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Adobe acrobat xi standard rearrange pages free download.How to rearrange pages in a PDF document using Acrobat 9

Jun 23, · I logged into my Adobe account and could see my registered Adobe Acrobat XI Standard along with the product key. I started an online chat with support and explained my situation – I’m buying a new Win10 laptop and wanted to install Acrobat XI Standard. How to rearrange pages in a PDF: Select one or more page thumbnails (page numbers are underneath). Use Shift to select a page range. Drag and drop pages to reorder PDF pages how you want. Copy a page by clicking a thumbnail and using Ctrl+drag to drop it to a second location. Save your file. Select a folder or click “Choose a Different Folder. Follow these easy steps to rearrange pages in a PDF file online: Click the Select a file button above, or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone. Select the PDF document you want to reorganize. After Acrobat uploads the file, sign in.
how to download Adobe Acrobat XI Standard I have a – Adobe Support Community – .How to rearrange pages in a PDF document using Acrobat 9
Get started. Starts a new numbering sequence.