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MS Office Activation – How to Work-Around.Description of the Office Activation Wizard – Microsoft Support
Hikermann Windows XP Office You must activate your installation to fully enable all of the features. The wizard will guide you through the activation process. How do you want to activate your copy of the software? Click Helpfor more information. For details about the maximum allowed number of product activations, close the wizard and review the End User License Agreement, available via the Help menu of the application.
If you believe that you are getting this message in error, click Back and choose the telephone option. The telephone activation system will provide you the opportunity to speak with a support representative about all activation issues. I purchase a bonafide copy of MS Office way back when 2. I initially load it on down,oad PC and have a successful activation with MS 3.
I use it rarely 4. I get a new hard drive 5. I reload MS Office 6. I’m presented with the option to activate by Internet, resulting in my being informed that “installation cannot be activated because [i] have activated up to the limit for [my] Product Key. Next, I attempt to activate by telephone, resulting in being informed that “Telephone activation is no longer supported for microsoft office professional edition 2003 confirmation id free download product.
So, I’ve helped Mr. Gates maintain his billionaire lifestyle while he has decided that since I’m unwilling to continually purchase the Next Newest Greatest Microsoft Thing I’m going to be prohibited from the full and free use of my duly-purchased product.
Go figure. This has all the brilliance of Chevrolet selling me a car inthen because I won’t purchase a new Chevy every other year being informed that I have only 48 more trips available and then my car will be useless Many thanks.
I ran into this same problem installing Office Professional on a computer in mid January but solved it. You need to call the activation number It will ask you if you are installing windows xp, нажмите чтобы прочитать больше no, it asks about another software, ediition no. It then asks for your installation id code and you just follow directions from there Mine is activated.
Just try it anyway. Simply call Thanks, texxytoe! Like Hikermann, I trustingly took Microsoft at their word when they said “telephone activation is no longer supported”, but all I had to do was call and miicrosoft “numbers station” q. I had the same problem. I recently purchased a new computer with Windows 8.
I re-loaded MS Downliad was working in my old Win7 computer and couldn’t re-activate fref thru the Internet. I read bubble trouble 2 full version for pc solution and called the activation phone number you listed, and Wala!!
I now have a fully operational Office !!!! Thanks a million for your advice. Thanks for this I was angry with microsoft telling I couldn’t activate by phone called the number you posted and voila activated! Like the saying goes “Never take no for an answer” I bought and paid for this software I should be able to install on one computer as many times as I want Microsoft. My software microsoft office professional edition 2003 confirmation id free download now activated.
PEB Windows 7 64bit Office 64bit. Thank You! Hi there, I too have the same problem trying to install Office on a Laptop running Win I get the offiice to activate over the Internet, am then told this option is no longer supported and I should acivate by phone.
I click on this option to be told that this option is no longer supported. I contacted Microsoft by way of “Microsoft Answer Tech”, spent an hour explaing the problem, got the impression I was the first to have this problem and nobody knew how to resolve it.
The person dealing with me said she had passed it up to her managers and they would contact me shortly with their response. Needless to say I am still waiting and have resorted to you good people to professiional me out. Приведу ссылку am in the UK and the toll free number given in this post does not work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Last edited by rsssnooker; at AM.
Reason: updated. I rang the UK number and went through the activation process only to be told I could only put Microsoft office professional edition 2003 confirmation id free download onto one PC.
I understood I could put it onto нажмите чтобы прочитать больше PCs. I must start searching for alternative software that is proressional from Microsoft. Activation solved. Thanks Paul, Microsoft office professional edition 2003 confirmation id free download rang the UK activation lineand after a few automated failures I managed to speak to a real live person.
This woman was able to sort out the problem in less than ofice minutes and gave me an activation code which works well enough on Windows There is an error code when running updates, but I can live with that.
I just don’t understand how Microsoft can try to block you installing software which you bought and paid for. Its fine that they no longer support it but don’t block users from reloading the software. Thanks again Paul, problem solved.
Microsoft isn’t blocking anything except an apparent exceeding of the number ediiton CPUs on which your licence allows you to run the software. Evidently, over time you’ve installed it on more CPUs than were allowed. Once you exceed that limit, telephone activation is required. That requirement has been documented for nearly two decades now. Paul, I have to disagree with you because Microsoft don’t allow you to activate over the internet because they no longer support the software.
They tell you to activate over the phone but don’t give a phone number microsoft office professional edition 2003 confirmation id free download do this because they don’t support the software any longer.
I have to go onto a forum such as this to get the relevant phone number. Maybe I used the wrong wording when I said they were blocking, but they definately are not exactly bending over backwards to be helpfull. As far as exceeding the number перейти на источник CPUs on which your licence allows you to run the software goes, I have only ever ran it on two.
The reason someone might need to install on another computer other than the original can be because you are upgrading, как сообщается здесь a computer or many edtion reasons. Never once have I been asked the reason for re-installing. No, it has nothing to do with support ending. These measures exist because of how much MS Office has been pirated As you say you’ve previously run the software on two CPUs, your attempt to run it on a third accounts for your experience.
Standard practice, as I said, for close to two decades now. Originally Posted by macropod. All times are GMT The time now is PM. Contact Us – Privacy Statement – Top. User Name.
Remember Me? Mark Prifessional Read. Page 1 of 2. Thread Tools. Join Date: Jan Posts: 3. View Public Profile. Send a private message to Hikermann. Find all posts by Hikermann. Join Date: Jan Posts: 1. Send a private message to texxytoe. Microsoft office professional edition 2003 confirmation id free download all posts by texxytoe.
Simply call Thanks, texxytoe! Send a private message to netpog. Find all posts by netpog. Send читать далее private message to llamase. Find all posts by llamase. Join Date: Oct Posts: 1. Thanks Thanks for this I was angry with microsoft telling I couldn’t activate by phone called the number you posted and voila activated! Send a private message to mtrott.
Microsoft office professional edition 2003 confirmation id free download.Results for “microsoft office standard edition 2003”
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