kong’s multicultural environment is unique and different from Mainland China, and may therefore warrant a somewhat different treatment of how the information literacy concept is understood, applied and practiced.

Meanwhile, we strongly suggest that users consult the Mainland China entry in this database because it contains a far greater number of information literacy resources. As a general rule, the residents of Macau rely mainly on the Chinese language resources available in Mainland China, both online and in print, and therefore very seldom produce and publish their own online and print resources in Macau. However, in the years ahead, we may see more Macau information literacy published materials produced by Macau librarians and information science professionals because Macau’s multicultural environment is unique and different from Mainland China, and may therefore warrant a somewhat different treatment of how the information literacy concept is understood, applied and practiced.

Meanwhile, we strongly suggest that users consult the Mainland China entry in this database because it contains a far larger number of information literacy resources. Information Literacy standards and guidelines, teaching methods, researches underway, model lesson plan outlines, etc.

The contributors wish to emphasize that no attempt has been made to produce an exhaustive, comprehensive and authoritative listing, but only to generate a partial list of some of the most significant IL resources that are available and accessible at this point in time from China Mainland sources. Thank you, and we hope that this endeavor will be helpful and timely, especially to Information Literacy teachers, students, researchers, government agencies, professional associations, and institutions and organizations concerned with education and training, in countries with Chinese speaking populations, not only in Mainland China but elsewhere around the world.

Finally, we acknowledge that some Information Literacy resources have been created and published in China but are available in languages other than Chinese. No attempt has been made to be completely comprehensive or authoritative, nor have the entries been peer-reviewed. Moreover, there are many information resources which have been created in Croatia but published in languages other than Croatian, such as English and other languages. Edupoint, 3, Developing students’ information literacy by preparing seminar papers.

Tema broja: Informacijska pismenost. The selection was aimed at more general articles and papers, rather than on the particular projects in libraries. The list contains theoretical journal articles and papers, strategic and methodological documents, as well as various surveys reports. Websites of several working groups and projects are also included. There are conferences and seminars organized every year in the Czech Republic, focusing on the topic of information literacy and information education — links to their websites are part of the following list.

There is no specialized journal focusing on information literacy published in the Czech Republic. However, there is a special IL issue of a peer-reviewed journal ProInflow that was published in We have decided to include this issue in the list as well.

Since than many articles on that topic have been published, many seminars and conferences organized and teaching librarians discovered several platforms suitable for sharing information, experiences and good practices.

Many master thesis and some doctoral dissertations have been focusing on the topic of information literacy or more theoretically on the educational aspects of library science and librarianship. Also, and most importantly, information literacy courses, classes and workshops became part of curriculum at many universities.

There are also IL programs being implemented in to the curricula at the elementary and high schools. The position of teaching librarian has been established on numerous universities and information literacy development became a part of long-term plans of several universities. There was a lot of work done, but there are also many tasks ahead of us.

Nowadays, for example, the focus is on finding ways how to assess the outcomes of information literacy program and how to find out if our students are learning what we are trying to teach. ISSN — Ikaros, 6 ProInflow, The list has been put together collaboratively by the above preparers. The field is growing and resources and texts are being added all the time, and existing resources are being updated and amended, and some perhaps even deleted.

The preparers would appreciate having any errors of omission or commission being brought to their attention. Opgavetips kan hentes i Google Play og App Store. Her er brugeren det fjerde medlem af en projektgruppe.

Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi, DEFF-rapport, Rapporter fra Biblioteksstyrelsen, nr. Of course there are many Information Literacy resources which have been created by Dutch persons in other languages such as English. Actually most scientific publications are in English.

We simply wanted to ensure here, by compiling this listing, that our own indigenous Dutch language Information Literacy resources are made more visible and we don’t risk them being ignored. Brand-Gruwel, S. Word informatievaardig! Digitale informatie selecteren, beoordelen en verwerken.

Groningen: Noordhoff. Informatievaardigheden voor leraren. Goochelen met informatievaardigheden : een didactische aanpak. A platform for people involved in teaching and instruction on dealing with scientific information to staff and students of college and university. It is hoped that more research can be undertaken, and the development of additional practical materials in the future, will help the Bhutanese people understand and use IL concepts and tutorials to help solve their personal, family, community and business problems.

The collection of information literacy resources is neither comprehensive nor authoritative and the list has not been peer-reviewed. Consequently the preparer would be grateful to receive useful additions to this list. It contains published books, articles and papers, websites and blogs, links to standards and guidelines, and links to some of the organizations with a particular focus on information literacy. Items indicated with an asterisk are suitable for younger learners, offering information literacy skills at a more basic level.

The importance of information literacy has been well-recognised in Australia and Australian schools since the s. The first Information skills in the school document was published in and the principles are embedded in the new Australian school curriculum.

There are a great many more resources available on the topic. The intention is that this list may be of use to teachers of information literacy, students, researchers, professional associations and those involved in education and training, and government agencies. Learning for the future; developing information services in schools, 2nd edn. Curriculum Corporation: Carlton, Vic. Statement on information literacy for all Australians. Developing the information literate person: the UTS framework and strategic plan.

Information and research skills for assessment success. Excel: Senior High School. Separate but equal: librarians, academics and information literacy. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 34 1 , Bales, J. Constructing communities of learning and literacy. Booker, D. The learning link: information literacy in practice. Blackwood, S. Bruce, C. Seven faces of information literacy. Adelaide: Auslib Press.

Information literacy programs and research: An international review. The Australian Library Journal, 49 3 , Information literacy around the world. Information literacy as a catalyst for educational change: A background paper. Danaher Ed. The Australian Library Journal, 60 4 , Six frames for information literacy education: exploring the challenges of applying theory to practice.

Information literacy — the challenges of implementation. Informed learning: A pedagogical construct connecting information and learning. Library and Information Science Research, 32 4 , Supporting informed learners in the twenty first century.

Library Trends, 60 3 , Bundy, A. Problems are the solution: keys to lifelong learning. Brisbane: Capra Ryan. Clyde, L. International Trends and Developments in School Librarianship. Retrieved from www. Collaboration plus! The development of an information literacy and communication program. Australian Library Journal, 53 2 , Edwards, S. Panning for gold: information literacy and the Net Lenses model. Ellis, J. Information literacy milestones: building upon the prior knowledge of first-year students.

Australian Library Journal, 53 4 , Farmer, L. Information literacy assessment in K settings. Lanham: Scarecrow. The twin purposes of Guided Inquiry: guiding student inquiry and evidence-based practice.

SCAN, 30 1 , Information literacy: ideas and digital resources for meaningful collaboration. SCAN, 30 2 , Harlan, M. Teen content creators: experiences of using information to learn. Library Trends, 60 3. Henri, J. The information literate school community 2: Issues of leadership. Topics in Australian teacher librarianship, number 5. The information literate school community: best practice. Creating a culture of transfer for information literacy skills in schools.

Ainsworth Ed. Herring, J. Information literacy and transfer in schools: implications for teacher librarians. The Australian Library Journal, 60 2 , Transferring information literacy practices: implications for teacher librarians and teachers. SCAN, 30 3 , Ivey, R. Information literacy: how do librarians and academics work in partnership to deliver effective learning programs.

Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 34 2 , Langford, L. Information literacy: a clarification. School Libraries Worldwide, 4 1 , Lipu, S. Exploring methods in information literacy research. Lloyd, A. Practising information literacy: bringing theories of learning, practice and information literacy together. Lupton, M. The learning connection: information literacy and the student experience. Information literacy and learning. Windows of information literacy worlds: generic, situated and transformative perspectives.

Talja Eds. Bringing theories of learning, practice and information literacy together, pp. Information skills in the school: engaging learners in constructing knowledge. Information skills training: a factor in student satisfaction with access to high demand material.

Quality teaching: information skills and literature circles. Book 1: Years 1 — 3. Capalaba, Qld: CRA. Ryan, J. Book 2: Years 4 – 5. Book 3: Years 6 – 8. Book 4: Years 9 — Information literacy toolkit: Grades K — 6. Chicago: American Library Association. Information literacy toolkit: Grades 7 and up. Todd, R. A theory of information literacy: in-formation and outward looking. Bruce Eds. Web tools to support inquiry based learning.

Information literacy: the information search process. Information literacy — Australian resources. SACS Library units incorporating information literacy skills. ISP matrix K ISP matrix Information skills in the school. Retrieved www.

Research skills. Centre for Learning Innovation. Information transformation: teaching and learning strategies for research, projects and activities.

Book A: Planning for research. Book B: Finding information. Book C: Sense of information. SCAN 30 4 , All you need to teach information literacy, 5 — 8 years.

South Yarra, Vic. All you need to teach information literacy, 8 – 10 years. The really helpful research book for primary schools. Our library, our learning centre: an activity book on how to use the library for junior primary. Learning to think, thinking to learn: Models and strategies to develop a classroom culture of thinking. Heatherton, Vic. Lift off to learning in inquiry-based classrooms, by linking thinking and information literacy.

Planning with a thinking focus. We solve it! Approaches to information literacy. Carlton, Vic. Advanced research skills: Classroom strategies to build advanced research skills. Library literacy: managing the information explosion. The list is not to be regarded as exhaustive or authoritative; rather, it provides an entry point to Canadian information literacy resources and publications in English. New IL resources are being produced and published continuously, so this listing can only be regarded as a snapshot of the current environment.

We urge readers to bring omissions and any errors to our attention. We also call your attention to a Francophone Canadian listing that is separately available in this publication. Branch, and Dianne Oberg. Ottawa: Canadian Association for School Libraries, Ottawa: CARL, Guide for Teaching Librarians. Toronto: University of Toronto, Concordia University, n.

It was created to manage question and response data from the Augustana Library’s library instruction sessions, pre- and post-tests from credit-bearing information literacy IL courses, and user surveys. It has now expanded beyond its original function and is being used to manage question and response data from a variety of settings.

Bloomington, IN: iUniverse. Badke, William. Oxford, UK: Chandos, Farquharson, J. Robinson, L. Sloniowski, Lisa, and Tom Adam. The preparer wishes to emphasize that no attempt has been made to produce a comprehensive, inclusive and authoritative listing, but only to generate a list of some of the most significant IL resources that are available and accessible at this point. The preparers also realize that this is only a snapshot in time because new resources are being created virtually continuously, existing ones updated or maybe deleted.

Australian and New Zealand information literacy framework: Principles, standards and practice. Best practice characteristics for developing information literacy in New Zealand universities: A guideline. The school library and learning in the information landscape: Guidelines for New Zealand schools. Developing contextual perceptions of information literacy and information literacy education in the Asian region.

Singh Eds. Digital information literacy: Supported development of capability in tertiary environments. Our emerging net generation: Are they information literate? New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 45 1 , Ladbrook, J. Information skills and critical literacy: Where are our digikids at with online searching and are their teachers helping? Information literacy: A framework for inquiry learning.

How can I teach it if I don’t know what it is? Access, 20 1 , Wang, L. Sociocultural theories and their application in information literacy research and education. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 42 4 , An information literacy integration model and its application in higher education. Reference Services Review, 39 4 , Curriculum and curriculum integration of information literacy in higher education. Hepworth, M. Wartho, R. The three tiers of information literacy: A model for developing lifelong literacy at a tertiary institution.

Information literacy or transliteracy: What’s the difference? Closing the gaps: Maori and information literacy.

Unlocking the potential of school libraries: What actions are New Zealand primary school principals taking to integrate the school library in information literacy initiatives? Developing information literate students who will become lifelong learners: Improving the current situation in New Zealand. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Auckland, New Zealand. Developing information-literate students: Finding out how well New Zealand secondary teachers are equipped to achieve this aim.

Roy, L. A holistic approach to embedding information literacy in the design, delivery, and assessment of an undergraduate business programme. Jacobson Eds. Emerson, L. Information maps: Supporting students through their research and writing processes. Right from the start: A rationale for embedding academic literacy skills in university courses.

Ubiquitous information: An eFellow report on the use of mobile phones in classrooms to foster information literacy skills. Information literacy courses: A shift from a teacher-centred to a collaborative learning environment. Orr, F. Nouwens, C. Macpherson, R. Danaher Eds. Keynote and refereed papers from the 4th International Lifelong Learning Conference pp. Sociocultural learning theories and information literacy teaching activities in higher education.

Spicing up information literacy tutorials: Interactive class activities that worked. Public Services Quarterly, 6 1 , Zdravkovic, N. An investigation into the interactive teaching practices of librarians in information literacy instruction at the University of Auckland library.

Professional development Dorner, D. Educating information literacy educators in Asia-Oceania. Identification of strategies to improve digital information literacy skills amongst frontline public library staff.

Unpublished Master of Information Studies. An IL integration model and its application in curriculum integration and staff development in higher education. Information literacy — Academic staff. Information Literacy [Wiki]. Online information literacy: Modules. No attempt has been made to be comprehensive, nor have the citations been peer-reviewed.

Also, we acknowledge that some important information literacy resources are also available in several other languages because Singapore is a multilingual culture.

Please bring any errors or omissions to our attention. The 4 ways to be S. An introductory video on S. Case of the mysterious map A short film targeted at children that introduces the viewers to the elements of S. Be Search Smart An overview of the research process to help students to do their school projects efficiently. The truth behind Chinese New Year superstitions? An introduction to common Chinese New Year superstitions and how students can use NewspaperSG as a credible source to verify information on them.

To tweet or not to tweet? Six steps to success An introduction to the Big 6 Research Model to teach information literacy skills to students. Each cheat sheet also comes with an accompanying list of selected sources for further reading. Social Enterprises An introduction to the origins of social enterprises and the types of social enterprises in the world. It also features social enterprises in Singapore and provides resources for students to do further research, incorporating the use of S.

Environmental Champions An introduction to the environmental challenges in Singapore, how citizens can help to reduce environmental pollution and provides instructions on how students can conduct further research on the internet to find out more. Newspapers An introduction to the different types of newspapers, the various e-resources available via NLB to access digital newspapers and teaches on students how to make use of NewspaperSG.

Citations: A Quick Guide A guide for students on the importance of doing citations, when they should do it and the common citation styles. Students are also taught how to use the print materials in the library to familiarize themselves with the different citation styles.

Capteh, Shuttlecock or… An introduction to the game of Capteh and its alternative names and how to play the game. Guidelines are also provided to help students to find information regarding the game online, via the print medium and via NewspaperSG database.

Singapore Facts and Images A comprehensive factsheet to locating official and reliable facts on Singapore. A guideline is also provided to aid students in their search for online information on Singapore. Environment Champion Highlights a variety of resources which focus on simple ways to save the environment.

Population in Singapore Recommends relevant books, journal articles and websites on the Singapore population. Understanding Singapore Highlights selected resources for people to understand how the environment in Singapore influences the lives of Singaporeans.

Houses in Singapore Provides information regarding houses in Singapore from the past and in the present. Geography Highlights resources that are related to Geography that are available in the libraries in Singapore and on the internet. Articles Get It Right! Articles features interviews with people from all walks of life and show how they make use of information literacy skills on a daily basis.

This six-step process mirrors the lifelong learning process and can be applied in any area of life. Readers are encouraged to also consult the contributions in other regional indigenous languages which are in this database, such as Afrikaans, Sotho, Sepedi, Xhosa, Zulu and others.

The preparers fully realize that this is only a snapshot in time because new resources are being created virtually continuously, existing ones updated, or some entirely deleted. Moreover, they also are aware that resources have been created in the UK in languages other than English, and, because English is considered a major world language, they also know that IL resources have been created in many, if not most of the other countries in the world.

They would appreciate any errors of omission or commission being brought to their attention. The list is arranged in eight broad categories, with scope notes for each: 1. Definitions, Frameworks and Standards 2. Groups and Organizations 3. Conferences 4. Research Resources 5.

Metasites Repositories, Directories 6. Listservs 7. Teaching Resources Books, Lesson Sites, etc. The Task Force also focused as much as possible on freely available resources. Final report.

Information literacy competency standards for higher education. Standards for libraries in higher education. Standards for the 21 st century Learner. Information literacy: A review of the research 2nd ed. Provides an extensive list of information literacy and research skills models, mainly from the US, and includes critical descriptions. Reframing information literacy as metaliteracy. Proposes an umbrella term and concept encompassing many different literacies. Skills that travel: Transliteracy and the global librarian.

They produce information literacy publications including books, journals, newsletters, bibliographies and lessons , recognize outstanding work, maintain online communication venues, and provide professional development, such as conferences that may address information literacy.

It has a strong literacy agenda and offers many resources. Offers a popular conference and newsletter. The site is free, but the conference is not. The following website collates a broad spectrum of conferences. National Forum on Information Literacy. Information Literacy Related Conferences. This site is free, but the conferences may not be.

Information literacy: Advancing opportunities for learning in the digital age. Queenstown, MD: Aspen Institute. Public Praxis: A vision for critical information literacy in public libraries. Public Library Quarterly 29 2 Advocates offering information literacy instruction in public libraries, with examples of its value. Committee on defining deeper learning and 21st century skills. Pellegrino, James W. Education for life and work: Developing transferable knowledge and skills in the 21st century.

Washington, D. Information literacy A selected literature review. Library Trends, 51 2 , The major organizations also provide such lists of resources. Value of Academic and Research Libraries. LISTSERVS: These online resources serve as current awareness, information and support for those interested in information literacy instruction at various educational levels.

Some information literacy leaders and groups maintain other online communications also found in organizational websites. Note that many teaching resources may be adapted for different audiences. Also see the main AASL website. The authors aim to blur the boundary between theory and practice, enabling all to develop a critical practice of library instruction.

Instruction Section. Also see the main ACRL website. Research strategies: Finding your way through the information fog 4th ed. Bloomington, IN: IUniverse. Reflective teaching, effective learning: Instructional literacy for library educators. Chicago: American Libraries Association. Outlines and employs a four part information literacy framework: reflective practice, educational theory, teaching technologies, and instructional design, with the goal of creating learner-focused instruction.

Rockman Instruction Publication of the Year Award winning book. The blue book on information age inquiry, instruction and literacy. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited. A compendium of information literacy key documents, models, standards, and instructional strategies.

Instructional design for librarians and information professionals. New York: NealSchuman. Information literacy and workplace performance. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Covers basic skills, thinking and decisionmaking, creativity enhancement, innovation and risk taking, computer literacy, subject matter literacy, as well as learning how to learn. TAGS: librarians, educators, researchers, practitioners, workplace, teaching, book, fee Gradowski, G.

Designs for active learning. Examples of exercises and other methods for engaging learners, adaptable for various age and educational levels. Information literacy instruction: Theory and practice 2nd ed.

New York: Neal-Schuman. Comprehensive background on information literacy, teaching and learning, planning, implementing, and assessing information literacy instruction. Rockman Instruction Publication of the Year Award winning book edition. Guided inquiry: Learning in the 21st century. Westport, Conn. Information literacy instruction that works: A guide to teaching by discipline and student population. Rockman Instruction Publication of the Award winning book.

Angelo, T. Classroom assessment techniques 2d ed. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Detailed descriptions of various methods for checking on learning during and immediately following instruction, with examples of usage.

Many techniques are usable or adaptable for information literacy-related instruction. Information literacy assessment in K12 settings. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. International overview of K12 information literacy, learning, and ways to assess it. Journal of Documentation, 65 4 See the English language, U. Items included in each language listing should be arranged in categories.

Each category should include a scope note. Each item should have one or more tags. A controlled vocabulary of tags should be developed, for consistency and ease of searching.

Categories and tags utilized for each language listing should be included in the introduction to that language listing. No attempt has been made to be either comprehensive or authoritative, nor have the entries been peer-reviewed. Therefore, the preparer invites reviewers to bring any errors of omission or commission to their attention. The preparer also realizes that this is only a snapshot in time because information resources are being created and published virtually continuously, and modifications are often made to existing ones, or some even discontinued.

Finally, there are some information resources which have been created in Anglophone West Africa but authored and published in languages other than English, such as French and other official or unofficial languages. Information literacy for distance learners; the role of the University of Cape Coast. Master’s thesis. Aggrey, S. Information literacy among second and third year medical students of of University of Ghana Medical School.

Acquah, G. An assessment of information literacy skills of students of University of Education, Winneba. Akussah, S. A study of information literacy levels of parliamentarians in Ghana. Anafo, P. Promoting information literacy among undergraduate students of Ashesi University College. Buer, V. Asamoah-Hassan Chair. Making students become information literate: some issues to be considered. In Alemna, A. Winneba: Committee of University Librarians and their Deputies.

Awareness and use of electronic resources at a University campus in Ghana. Ghana Library Journal, 21, 2 Buer, V. Teaching of information literacy as a credit- bearing course at two Ghanaian universities: a comparative study.

Pakistan Journal of Library and Information Science, 11, Dadzie, P. Information literacy: assessing the readiness of Ghanaian Universities. Information Development, 23 4 , Lamptey, F. Information literacy levels among graduate students of the University of Cape Coast. Mensah, J. The role of information literacy in tertiary education: the case of Kumasi Polytechnic. Sebuava, S. Information literacy among post graduate students of the University of Ghana.

Tiamiyu, G. An assessment of information literacy skills among undergraduates students of the Institute of Professional Studies. Gobbo uva. Readers may be aware that Esperanto is a contact language in use by a community of practice spread worldwide, making a modern, alternative and efficient means of communication. The main goal of the Esperanto Movement is to spread the knowledge of Esperanto so to facilitate transnational communication among people belonging to different language groups on an equal and fair basis see the Prague Manifesto, , for details.

Therefore, most of the efforts in the field of IL by the Esperanto Movement is in giving access to the language. In fact, most Esperanto courses in the world are given for free or at very low fees, and a lot of material is put in the internet in order to achieve this goal.

In particular, the multilingual web portal Lernu. For instance, the Esperanto Wikipedia is one of the most lively elaborated and discussed of the world. Retrieved: 28 feb Esperanto Wikipedia. International Academy of Sciences San Marino. Retrieved: 28 feb Lernu [Learn! Retrieved at 28 feb In Esperanto, with abstract in Esperanto, English and Slovak. Prague Manifesto Versions in English and many other languages. The list contains selected Information Literacy publication and document citations or links e.

The author would like to emphasize that no attempt has been made to produce an exhaustive, comprehensive and authoritative listing, but only to generate a partial list of some of the most significant IL resources that are accessible at this point in time from Estonian sources in the Estonian language.

It is fully realized that this listing of selected items is only a “snapshot in time” and that new IL resources are being added virtually every month, and existing ones amended, updated, superseded or entirely deleted. Thank you and we hope that this endeavor will be helpful and timely, especially to Information Literacy teachers, students, researchers, government agencies, professional associations and institutions and organizations concerned with education and training in both the private and public sectors, in countries with Estonian speaking populations around the world.

Infokirjaoskuse ABC. Tuisk, E. Intellektuaalomandi kaitse. Teadusinfo otsing internetis. Kasutajakoolitus raamatukogus. Info hankimise ja otsinguprotsessi uurimisest. Austrin, M. Jujendaja: M. Juhendaja: S. Karp, M. Kotkas, K. Juhendaja: P. Miljan, A. Juhendaja: A. Neljandi, M. Tallinn: Tallinna Pedagoogiline Instituut. Perend, K. Juhendaja: M. Juhendaja: K. Viigipuu, K. Vilimaa, K. Juhendaja: E.

Selected Publications and Documents: Kinkar, V. Raamatukogu, 5 , Lepik, K. Raamatukogu, 6, Mastromatteo, J. Raamatukogunduskogemusi Venezuelast. Miil, K. Raamatukogu, 6. Ojasaar, H. Pihlau, J. Solo, K. Muutuvad trendid infootsingus — staatilisest veebist semantilise veebini. Riigikogu Toimetised. Viigipuu-Kreintaal, K. Virkus, S. Artiklite kogumik. Metsar, T. Infootsingu strateegiad, taktika ja tehnikad.

Joseph M. The contributor wishes to emphasize that no attempt has been made to produce an exhaustive, comprehensive and authoritative listing, but only to generate a partial list of some of the most significant IL resources that are accessible at this point in time from Filipino sources in the Filipino language. Finally, we acknowledge that some Information Literacy resources have been created and published in The Philippines but are available in languages other than Filipino.

Some of the Information Literacy sources are written in English. Titles are written in Filipino Tagalog or another native language but the content is in English. Pri-Ann M. Samson Batiancila, M.

Conference Batiancila, M. Articles, Blogs and write-ups Batiancila, M. Public Libraries and Literacy. CLAI Journal. Demystifying Information Literacy. Doronila, Cielito C. Calvelo, Cecilia C. Sipin ; disenyoni, Tess P. Manzo ; kontribusyonnina, Larry Cervales Doronila, Flora G.

Cruz, Bert Peeters; kaubanangmgasalmotnila, Virgilio B. Esguerra ; hinubad sa Cebuano ni Chris Bruza. The contributors wish to emphasize that no attempt has been made to produce an exhaustive, comprehensive, inclusive and authoritative listing, but only to generate a partial list of some of the most significant IL resources that are available and accessible at this point in time from Finnish language sources and authors. Finally, we acknowledge that some Information Literacy resources have been created and published in Finland but are available in languages other than Finnish.

Informaatio, informaatiolukutaito ja oppiminen. Tampere: Tampere University Press. Meyrick Alexander. He is a regular guest principal with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment. He has performed extensively as a chamber musician and as a guest with nearly every British symphony and chamber orchestra, and is also a regular soloist at the annual International Double Reed Conference in the USA, Australia and the UK. In contemporary music, he is the dedicatee of a number of solo works and has performed with the London Sinfonietta.

He has also served on the jury on three major international competitions. Chen Yeung-ping. Yeung-ping Chen is a Hong Kong-born composer.

Chen is currently a doctoral candidate at the UCLA, with research focusing on telematic musical composition and hyper-transcriptional compositional process “Sonic Engraving” under the supervision of Prof. Lei Liang. Elpidio Magat. Elpidio Magat joined Ballet Manila in June David Ho-yi Chan.

David Ho-Yi Chan b. Between and , Chan was invited to present his works in various international conferences and music festivals. Minna Pensola. She is a founding member of the most internationally successful Finnish string quartet Meta4 which is the first prize winner of the Dimitri Shostakovich String Quartet Competition Moscow and the Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition Vienna Meta4 performs regularly in key music capitals and concert halls around the world.

Minna Pensola is a co-founder of The Punavuori Chamber Music Society, and runs a club for classical music in her home town Helsinki since Joan Emery Sia. The Trondheim Soloists. Founded in , the Trondheim Soloists has since established itself as one of the most distinguished ensembles in Norway, carving out its own musical territory with passion, perfection and raw intensity. The ensemble is also a three-time winner of the Spellemannpriser Norwegian music awards , boasting an impressive resume of ten Grammy nominations as well as glowing international reviews with an addition of four recordings.

The year saw the beginning of a fruitful collaboration with the illustrious violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter, which included concerts, tours and recordings. The orchestra has performed with leading artists not only in classical music, but also in jazz, folk music, rock and pop. Under the leadership of Artistic Director Geir Inge Lotsberg since , the ensemble continues to develop the virtuosity and confidence that allow them to play what they want, when they want, and to take chances rather than play safe.

Members of the Trondheim Solosists also devote their time to the development of musical talent and the fostering of an enduring musical environment in their home town. The promotion of Norwegian music and of contemporary music is also a strong commitment. The ensemble never travels abroad without Norwegian music on its program, and it has premiered about 50 works specially written for the orchestra.

Zheng Yang. He was also twice winner of the concerto competition at the Academy. In addition to giving solo performances, Zheng is also a devoted chamber musician. They also took part in the prestigious Aspen Music Festival in Colorado on a full scholarship. Pan Ya-sze. Alexander Sitkovetsky. Alexander Sitkovetsky was born into a family with a well-established musical tradition in Moscow.

His concerto debut came at the age of eight, the same year he moved to the UK to study at the Menuhin School. Sitkovetsky is a regular guest soloist in nationwide tours of the UK, including tours with the Brussels Philharmonic and St Petersburg Symphony Orchestra.

He has also toured as guest director with the Australian Chamber Orchestra. Sitkovetsky was awarded first prize at the Trio di Trieste Duo Competition alongside pianist Wu Qian, with whom he subsequently embarked on a twenty-concert tour in Italy in addition to a recital at the Weill Hall in Carnegie Hall. They have recently completed a second successful tour of Australia to much critical acclaim. Emilia Amper. With her charisma, virtuosity and energy, Amper moves with ease across stylistic boundaries and touches people in venues across the world.

Amper has been an active since , establishing herself as a freelance musician, singer, composer and teacher. Amper has performed many times on Swedish national TV and radio. Amper won the Norwegian Grammy Spellemannsprisen in for best classical album, together with the Trondheim soloists and their album In folk style, and was nominated for two American Grammy Awards.

In , Amper released her second solo album, Lux, which features music for nyckelharpa, voice, string ensemble and percussion. Amper is currently touring worldwide with her various folk bands as well as making exciting projects with different classical orchestras and composing new music.

Apart from a busy performance roster, Amper is also a regular teacher at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. She also teaches as guest lecturer at various other music colleges in the Nordic countries, and gives workshops and courses all over the world.

Eugene Pao. Recognition came early from collaborations with leading international jazz musicians. He continues to travel the world for performances at international jazz festivals, concert halls and jazz clubs, and to take part in selected recording projects. The unique guitar trio made a record entitled Guitar Sam Guk Ji and toured around Asia throughout The combo also toured Europe in , performing at the London Jazz Festival as well as the legendary Jazz club, Jazzkeller in Frankfurt.

In addition, Pao was also featured as soloist with the Hong Kong Philharmonic in and Pao was featured him on the cover of the recent issue of Re:spect.

He was also featured in the 20th anniversary issue of the Esquire magazine, as one of the 20 most influential men. As a composer, Pao has contributed music to countless TV commercials, and his film soundtracks have been nominated for best original score at the HK Film Awards. Pao has been invited by PRS guitar to join their artist endorsement program, with a signature guitar customized especially for him.

Cheong Hoi-leong. Robert McDonald under a full scholarship from the Institute. Besides being a soloist, Cheong is also frequently involved in composition, conducting, and music production. Karyee Li. In , Cheong was appointed Assistant Conductor of the St. Brian Choi. He attended the Kneisel Hall Chamber Music Festival , and returned for the summers of and In he was invited to the Italian festival Paesaggi Musicali Toscani as a guest artist, performing a recital with the legendary pianist Bruno Canino.

Choi was invited to perform at Musicus Fest , and Shane Levesque. Shane has performed concerts, lecture recitals, and improvised continuo on original and replica fortepianos, harpsichords, clavichords, and organs in Canada, the United States, England, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Hungary.

His article on the art of the improvised nineteenth-century piano prelude was published in the Dutch Tijdschrift voor Musiektheorie. Cass Ho. Starr and Louis Smadebeck Scholarships. She was a member of the New Juilliard Ensemble and took part in the Focus! Ho has featured in performances for the International Society for Contemporary Music. Ho made her Musicus Fest debut in Wong Pui-ying.

Wong has been invited to perform as a violin soloist with orchestras on three continents. She made her Musicus Society debut at Musicus Fest Maddalena Recino. Maddalena Recino is an actress with long theatrical experience. Recino has aspired to be an actress since a very young age. She began studying classical dance at the age of 11 and moved on to modern dance and jazz later.

Recino also attended courses in Argentine tango and in she participated in a show for the Festival of dance in Rome. She began her acting career with the company of Ileana Ghione, playing important roles by the greatest classical authors, such as Shakespeare, Pirandello, Goldoni, Wilde and others. Recino has a degree in philosophy and she teaches theatre. She has conducted various workshops and theatrical productions for children and teenagers.

Corinna Cheng. Corinna Cheng is an artist, singer and actress who speaks fluent Cantonese and English. Corinna has been filming in numerous programs in TVB since She has also appeared in many commercial advertisements, theater shows, corporate performances, charity and church events.

Corinna has also worked as dancer, dance and vocal instructor, choreographer, model and emcee. Cindy Shum. A keen performer and singer, Cindy has been on stage since age 8. She was featured in one of the leading roles in the production of Carmen, presented by the Guangzhou Opera House in Cindy has also performed in musicals. Rocky Wan. Virginia Wan. Cheung Pui-shan. Prior to relocating to Hong Kong, Tsang received her Bachelor of Music degree in Composition and Theory from the University of Alberta in , where she had studied composition, electronic music, orchestration and piano performance.

Tsang has participated in lessons and workshops in mainland China and overseas, including the day LMCML workshop in Montreal during summer of Tsang Lok-yan. Leung Chi-hin. Calvin Lai. A versatile broadcaster in fine music since , Lai accumulated a range of experiences in all facets of fine music broadcasting at RTHK Radio 4, and produced numerous fine music programmes and cultural events for the community to great acclaim.

Becoming a freelance broadcaster after , he continued to be involved in numerous of radio and TV productions. During the period of to , Lai became one of the pioneer teammates in the conservation project of the Haw Par Mansion.

Under the Revitalising Historic Buildings through Partnership Scheme of the HKSAR Government, the project aims to revitalise the s-era Haw Par Mansion to provide a cultural environment for music study and as a heritage landmark open to the public.

He also actively participates in various music education programmes. He joined the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra as the Senior Programme Manager in and worked on numerous educational projects in promoting Chinese music. Mark Hui. Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra. With its combination of tradition and the spirit of discovery, the SKO has been inspiring for over 70 years. The SKO established itself as one of the leading exponent for historically-informed performance practice, specializing in works by J.

Bach and the Viennese classicists. The SKO continued to champion its heritage in authentic performances with live recordings of all symphonies by Joseph Haydn, and at the same time distinguished itself with critically acclaimed performances of contemporary repertoire, including specially commissioned compositions from Phillip Glass, Giya Kancheli, Siegfried Matthus, Helmut Oehring, Milko Kelemen and other notable composers.

In addition to ingenious leadership, the SKO has also built its outstanding reputation with a long, illustrious recording tradition, which begun in for the Decca company.

Up until the present day the discography of the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra comprises several hundred published recordings. Bach and Mozart. Winnie Yiu. Hong Kong born violist Winnie Yiu started learning violin at the age of 11 and later switched to viola. Felix Ungar. She has performed under the batons of maestro Carl St. Yiu is active in performances in Hong Kong. As an ensemble student, Yiu has also shared the stage with musicians from Cleveland Orchestra and the Trondheim Soloists.

Pavel Vernikov. Ukrainian violinist Pavel Vernikov has established his reputation as an international virtuoso and esteemed violin pedagogue for the past twenty years. Jonathan Leung. Violinist Jonathan Leung was born in Hong Kong and began lessons on the violin, cello, and piano at the age of five.

In Hong Kong, Leung has also studied with the late Prof. Lin Yaoji, Prof. Zheng Shisheng and Prof. He Zhanhao. Twin sisters Lok-ping and Lok-ting Chau gained wide recognition of their exceptional musicality and fascinating matches of sound. They are invited regularly by The Dranoff Two Pianos Foundation in Miami to work with other artists on school projects. The Duo is also active in education and community services and was acknowledged for making outstanding contribution in international arts and culture activities by the Secretary for Home Affairs in Chau Lok-Ping.

Twin sisters Chau Lok-ping and Lok-ting gained wide recognition of their exceptional musicality and fascinating matches of sound. Chau Lok-Ting. Sebastian Krunnies. Sebastian Krunnies has been a member of the venerated Berlin Philharmonic since Krunnies began his first viola lessons at the age of four. A veteran orchestral violist, Krunnies is also a sought after chamber musician. He has appeared in music festivals in Europe and North America, most notably the Marlboro Music Festival, in which he shared the stage with illustrious artists including Mitsuko Uchida and Augustin Hadelich, among others.

Krunnies is also a member of the award-winning Trio Echnaton. In addition to appearing in major music festivals in Europe, the trio has also released recordings under the Coviello Classics label and toured extensively in Eastern Europe, Russia and Asia.

Tiffany Leung. Jade Yau. Leung was influenced by her secondary school music teachers when she was in tenth grade. Upon completion of her DSE diploma, Leung decided to pursue further studies in music composition. Recently, Leung is selected as a winner of the Call for Scores and participated in the artist residency program at Tai Kwun.

Noah Bendix-Balgley. A passionate chamber musician, Bendix-Balgley performs in several fixed ensembles including a trio with pianist Robert Levin and cellist Peter Wiley and the multi-genre septet Philharmonix featuring members of both the Berlin and Vienna Philharmonic orchestras. Bendix-Balgley is also a renowned performer of traditional klezmer music, a musical style which has been part of his life since an early age.

He has performed with world-renowned klezmer groups such as Brave Old World and has taught at klezmer workshops throughout Europe and the United States. In , he has premiered his own klezmer violin concerto, Fidl-Fantazye , with the Pittsburgh Symphony conducted by Manfred Honeck. Paloma So. She also took home the second prize from 17 or under category of the 13th International Wieniawski Competition for Young Violinists.

Later that year she was invited to perform as a soloist at the G20 Gala Dinner in Australia. She was also invited to perform at the Interlaken Music Festival in Switzerland and participated in the masterclass of Prof.

Zakhar Bron. Wieniawski Competition for Young Violinists. Dorian Xhoxhi. Dorian Xhoxhi has been first violinist with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra since Born in Tirana to a family of musicians, Xhoxhi began studying violin with his father at the age of 6.

He is also among the musicians of the Chamber Orchestra Vienna-Berlin, collaborating in concerts and on tour with illustrious soloists including Anne-Sophie Mutter, Yuja Wong and Denis Matsuev among others.

Xhoxhi frequently appears in festivals around the world, especially in the Different Trains festival in Albania. Xhoxhi is a faculty member at the Hochschule fur Musik und Theater Rostock. He has also given master classes and hosted workshops in Europe, the United States and various cities in Asia including Hong Kong.

Sirius Chau. He has also given solo debuts at the Wigmore Hall and Bridgewater Hall respectively. Zen Hu. Zen Hu was born into a musical family in Chengdu, China. At the age of 6 she began piano lessons with her mother, and a year later violin lessons with her father, Prof.

Hu Wei Min. After finishing her studies at the Sichuan Music Conservatory, Hu was invited by Lord Menuhin to collaborate with him at the famous Menuhin Academy in Gstaad Switzerland , where she performed and toured regularly with Camerata Lysy. In , Hu joined the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra at the invitation by Sergiu Celibidache and became the youngest and the first Chinese member in the ensemble.

During her tenure, Hu completed her masters and doctoral studies in violin with Ana Chumachenco at the Munich Conservatory. Hu is a keen advocate of contemporary music and she is especially devoted to the development of Western classical music in China. Hu currently lives in Amsterdam. She regularly gives master classes in Europe, China, and in Australia and is often invited to serve as jury member of international competitions. Nazar Tabachyshyn. Nazar Tabachyshyn was born in Zbarazh, Ukraine in He was drawn to music at an early age, and started learning to play the accordion at the age of five.

He went to music school at six, taking accordion and drums classes, and began winning prizes in music competitions. Tabachyshyn studied at the Ternopil College of Music between and , concluding his studies at the Petro Tchaikovsky Musical Academy of Ukraine in He is multi-talented performer, conductor and event organizer.

Between and Tabachyshyn won first prizes in international music competitions in the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Estonia as a member of the Gold Accordion Ensemble.

He also won first prize in a Ukrainian music competition in , and at another international musical competition in Erbezzo, Italy in Tabachyshyn has been based in Hong Kong since He is a founding member of the Hong Kong tango band Cafe which performs tango, Balkan folk and gypsy jazz music. The ensemble released a well-received album, Camino de Tango, in Lars Jakob. A native of Berlin, double bassist Lars Jakob studied with Prof.

Franco Petracci, renowned Italian double bass soloist and teacher. Jakob is a laureate of the Lenzewski competition in Frankfurt. He was also offered a contract with the Munich Philharmonic. Jakob has been a member of the Staatsorchester Stuttgart since He also plays in the Staatsoper and the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra. The group performs arrangements ranging from Baroque music to opera arias and jazz.

Johannes Klumpp. Born in Stuttgart, Johannes Klumpp learnt his trade under Prof. Gunter Kahlert in Weimar alongside viola studies. This was followed by further awards at a German conducting competition in , in which he won both the first and special prizes. Letty Poon. A sought-after cellist for solo, chamber, and orchestral performances, Poon has appeared with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, and the cello ensemble, Cellistra. Poon has served as the Artistic Director of the Hong Kong International Cello Association since its establishment in to promote cello music and cello playing in Hong Kong.

Stephen Hough. Named by The Economist as one of Twenty Living Polymaths, Stephen Hough combines a distinguished career as a pianist with those of composer, writer and painter. David Chan. David Chan is one of today’s most sought-after artists, both as a violinist and a conductor.

In addition to concert appearances, Chan is on the faculty of both the Juilliard School and the Mannes School of Music. His tenure at Curtis has seen the introduction of Curtis On Tour; Curtis Summerfest; the inception of classical guitar, string quartet, and conducting programs among other new initiatives.

Also under his leadership, Curtis has developed lasting collaborations with music and arts institutions throughout the world. Sarah Wedl-Wilson. Born in London into a family of musicians, Wedl-Wilson played the violin before devoting herself to cultural management. She was managing director of the Camerata Salzburg and is currently the chair of the supervisory board of the Salzburg Easter Festival. From , she was vice rector for external relations and interim president, at the Mozarteum Salzburg.

Cameristi della Scala. In addition to core repertoire of masterpieces for chamber orchestra from the eighteenth century to the present day, the Cameristi [TJ1] is dedicated to promoting and championing works by the lesser known Italian composers. Concerts by the Cameristi often feature the section leaders of La Scala orchestra as well as well-known instrumentalists and opera singers as soloists.

Elim Chan. Lio Kuokman. Wilson Ng. Dominic Law. Law has also participated in a lot of masterclasses and festivals. Nina Wong. Nina Wong is an international prize-winning violinist who has performed as a soloist and ensemble musician in the United States, Europe, Mainland China and Hong Kong. As the founder and first violinist of the Virtus Quartet, she and the ensemble won second prize in the String Quartet category at the Fifth International Chamber Music Festival held by the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

Cherry Yeung. Yeung led the orchestra in the Curtis on Tour and performed in world renowned venues including the Carnegie Hall.

Her former teachers include Ivan Chan and Michael Ma. Annis Ma. After her eleventh birthday she began winning prizes for solo viola and quartet performances including first prize for Senior Viola Solo in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. Ma has performed with duets, quartets, and ensembles in regions including the United States, Russia, Austria, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam.

She undertook a recital tour of the United States in Ma has recently had her debut recital in London, U. Matthew Chin. He recently served as Concertmaster for the Moritzburg Festival Orchestra Chin has been awarded grants by the British Musicians Benevolent Fund, and by the Tarisio web-based auction house.

Victor Lee. Wong Wai-yuen. She also performed solo and in a trio in the Grow up with Music concert, and has performed regularly in the Musica del Cuore concerts. Wong has won second prize in a solo piano competition at the Beijing International Music Festival and Academy; first prize in a Hong Kong Generation Next Arts music competition; second prize in the International Piano Competition for Young Musicians in Enschede, Netherlands; and the press award, audience award, and third prize in the Korea International Competition for Young Pianists.

She has been awarded a Certificate of Commendation by the Hong Kong Government for outstanding achievements in the promotion of international arts and culture activities. Yoyo Chan. She is currently a full-time data analyst, but also an accomplished musician.

Chan took her first clarinet lesson at the age of seven, and has studied with May Yu and May Lam. She was awarded a Licentiate performance diploma, with distinction, by Trinity College London at the age of Particularly interested in chamber music, she is one of the founding members of clarinet ensemble Clarinaization. Jessica Fung. Jessica Fung is a Chinese bamboo flutist playing dizi and xiao. She majored in dizi, and minored in vocal music and Cantonese opera.

She also performs in tea house concerts featuring Cantonese Music and Naamyam. Floro Sernande Jr. As well as being a percussionist Floro Serenade Jr. He began studying music at the age of six and graduated from the Philippine High School for the Arts and the University of the Philippines College of Music. His professional experience encompasses classical music, Afro-Latin music, and jazz.

He has also performed as a jazz artist at festivals in Hong Kong, the Philippines, China, and around Southeast Asia, and as an invited artist at Expo in Nagoya, Japan. Chow Tsz-hin. Cheung Pui Shan. Jason Liu. Born in Hong Kong, Jason Liu had studied the piano and the cello since a young age. He has been a member of CASH since He was the recipient of scholarships awarded by the Government and the University during his study.

Jeremy Hao. Born in Hong Kong, violinist Jeremy Hao Lap-hei is a strong believer in the communicative power of music and seeks to engage with communities. Hao has lived and performed around the world from Asia to Europe and the United States. Hao has also served as concertmaster of the Mannes Orchestra and he is currently a principal violin of the Yale Philharmonia.

He has recently joined the New Haven Symphony first violin section. Meilina Tsui. Award-winning composer and pianist Meilina Tsui was born in Almaty, Kazakhstan. She is based in Hong Kong, where she grew up and was educated. Tsui was the winner of Musicus Society Call for Scores. Angela Chan. Angela Chan Sin-ying was born in Hong Kong, and started to learn the violin at the age of three from her mother.

She was also featured in nine concerts with the Curtis Symphony Orchestra during their tour of Europe. Edwin Lam. George Ng. Calvin Wong. Marc Ngan. Rani Fung. Claudia Frisone. Fan Hiu-sing. Elissa Lee. Hila Karni. Richard Wolfe. Francis Chik. Chow Yip-wai. Caleb Wong. Cheng Yan-ho. Luk Wai-chun.

Alvin Chan. Kung Wai-kin. Piao Xingji. Lam Ka-ting. Lee Yat. Blues Zhang. Richard Sun. Eason Chan. Loo Sze-wang. Joseph Tso. Martina Tso. Musicus Soloists Hong Kong. Franchesca Wong. Karey Ho. Membership Chair. Chairman, Council. Publicity Chair. Honorary Treasurer. Honorary Secretary. Vice-Chairman, Council. Co-founder and President.

Honorary Artistic Advisor. Honorary Advisor. Honorary Advisors. Honorary Patron. Council Member. Rachel Cheung Hong Kong. Trey Lee Hong Kong. Tapiola Sinfonietta Finland.

Colleen Lee Hong Kong. Tapiola Sinfonietta String Quartet Finland. Chan Wan-in Hong Kong. Eva Wong Hiu-ching Hong Kong. Yue Kin-long Hong Kong. Zeng Baoxin Hong Kong.

Jeff Leung Hong Kong. Janne Nisonen Finland. Pekka Kuusisto Finland. Cherry Tsang Hong Kong. Vladimir Mendelssohn Romania. Paavali Jumppanen Finland. Louise Kwong Hong Kong. Born Lau Hong Kong. Rocco Filippini Italy. Hippocrates Cheng Hong Kong.

Wei Ningyi Hong Kong. David Ma Hong Kong. Mak Ka-yin Hong Kong. Nancy Loo Hong Kong. Dennis Wu Hong Kong. Christopher Warren-Green United Kingdom. London Chamber Orchestra United Kingdom. Bruno Canino Italy.

Dong-Suk Kang Korea. Gian Paolo Peloso Italy. Mary Wu Hong Kong. Priya Mitchell United Kingdom. Elena Cheah United States. Michel Lethiec France. Roydon Tse Hong Kong. Willis Wong Hong Kong. Jia Nan Hong Kong. Gloucester String Quartet Hong Kong. Belle Shiu Hong Kong. Wong Chi-chung Hong Kong. Ning Feng China. Andrew Ling Hong Kong. Jan-Erik Gustafsson Finland. Chinese Music Virtuosi Hong Kong.

Yuri Bashmet Russia. Moscow Soloists Russia. Fung Dic-lun Gordon Hong Kong. Lau Hiu-kong Lawrence Hong Kong. Wong Chun Wai Hong Kong. Ho Shun-yin Hong Kong. Chua Hong Kong. Latica Honda-Rosenberg Germany. Jens Peter Maintz Germany. Kenny Lam Hong Kong.

Dimitri Ashkenazy Iceland. Vladimir Ashkenazy Iceland. Mantua Chamber Orchestra Italy. Xuefei Yang China. Oliver Triendl Germany. Bevis Ng Hong Kong. Ursula Volkmann Germany. Mavis Lam Hong Kong. Jo Chim Hong Kong. Victoria Vargas United States. Yeung Ching-ho Hong Kong. Yen Liang-pei Taiwan. Sophie Klussmann Germany. Umberto Benedetti Michelangeli Italy. Hannah Tam Hong Kong. Mauro Borgioni Italy. Tsai Loo Hong Kong. Xu Ting China. Juha Hostikka Finland. Patrick Yeung Hong Kong.

Niko Kumpuvaara Finland. Chu Sui-ming Hong Kong. Tapiola Sinfonietta Chamber Ensemble Finland. Tapiola Sinfonietta Woodwind Quintet Finland. David Theodore United Kingdom. Meyrick Alexander United Kingdom. Chen Yeung-ping Hong Kong. Elpidio Magat Philippines. David Ho-yi Chan Hong Kong. Minna Pensola Finland. Joan Emery Sia Philippines.

The Trondheim Soloists Norway. Zheng Yang Hong Kong. Pan Ya-sze Hong Kong. Alexander Sitkovetsky United Kingdom. Emilia Amper Sweden. Eugene Pao Hong Kong. Cheong Hoi-leong Hong Kong. Brian Choi Hong Kong. Shane Levesque Canada.

Cass Ho Hong Kong. Wong Pui-ying Hong Kong. Maddalena Recino Italy. Corinna Cheng Hong Kong. Cindy Shum Hong Kong. Rocky Wan Hong Kong. Tsang Lok-yan Hong Kong. Calvin Lai Hong Kong. Mark Hui Hong Kong. Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra Germany. Winnie Yiu Hong Kong. Pavel Vernikov Ukraine. Jonathan Leung Hong Kong.

Chau Lok-Ping Hong Kong. Chau Lok-Ting Hong Kong. Sebastian Krunnies Germany. Tiffany Leung Hong Kong. Noah Bendix-Balgley United States. Paloma So Hong Kong. Dorian Xhoxhi Albania. Sirius Chau Hong Kong. Zen Hu China. Nazar Tabachyshyn Ukraine. Lars Jakob Germany. Johannes Klumpp Germany. Letty Poon Hong Kong. Stephen Hough United Kingdom. David Chan United States.

Sarah Wedl-Wilson Germany.


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Lupton, M. The learning connection: information literacy and the student experience. Information literacy and learning. Windows of information literacy worlds: generic, situated and transformative perspectives. Talja Eds. Bringing theories of learning, practice and information literacy together, pp.

Information skills in the school: engaging learners in constructing knowledge. Information skills training: a factor in student satisfaction with access to high demand material.

Quality teaching: information skills and literature circles. Book 1: Years 1 — 3. Capalaba, Qld: CRA. Ryan, J. Book 2: Years 4 – 5. Book 3: Years 6 – 8. Book 4: Years 9 — Information literacy toolkit: Grades K — 6.

Chicago: American Library Association. Information literacy toolkit: Grades 7 and up. Todd, R. A theory of information literacy: in-formation and outward looking. Bruce Eds. Web tools to support inquiry based learning.

Information literacy: the information search process. Information literacy — Australian resources. SACS Library units incorporating information literacy skills. ISP matrix K ISP matrix Information skills in the school. Retrieved www. Research skills. Centre for Learning Innovation. Information transformation: teaching and learning strategies for research, projects and activities.

Book A: Planning for research. Book B: Finding information. Book C: Sense of information. SCAN 30 4 , All you need to teach information literacy, 5 — 8 years. South Yarra, Vic. All you need to teach information literacy, 8 – 10 years. The really helpful research book for primary schools. Our library, our learning centre: an activity book on how to use the library for junior primary. Learning to think, thinking to learn: Models and strategies to develop a classroom culture of thinking.

Heatherton, Vic. Lift off to learning in inquiry-based classrooms, by linking thinking and information literacy. Planning with a thinking focus. We solve it! Approaches to information literacy. Carlton, Vic. Advanced research skills: Classroom strategies to build advanced research skills. Library literacy: managing the information explosion.

The list is not to be regarded as exhaustive or authoritative; rather, it provides an entry point to Canadian information literacy resources and publications in English. New IL resources are being produced and published continuously, so this listing can only be regarded as a snapshot of the current environment. We urge readers to bring omissions and any errors to our attention.

We also call your attention to a Francophone Canadian listing that is separately available in this publication. Branch, and Dianne Oberg. Ottawa: Canadian Association for School Libraries, Ottawa: CARL, Guide for Teaching Librarians.

Toronto: University of Toronto, Concordia University, n. It was created to manage question and response data from the Augustana Library’s library instruction sessions, pre- and post-tests from credit-bearing information literacy IL courses, and user surveys.

It has now expanded beyond its original function and is being used to manage question and response data from a variety of settings. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse. Badke, William. Oxford, UK: Chandos, Farquharson, J. Robinson, L. Sloniowski, Lisa, and Tom Adam. The preparer wishes to emphasize that no attempt has been made to produce a comprehensive, inclusive and authoritative listing, but only to generate a list of some of the most significant IL resources that are available and accessible at this point.

The preparers also realize that this is only a snapshot in time because new resources are being created virtually continuously, existing ones updated or maybe deleted. Australian and New Zealand information literacy framework: Principles, standards and practice. Best practice characteristics for developing information literacy in New Zealand universities: A guideline. The school library and learning in the information landscape: Guidelines for New Zealand schools.

Developing contextual perceptions of information literacy and information literacy education in the Asian region. Singh Eds. Digital information literacy: Supported development of capability in tertiary environments. Our emerging net generation: Are they information literate? New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 45 1 , Ladbrook, J.

Information skills and critical literacy: Where are our digikids at with online searching and are their teachers helping? Information literacy: A framework for inquiry learning.

How can I teach it if I don’t know what it is? Access, 20 1 , Wang, L. Sociocultural theories and their application in information literacy research and education. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 42 4 , An information literacy integration model and its application in higher education. Reference Services Review, 39 4 , Curriculum and curriculum integration of information literacy in higher education. Hepworth, M. Wartho, R. The three tiers of information literacy: A model for developing lifelong literacy at a tertiary institution.

Information literacy or transliteracy: What’s the difference? Closing the gaps: Maori and information literacy. Unlocking the potential of school libraries: What actions are New Zealand primary school principals taking to integrate the school library in information literacy initiatives?

Developing information literate students who will become lifelong learners: Improving the current situation in New Zealand. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Auckland, New Zealand. Developing information-literate students: Finding out how well New Zealand secondary teachers are equipped to achieve this aim.

Roy, L. A holistic approach to embedding information literacy in the design, delivery, and assessment of an undergraduate business programme. Jacobson Eds. Emerson, L. Information maps: Supporting students through their research and writing processes. Right from the start: A rationale for embedding academic literacy skills in university courses.

Ubiquitous information: An eFellow report on the use of mobile phones in classrooms to foster information literacy skills. Information literacy courses: A shift from a teacher-centred to a collaborative learning environment. Orr, F. Nouwens, C. Macpherson, R. Danaher Eds. Keynote and refereed papers from the 4th International Lifelong Learning Conference pp. Sociocultural learning theories and information literacy teaching activities in higher education.

Spicing up information literacy tutorials: Interactive class activities that worked. Public Services Quarterly, 6 1 , Zdravkovic, N.

An investigation into the interactive teaching practices of librarians in information literacy instruction at the University of Auckland library. Professional development Dorner, D. Educating information literacy educators in Asia-Oceania. Identification of strategies to improve digital information literacy skills amongst frontline public library staff.

Unpublished Master of Information Studies. An IL integration model and its application in curriculum integration and staff development in higher education. Information literacy — Academic staff. Information Literacy [Wiki]. Online information literacy: Modules. No attempt has been made to be comprehensive, nor have the citations been peer-reviewed. Also, we acknowledge that some important information literacy resources are also available in several other languages because Singapore is a multilingual culture.

Please bring any errors or omissions to our attention. The 4 ways to be S. An introductory video on S. Case of the mysterious map A short film targeted at children that introduces the viewers to the elements of S. Be Search Smart An overview of the research process to help students to do their school projects efficiently. The truth behind Chinese New Year superstitions? An introduction to common Chinese New Year superstitions and how students can use NewspaperSG as a credible source to verify information on them.

To tweet or not to tweet? Six steps to success An introduction to the Big 6 Research Model to teach information literacy skills to students. Each cheat sheet also comes with an accompanying list of selected sources for further reading. Social Enterprises An introduction to the origins of social enterprises and the types of social enterprises in the world.

It also features social enterprises in Singapore and provides resources for students to do further research, incorporating the use of S. Environmental Champions An introduction to the environmental challenges in Singapore, how citizens can help to reduce environmental pollution and provides instructions on how students can conduct further research on the internet to find out more.

Newspapers An introduction to the different types of newspapers, the various e-resources available via NLB to access digital newspapers and teaches on students how to make use of NewspaperSG. Citations: A Quick Guide A guide for students on the importance of doing citations, when they should do it and the common citation styles. Students are also taught how to use the print materials in the library to familiarize themselves with the different citation styles.

Capteh, Shuttlecock or… An introduction to the game of Capteh and its alternative names and how to play the game. Guidelines are also provided to help students to find information regarding the game online, via the print medium and via NewspaperSG database. Singapore Facts and Images A comprehensive factsheet to locating official and reliable facts on Singapore.

A guideline is also provided to aid students in their search for online information on Singapore. Environment Champion Highlights a variety of resources which focus on simple ways to save the environment. Population in Singapore Recommends relevant books, journal articles and websites on the Singapore population. Understanding Singapore Highlights selected resources for people to understand how the environment in Singapore influences the lives of Singaporeans.

Houses in Singapore Provides information regarding houses in Singapore from the past and in the present. Geography Highlights resources that are related to Geography that are available in the libraries in Singapore and on the internet. Articles Get It Right! Articles features interviews with people from all walks of life and show how they make use of information literacy skills on a daily basis. This six-step process mirrors the lifelong learning process and can be applied in any area of life.

Readers are encouraged to also consult the contributions in other regional indigenous languages which are in this database, such as Afrikaans, Sotho, Sepedi, Xhosa, Zulu and others. The preparers fully realize that this is only a snapshot in time because new resources are being created virtually continuously, existing ones updated, or some entirely deleted. Moreover, they also are aware that resources have been created in the UK in languages other than English, and, because English is considered a major world language, they also know that IL resources have been created in many, if not most of the other countries in the world.

They would appreciate any errors of omission or commission being brought to their attention. The list is arranged in eight broad categories, with scope notes for each: 1. Definitions, Frameworks and Standards 2. Groups and Organizations 3. Conferences 4. Research Resources 5. Metasites Repositories, Directories 6.

Listservs 7. Teaching Resources Books, Lesson Sites, etc. The Task Force also focused as much as possible on freely available resources. Final report. Information literacy competency standards for higher education. Standards for libraries in higher education. Standards for the 21 st century Learner. Information literacy: A review of the research 2nd ed.

Provides an extensive list of information literacy and research skills models, mainly from the US, and includes critical descriptions. Reframing information literacy as metaliteracy. Proposes an umbrella term and concept encompassing many different literacies. Skills that travel: Transliteracy and the global librarian. They produce information literacy publications including books, journals, newsletters, bibliographies and lessons , recognize outstanding work, maintain online communication venues, and provide professional development, such as conferences that may address information literacy.

It has a strong literacy agenda and offers many resources. Offers a popular conference and newsletter. The site is free, but the conference is not. The following website collates a broad spectrum of conferences.

National Forum on Information Literacy. Information Literacy Related Conferences. This site is free, but the conferences may not be. Information literacy: Advancing opportunities for learning in the digital age. Queenstown, MD: Aspen Institute.

Public Praxis: A vision for critical information literacy in public libraries. Public Library Quarterly 29 2 Advocates offering information literacy instruction in public libraries, with examples of its value.

Committee on defining deeper learning and 21st century skills. Pellegrino, James W. Education for life and work: Developing transferable knowledge and skills in the 21st century. Washington, D. Information literacy A selected literature review. Library Trends, 51 2 , The major organizations also provide such lists of resources.

Value of Academic and Research Libraries. LISTSERVS: These online resources serve as current awareness, information and support for those interested in information literacy instruction at various educational levels. Some information literacy leaders and groups maintain other online communications also found in organizational websites.

Note that many teaching resources may be adapted for different audiences. Also see the main AASL website. The authors aim to blur the boundary between theory and practice, enabling all to develop a critical practice of library instruction.

Instruction Section. Also see the main ACRL website. Research strategies: Finding your way through the information fog 4th ed. Bloomington, IN: IUniverse. Reflective teaching, effective learning: Instructional literacy for library educators. Chicago: American Libraries Association. Outlines and employs a four part information literacy framework: reflective practice, educational theory, teaching technologies, and instructional design, with the goal of creating learner-focused instruction.

Rockman Instruction Publication of the Year Award winning book. The blue book on information age inquiry, instruction and literacy. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited. A compendium of information literacy key documents, models, standards, and instructional strategies.

Instructional design for librarians and information professionals. New York: NealSchuman. Information literacy and workplace performance. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Covers basic skills, thinking and decisionmaking, creativity enhancement, innovation and risk taking, computer literacy, subject matter literacy, as well as learning how to learn. TAGS: librarians, educators, researchers, practitioners, workplace, teaching, book, fee Gradowski, G.

Designs for active learning. Examples of exercises and other methods for engaging learners, adaptable for various age and educational levels. Information literacy instruction: Theory and practice 2nd ed. New York: Neal-Schuman. Comprehensive background on information literacy, teaching and learning, planning, implementing, and assessing information literacy instruction.

Rockman Instruction Publication of the Year Award winning book edition. Guided inquiry: Learning in the 21st century. Westport, Conn. Information literacy instruction that works: A guide to teaching by discipline and student population. Rockman Instruction Publication of the Award winning book. Angelo, T. Classroom assessment techniques 2d ed. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Detailed descriptions of various methods for checking on learning during and immediately following instruction, with examples of usage.

Many techniques are usable or adaptable for information literacy-related instruction. Information literacy assessment in K12 settings. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. International overview of K12 information literacy, learning, and ways to assess it.

Journal of Documentation, 65 4 See the English language, U. Items included in each language listing should be arranged in categories. Each category should include a scope note. Each item should have one or more tags. A controlled vocabulary of tags should be developed, for consistency and ease of searching.

Categories and tags utilized for each language listing should be included in the introduction to that language listing. No attempt has been made to be either comprehensive or authoritative, nor have the entries been peer-reviewed. Therefore, the preparer invites reviewers to bring any errors of omission or commission to their attention. The preparer also realizes that this is only a snapshot in time because information resources are being created and published virtually continuously, and modifications are often made to existing ones, or some even discontinued.

Finally, there are some information resources which have been created in Anglophone West Africa but authored and published in languages other than English, such as French and other official or unofficial languages. Information literacy for distance learners; the role of the University of Cape Coast. Master’s thesis. Aggrey, S. Information literacy among second and third year medical students of of University of Ghana Medical School.

Acquah, G. An assessment of information literacy skills of students of University of Education, Winneba. Akussah, S. A study of information literacy levels of parliamentarians in Ghana. Anafo, P. Promoting information literacy among undergraduate students of Ashesi University College.

Buer, V. Asamoah-Hassan Chair. Making students become information literate: some issues to be considered. In Alemna, A. Winneba: Committee of University Librarians and their Deputies. Awareness and use of electronic resources at a University campus in Ghana. Ghana Library Journal, 21, 2 Buer, V. Teaching of information literacy as a credit- bearing course at two Ghanaian universities: a comparative study.

Pakistan Journal of Library and Information Science, 11, Dadzie, P. Information literacy: assessing the readiness of Ghanaian Universities. Information Development, 23 4 , Lamptey, F.

Information literacy levels among graduate students of the University of Cape Coast. Mensah, J. The role of information literacy in tertiary education: the case of Kumasi Polytechnic. Sebuava, S. Information literacy among post graduate students of the University of Ghana. Tiamiyu, G. An assessment of information literacy skills among undergraduates students of the Institute of Professional Studies.

Gobbo uva. Readers may be aware that Esperanto is a contact language in use by a community of practice spread worldwide, making a modern, alternative and efficient means of communication. The main goal of the Esperanto Movement is to spread the knowledge of Esperanto so to facilitate transnational communication among people belonging to different language groups on an equal and fair basis see the Prague Manifesto, , for details.

Therefore, most of the efforts in the field of IL by the Esperanto Movement is in giving access to the language. In fact, most Esperanto courses in the world are given for free or at very low fees, and a lot of material is put in the internet in order to achieve this goal. In particular, the multilingual web portal Lernu. For instance, the Esperanto Wikipedia is one of the most lively elaborated and discussed of the world.

Retrieved: 28 feb Esperanto Wikipedia. International Academy of Sciences San Marino. Retrieved: 28 feb Lernu [Learn! Retrieved at 28 feb In Esperanto, with abstract in Esperanto, English and Slovak. Prague Manifesto Versions in English and many other languages. The list contains selected Information Literacy publication and document citations or links e.

The author would like to emphasize that no attempt has been made to produce an exhaustive, comprehensive and authoritative listing, but only to generate a partial list of some of the most significant IL resources that are accessible at this point in time from Estonian sources in the Estonian language.

It is fully realized that this listing of selected items is only a “snapshot in time” and that new IL resources are being added virtually every month, and existing ones amended, updated, superseded or entirely deleted.

Thank you and we hope that this endeavor will be helpful and timely, especially to Information Literacy teachers, students, researchers, government agencies, professional associations and institutions and organizations concerned with education and training in both the private and public sectors, in countries with Estonian speaking populations around the world.

Infokirjaoskuse ABC. Tuisk, E. Intellektuaalomandi kaitse. Teadusinfo otsing internetis. Kasutajakoolitus raamatukogus. Info hankimise ja otsinguprotsessi uurimisest. Austrin, M. Jujendaja: M. Juhendaja: S. Karp, M. Kotkas, K. Juhendaja: P. Miljan, A. Juhendaja: A. Neljandi, M. Tallinn: Tallinna Pedagoogiline Instituut. Perend, K. Juhendaja: M. Juhendaja: K. Viigipuu, K. Vilimaa, K. Juhendaja: E. Selected Publications and Documents: Kinkar, V.

Raamatukogu, 5 , Lepik, K. Raamatukogu, 6, Mastromatteo, J. Raamatukogunduskogemusi Venezuelast. Miil, K. Raamatukogu, 6. Ojasaar, H. Pihlau, J. Solo, K. Muutuvad trendid infootsingus — staatilisest veebist semantilise veebini. Riigikogu Toimetised. Recino has aspired to be an actress since a very young age. She began studying classical dance at the age of 11 and moved on to modern dance and jazz later. Recino also attended courses in Argentine tango and in she participated in a show for the Festival of dance in Rome.

She began her acting career with the company of Ileana Ghione, playing important roles by the greatest classical authors, such as Shakespeare, Pirandello, Goldoni, Wilde and others. Recino has a degree in philosophy and she teaches theatre.

She has conducted various workshops and theatrical productions for children and teenagers. Corinna Cheng. Corinna Cheng is an artist, singer and actress who speaks fluent Cantonese and English. Corinna has been filming in numerous programs in TVB since She has also appeared in many commercial advertisements, theater shows, corporate performances, charity and church events.

Corinna has also worked as dancer, dance and vocal instructor, choreographer, model and emcee. Cindy Shum. A keen performer and singer, Cindy has been on stage since age 8. She was featured in one of the leading roles in the production of Carmen, presented by the Guangzhou Opera House in Cindy has also performed in musicals. Rocky Wan. Virginia Wan. Cheung Pui-shan. Prior to relocating to Hong Kong, Tsang received her Bachelor of Music degree in Composition and Theory from the University of Alberta in , where she had studied composition, electronic music, orchestration and piano performance.

Tsang has participated in lessons and workshops in mainland China and overseas, including the day LMCML workshop in Montreal during summer of Tsang Lok-yan. Leung Chi-hin. Calvin Lai. A versatile broadcaster in fine music since , Lai accumulated a range of experiences in all facets of fine music broadcasting at RTHK Radio 4, and produced numerous fine music programmes and cultural events for the community to great acclaim.

Becoming a freelance broadcaster after , he continued to be involved in numerous of radio and TV productions. During the period of to , Lai became one of the pioneer teammates in the conservation project of the Haw Par Mansion. Under the Revitalising Historic Buildings through Partnership Scheme of the HKSAR Government, the project aims to revitalise the s-era Haw Par Mansion to provide a cultural environment for music study and as a heritage landmark open to the public.

He also actively participates in various music education programmes. He joined the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra as the Senior Programme Manager in and worked on numerous educational projects in promoting Chinese music. Mark Hui. Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra. With its combination of tradition and the spirit of discovery, the SKO has been inspiring for over 70 years.

The SKO established itself as one of the leading exponent for historically-informed performance practice, specializing in works by J. Bach and the Viennese classicists. The SKO continued to champion its heritage in authentic performances with live recordings of all symphonies by Joseph Haydn, and at the same time distinguished itself with critically acclaimed performances of contemporary repertoire, including specially commissioned compositions from Phillip Glass, Giya Kancheli, Siegfried Matthus, Helmut Oehring, Milko Kelemen and other notable composers.

In addition to ingenious leadership, the SKO has also built its outstanding reputation with a long, illustrious recording tradition, which begun in for the Decca company. Up until the present day the discography of the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra comprises several hundred published recordings.

Bach and Mozart. Winnie Yiu. Hong Kong born violist Winnie Yiu started learning violin at the age of 11 and later switched to viola. Felix Ungar. She has performed under the batons of maestro Carl St. Yiu is active in performances in Hong Kong. As an ensemble student, Yiu has also shared the stage with musicians from Cleveland Orchestra and the Trondheim Soloists. Pavel Vernikov. Ukrainian violinist Pavel Vernikov has established his reputation as an international virtuoso and esteemed violin pedagogue for the past twenty years.

Jonathan Leung. Violinist Jonathan Leung was born in Hong Kong and began lessons on the violin, cello, and piano at the age of five. In Hong Kong, Leung has also studied with the late Prof. Lin Yaoji, Prof. Zheng Shisheng and Prof. He Zhanhao. Twin sisters Lok-ping and Lok-ting Chau gained wide recognition of their exceptional musicality and fascinating matches of sound. They are invited regularly by The Dranoff Two Pianos Foundation in Miami to work with other artists on school projects.

The Duo is also active in education and community services and was acknowledged for making outstanding contribution in international arts and culture activities by the Secretary for Home Affairs in Chau Lok-Ping. Twin sisters Chau Lok-ping and Lok-ting gained wide recognition of their exceptional musicality and fascinating matches of sound. Chau Lok-Ting. Sebastian Krunnies. Sebastian Krunnies has been a member of the venerated Berlin Philharmonic since Krunnies began his first viola lessons at the age of four.

A veteran orchestral violist, Krunnies is also a sought after chamber musician. He has appeared in music festivals in Europe and North America, most notably the Marlboro Music Festival, in which he shared the stage with illustrious artists including Mitsuko Uchida and Augustin Hadelich, among others.

Krunnies is also a member of the award-winning Trio Echnaton. In addition to appearing in major music festivals in Europe, the trio has also released recordings under the Coviello Classics label and toured extensively in Eastern Europe, Russia and Asia. Tiffany Leung.

Jade Yau. Leung was influenced by her secondary school music teachers when she was in tenth grade. Upon completion of her DSE diploma, Leung decided to pursue further studies in music composition.

Recently, Leung is selected as a winner of the Call for Scores and participated in the artist residency program at Tai Kwun. Noah Bendix-Balgley. A passionate chamber musician, Bendix-Balgley performs in several fixed ensembles including a trio with pianist Robert Levin and cellist Peter Wiley and the multi-genre septet Philharmonix featuring members of both the Berlin and Vienna Philharmonic orchestras. Bendix-Balgley is also a renowned performer of traditional klezmer music, a musical style which has been part of his life since an early age.

He has performed with world-renowned klezmer groups such as Brave Old World and has taught at klezmer workshops throughout Europe and the United States. In , he has premiered his own klezmer violin concerto, Fidl-Fantazye , with the Pittsburgh Symphony conducted by Manfred Honeck. Paloma So. She also took home the second prize from 17 or under category of the 13th International Wieniawski Competition for Young Violinists.

Later that year she was invited to perform as a soloist at the G20 Gala Dinner in Australia. She was also invited to perform at the Interlaken Music Festival in Switzerland and participated in the masterclass of Prof. Zakhar Bron. Wieniawski Competition for Young Violinists. Dorian Xhoxhi.

Dorian Xhoxhi has been first violinist with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra since Born in Tirana to a family of musicians, Xhoxhi began studying violin with his father at the age of 6. He is also among the musicians of the Chamber Orchestra Vienna-Berlin, collaborating in concerts and on tour with illustrious soloists including Anne-Sophie Mutter, Yuja Wong and Denis Matsuev among others. Xhoxhi frequently appears in festivals around the world, especially in the Different Trains festival in Albania.

Xhoxhi is a faculty member at the Hochschule fur Musik und Theater Rostock. He has also given master classes and hosted workshops in Europe, the United States and various cities in Asia including Hong Kong. Sirius Chau. He has also given solo debuts at the Wigmore Hall and Bridgewater Hall respectively.

Zen Hu. Zen Hu was born into a musical family in Chengdu, China. At the age of 6 she began piano lessons with her mother, and a year later violin lessons with her father, Prof.

Hu Wei Min. After finishing her studies at the Sichuan Music Conservatory, Hu was invited by Lord Menuhin to collaborate with him at the famous Menuhin Academy in Gstaad Switzerland , where she performed and toured regularly with Camerata Lysy.

In , Hu joined the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra at the invitation by Sergiu Celibidache and became the youngest and the first Chinese member in the ensemble. During her tenure, Hu completed her masters and doctoral studies in violin with Ana Chumachenco at the Munich Conservatory. Hu is a keen advocate of contemporary music and she is especially devoted to the development of Western classical music in China. Hu currently lives in Amsterdam. She regularly gives master classes in Europe, China, and in Australia and is often invited to serve as jury member of international competitions.

Nazar Tabachyshyn. Nazar Tabachyshyn was born in Zbarazh, Ukraine in He was drawn to music at an early age, and started learning to play the accordion at the age of five. He went to music school at six, taking accordion and drums classes, and began winning prizes in music competitions.

Tabachyshyn studied at the Ternopil College of Music between and , concluding his studies at the Petro Tchaikovsky Musical Academy of Ukraine in He is multi-talented performer, conductor and event organizer.

Between and Tabachyshyn won first prizes in international music competitions in the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Estonia as a member of the Gold Accordion Ensemble. He also won first prize in a Ukrainian music competition in , and at another international musical competition in Erbezzo, Italy in Tabachyshyn has been based in Hong Kong since He is a founding member of the Hong Kong tango band Cafe which performs tango, Balkan folk and gypsy jazz music.

The ensemble released a well-received album, Camino de Tango, in Lars Jakob. A native of Berlin, double bassist Lars Jakob studied with Prof. Franco Petracci, renowned Italian double bass soloist and teacher. Jakob is a laureate of the Lenzewski competition in Frankfurt. He was also offered a contract with the Munich Philharmonic. Jakob has been a member of the Staatsorchester Stuttgart since He also plays in the Staatsoper and the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra.

The group performs arrangements ranging from Baroque music to opera arias and jazz. Johannes Klumpp. Born in Stuttgart, Johannes Klumpp learnt his trade under Prof. Gunter Kahlert in Weimar alongside viola studies. This was followed by further awards at a German conducting competition in , in which he won both the first and special prizes. Letty Poon. A sought-after cellist for solo, chamber, and orchestral performances, Poon has appeared with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, and the cello ensemble, Cellistra.

Poon has served as the Artistic Director of the Hong Kong International Cello Association since its establishment in to promote cello music and cello playing in Hong Kong. Stephen Hough. Named by The Economist as one of Twenty Living Polymaths, Stephen Hough combines a distinguished career as a pianist with those of composer, writer and painter.

David Chan. David Chan is one of today’s most sought-after artists, both as a violinist and a conductor. In addition to concert appearances, Chan is on the faculty of both the Juilliard School and the Mannes School of Music. His tenure at Curtis has seen the introduction of Curtis On Tour; Curtis Summerfest; the inception of classical guitar, string quartet, and conducting programs among other new initiatives.

Also under his leadership, Curtis has developed lasting collaborations with music and arts institutions throughout the world. Sarah Wedl-Wilson. Born in London into a family of musicians, Wedl-Wilson played the violin before devoting herself to cultural management. She was managing director of the Camerata Salzburg and is currently the chair of the supervisory board of the Salzburg Easter Festival. From , she was vice rector for external relations and interim president, at the Mozarteum Salzburg.

Cameristi della Scala. In addition to core repertoire of masterpieces for chamber orchestra from the eighteenth century to the present day, the Cameristi [TJ1] is dedicated to promoting and championing works by the lesser known Italian composers.

Concerts by the Cameristi often feature the section leaders of La Scala orchestra as well as well-known instrumentalists and opera singers as soloists. Elim Chan. Lio Kuokman. Wilson Ng. Dominic Law. Law has also participated in a lot of masterclasses and festivals. Nina Wong. Nina Wong is an international prize-winning violinist who has performed as a soloist and ensemble musician in the United States, Europe, Mainland China and Hong Kong. As the founder and first violinist of the Virtus Quartet, she and the ensemble won second prize in the String Quartet category at the Fifth International Chamber Music Festival held by the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

Cherry Yeung. Yeung led the orchestra in the Curtis on Tour and performed in world renowned venues including the Carnegie Hall. Her former teachers include Ivan Chan and Michael Ma. Annis Ma. After her eleventh birthday she began winning prizes for solo viola and quartet performances including first prize for Senior Viola Solo in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. Ma has performed with duets, quartets, and ensembles in regions including the United States, Russia, Austria, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam.

She undertook a recital tour of the United States in Ma has recently had her debut recital in London, U. Matthew Chin. He recently served as Concertmaster for the Moritzburg Festival Orchestra Chin has been awarded grants by the British Musicians Benevolent Fund, and by the Tarisio web-based auction house.

Victor Lee. Wong Wai-yuen. She also performed solo and in a trio in the Grow up with Music concert, and has performed regularly in the Musica del Cuore concerts. Wong has won second prize in a solo piano competition at the Beijing International Music Festival and Academy; first prize in a Hong Kong Generation Next Arts music competition; second prize in the International Piano Competition for Young Musicians in Enschede, Netherlands; and the press award, audience award, and third prize in the Korea International Competition for Young Pianists.

She has been awarded a Certificate of Commendation by the Hong Kong Government for outstanding achievements in the promotion of international arts and culture activities. Yoyo Chan. She is currently a full-time data analyst, but also an accomplished musician. Chan took her first clarinet lesson at the age of seven, and has studied with May Yu and May Lam.

She was awarded a Licentiate performance diploma, with distinction, by Trinity College London at the age of Particularly interested in chamber music, she is one of the founding members of clarinet ensemble Clarinaization.

Jessica Fung. Jessica Fung is a Chinese bamboo flutist playing dizi and xiao. She majored in dizi, and minored in vocal music and Cantonese opera. She also performs in tea house concerts featuring Cantonese Music and Naamyam.

Floro Sernande Jr. As well as being a percussionist Floro Serenade Jr. He began studying music at the age of six and graduated from the Philippine High School for the Arts and the University of the Philippines College of Music. His professional experience encompasses classical music, Afro-Latin music, and jazz.

He has also performed as a jazz artist at festivals in Hong Kong, the Philippines, China, and around Southeast Asia, and as an invited artist at Expo in Nagoya, Japan. Chow Tsz-hin. Cheung Pui Shan. Jason Liu. Born in Hong Kong, Jason Liu had studied the piano and the cello since a young age. He has been a member of CASH since He was the recipient of scholarships awarded by the Government and the University during his study.

Jeremy Hao. Born in Hong Kong, violinist Jeremy Hao Lap-hei is a strong believer in the communicative power of music and seeks to engage with communities. Hao has lived and performed around the world from Asia to Europe and the United States. Hao has also served as concertmaster of the Mannes Orchestra and he is currently a principal violin of the Yale Philharmonia.

He has recently joined the New Haven Symphony first violin section. Meilina Tsui. Award-winning composer and pianist Meilina Tsui was born in Almaty, Kazakhstan. She is based in Hong Kong, where she grew up and was educated.

Tsui was the winner of Musicus Society Call for Scores. Angela Chan. Angela Chan Sin-ying was born in Hong Kong, and started to learn the violin at the age of three from her mother. She was also featured in nine concerts with the Curtis Symphony Orchestra during their tour of Europe. Edwin Lam. George Ng. Calvin Wong. Marc Ngan. Rani Fung. Claudia Frisone. Fan Hiu-sing. Elissa Lee. Hila Karni. Richard Wolfe. Francis Chik. Chow Yip-wai. Caleb Wong.

Cheng Yan-ho. Luk Wai-chun. Alvin Chan. Kung Wai-kin. Piao Xingji. Lam Ka-ting. Lee Yat. Blues Zhang. Richard Sun. Eason Chan. Loo Sze-wang. Joseph Tso. Martina Tso. Musicus Soloists Hong Kong. Franchesca Wong. Karey Ho. Membership Chair. Chairman, Council. Publicity Chair. Honorary Treasurer. Honorary Secretary. Vice-Chairman, Council. Co-founder and President. Honorary Artistic Advisor.

Honorary Advisor. Honorary Advisors. Honorary Patron. Council Member. Rachel Cheung Hong Kong. Trey Lee Hong Kong. Tapiola Sinfonietta Finland. Colleen Lee Hong Kong. Tapiola Sinfonietta String Quartet Finland. Chan Wan-in Hong Kong. Eva Wong Hiu-ching Hong Kong. Yue Kin-long Hong Kong. Zeng Baoxin Hong Kong. Jeff Leung Hong Kong. Janne Nisonen Finland. Pekka Kuusisto Finland. Cherry Tsang Hong Kong. Vladimir Mendelssohn Romania. Paavali Jumppanen Finland.

Louise Kwong Hong Kong. Born Lau Hong Kong. Rocco Filippini Italy. Hippocrates Cheng Hong Kong. Wei Ningyi Hong Kong. David Ma Hong Kong. Mak Ka-yin Hong Kong.

Nancy Loo Hong Kong. Dennis Wu Hong Kong. Christopher Warren-Green United Kingdom. London Chamber Orchestra United Kingdom. Bruno Canino Italy. Dong-Suk Kang Korea. Gian Paolo Peloso Italy. Mary Wu Hong Kong. Priya Mitchell United Kingdom.

Elena Cheah United States. Michel Lethiec France. Roydon Tse Hong Kong. Willis Wong Hong Kong. Jia Nan Hong Kong. Gloucester String Quartet Hong Kong. Belle Shiu Hong Kong. Wong Chi-chung Hong Kong. Ning Feng China. Andrew Ling Hong Kong. Jan-Erik Gustafsson Finland. Chinese Music Virtuosi Hong Kong. Yuri Bashmet Russia. Moscow Soloists Russia. Fung Dic-lun Gordon Hong Kong. Lau Hiu-kong Lawrence Hong Kong.

Wong Chun Wai Hong Kong. Ho Shun-yin Hong Kong. Chua Hong Kong. Latica Honda-Rosenberg Germany. Jens Peter Maintz Germany. Kenny Lam Hong Kong. Dimitri Ashkenazy Iceland. Vladimir Ashkenazy Iceland. Mantua Chamber Orchestra Italy. Very interesting blog. Thanks for sharing the informative blog! It is a no brainer when it comes to purchasing these tiny trinkets, because they are inexpensive yet so useful. They are available in abundance almost everywhere.

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Lipu, S. A versatile broadcaster in fine music since , Lai accumulated a range of experiences in all facets of fine music broadcasting at RTHK Radio 4, and produced numerous fine music programmes and cultural events for the community to great acclaim. An assessment of information literacy skills among undergraduates students of the Institute of Professional Studies. The Australian Library Journal, 60 4 , May , p.

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