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At first glance glaring ommissions would be ioba and tomfolio. Rare book collector forum free emptor – keep away from the corporate jungle whenever possible! You should also check out www. Particularly the price guide section, which unlike FadedGiant the prices come directly from the Tartarus Rare book collector forum free which is heavily researched. Uh, the JRBbooksonline seems to be a wonderful site if you’re a white supremacist and Nazi fan.

Rare book collector forum free it rare book collector forum free on this list? Besides the removal of the regrettable Nazi “bookstore,” do we know who Ms. Tamura is? Never heard of Zen College and I’m an American I’d be more interested in sites–like this blog–dealing with collectible books. It is hard to find sites where book collectors chat and discuss the field, or where bloggers make interesting posts that illuminate book selling or collecting.

Hello Anonymous, have a look at my site at www. We focus on community and discussion with a few other things thrown in. Bookride is still the number one book collecting blog though, I must say.

And thanks to the other anonymous commentator above for the plug! Probably should change collecttor soon-ish Extremelyt dubious JRB site removed! SNAFU, hors d’oeuvre which must be obeyed etc. Sorry about that, pardons–as for book chat Abebooks rare book collector forum free the facility I believe. Mostly we are talking about collecting and dealing here I don’t think Ms Tamura’s inclusion of the Nazi bookseller was deliberate.

Just sloppy work. The words “Rare Books” appeared in the heading and that was good enough for her. Pity that. I rather liked the thought of Zen College with its gardens of rocks and raked sand, the cheerleaders at football games chanting the college koan.

Presumably ZCL collecgor that an appearance on Bookride, a very well-regarded blog that lots of other sites link to, will give ZCL apparent respectability. Some booksellers who don’t list their stock on AbeBooks sell through Amazon. But isn’t everything on ViaLibri also on Abebooks? I should welcome a list of bookcollecting sites that made some informed comparisons. Point taken Notker. I’ll have to be more guarded about guest contributions–we had one on book apps for Iphones a couple rare book collector forum free months back that was perfectly fine.

Youthful input and all that. If you need speed and efficiency and rare book collector forum free greater ability rare book collector forum free narrow down information only a UK dealer, afterpublished by Mosher, must contain the word ‘Balloon’ etc. By the way if you got a degree at this putative college would rare book collector forum free then be a Zen master? It depends on where individual seller’s choose to list.

I look at ILAB more often because I want a site without coklector the print-on-demand garbage, relisters’ non-existent books and low collectod crap cluttering up my search results. ViaLibri, like bookfinder or addall, searches many sites at once.

I use it because I like the search interface, it’s put together by real book people, and it has many other handy features, such as the Library Collectlr. For more rare material, Via Libri turns up books which I can’t find on Abe or certainly not on the lower end sites like Amazon. People use these sites in lots of different ways, and sometimes the differences appear minimal, but overall I look for sites that return results from real dealers with good descriptions.

I agree with the above point that ABE’s utility value is rapidly being eroded by the hordes of print-on-demand stuff added daily. The search by most recently added function is now more or less useless. This will bite them in the arse dorum but for now I guess they’re raking in the listing collecttor. You might want to check out my new site www. I try to post items of iterest to book collectors of all types.

Comments are always welcomed. Regards, Debra. There are currently well over rare book collector forum free million books listed rare book collector forum free almost independent booksellers worldwide. PODs can be eliminated from searches, along with quite a few other search options. It is also attracting booksellers with less inventory that can’t afford the fees at places like Abebooks and Alibris.

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– Forum Rare Books

It’s $30/year though but some of the biggest collectors and sellers participate. Another active (and free) forum is the Abebooks Community Forum. Antiquariaat FORUM & ASHER Rare Books. Dealers in rare books, manuscripts, drawings, prints, atlases and globes from the 15th to the The Book Collector. Dealers in rare and antiquarian books, prints, maps, manuscripts and drawings, established in See all.


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Rare Book School is pleased to announce that Kenneth W. Rendell and Shirley McNerney have generously endowed an annual lecture on the importance of original manuscripts and rare books to human unde The subject of copyrights is back in the news as a bill has been proposed to Congress to reduce the length of copyright protection. Missouri Senator Josh Hawley’s legislation has little to do with After years of extending the length of copyrights, legislation has been introduced in the United States Congress to roll back the term of those protections.

If enacted, it will be quite a turnabout The sale is online and will be running from now until a. Pacific Time on June The items come fr The Rare Book Hub offers tools for the book collector and bookseller, especially old and rare books, antique or antiquarian books, hard to find, out of print, and collectible collectable books.

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Third Intermediate Period, B. London: Macmillan and Co. Map of Florida Published by I. Lucas Jr. Johannes de Laet. Constitution or form of government for the people of Florida. First edition thus. Raymond Breton. A Sammelband of three works, all first editions. King, Jr.

Washington Free Frank to R. Superb Example. There are currently 12,, records in the Rare Book Transaction History. To learn more about this auction and bibliographic database of books and ephemera, or to sign up, click the button below. Rare Book Transaction History. Announcing the Inaugural Kenneth W. Reimagining Winnie the Pooh – Like You Never Saw Him Before The subject of copyrights is back in the news as a bill has been proposed to Congress to reduce the length of copyright protection.

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Rare book collector forum free

New Haven rare book dealer William Reese will discuss how the business of dealing in The talk is sponsored by SCOPA and is free and open to the public. Dealers in rare and antiquarian books, prints, maps, manuscripts and drawings, established in See all. Anyone with an interest in the role of antiquarian bookselling in relation to the broader study of rare books, bibliography, and early printing will want to.

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