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Battle of britain pc game download

Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain, a really nice simulation game sold in for DOS, is available and ready to be played again! Click the “Install Game” button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher. Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin.
Battle of britain pc game download
Community Hub. The goal of the game is to defend Great Britain against German bombing raids. All Reviews:. BlackMoon Design. Popular user-defined tags for this product:. Sign In or Open in Steam.
Includes 10 Steam Achievements. Publisher: BlackMoon Design. Share Embed. The game follows the historical timeline very closely, but at the same time – the game mechanics are easy to learn yet hard to master and it provides great entertainment for both seasoned and novice players.
No two games will ever be the same. System Requirements Windows. Minimum: OS: See all. Customer reviews. Overall Reviews:. Recent Reviews:. Review Type. Your opponents don’t stay still and have this really annoying habit of shooting back.
Needless to say, you’ll find yourself getting nailed every 20 seconds. Which is bloody annoying at first, but you keep finding yourself having ‘one last go’ to see if you can nail them. And it’s a great feeling when you finally do, although it’s usually 4am by this time, and the alarm clock is looking at you going ‘Ha ha, only three hours left to sleep before work!
As well as the chocks away action, you can play the role of the bomber, although against serious opposition, this amounts to nothing more than airborne suicide. But when you’re over the target and there are antiaircraft shells going off all around you like black sunflowers, and Spitfires tearing over the top of the plane, you find yourself not just firing the machine gun, but yelling like a bom again Christian with an attitude problem.
It doesn’t just feel like you’re there, you are there Rowan has also added a campaign mode where you can either try to predict where the Germans are going to strike if you’re playing as the RAF or choose targets to hit if you’re playing the Germans. And this is probably the only real blight in this game because it’s really overly complex – and not in a good way.
Otherwise it would be a Classic. When you look at how lush the actual flying graphics are, you really wonder why they put so little effort into this side of the game, which is where any real longevity is going to come in.
The campaigns are divided into four segments and, although you can play through the entire campaign, this certainly isn’t immediately obvious.
The other major flaw is the inability to customise your controls. If you’ve been playing any other flight sim for some time you have to relearn the entire control system.
To put so much thought into the look and of the flying part, and then to mp on this side of the game is serious oversight. Posted: 5-Sep I encountered a technical problem with “Their finest hour”.
It had only KB instead of the KB that were mentioned in the description. Thanks Winston. Dirty Harry. Posted: Nov Need the radio codes please! Posted: Sep Posted: 9-Sep Just simply one of the best early flight combat games ever! You should get it, really, you should. If you have comments about the download file itself, please use the contact form instead, so I can get back to you. War LucasFilm Games. Description This is LucasArts second airbattle game the other one was Battlehawks Go to downloads.
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Battle of britain pc game download. Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain
Also available on: Amiga – Atari ST. Shortly after the release of Battlehawks , Lucasarts released this game, which is essentially the same as Battlehawks , only this time the action happens in Europe, having the British and the Germans fighting for supremacy.
The same sprite problems remain, but the graphics look cleaner in this version. The same flight modelling is still around, preferring ease of use to accuracy. Get this if you liked Battlehawks.
Highly recommended! Screenshots from MobyGames. Jimbards 1 point DOS version. Jimbards 0 point DOS version. Happy to find it again!!! Stan 1 point Amiga version. Sad thing is this is still the best game that offers a campaign mode during the Battle of Britain. Planning from the German side to destroy the airfields and radar or defending as the British. Of course the graphics are aged but the playability can’t be beaten. KC -3 points DOS version.
The controls are screwed up. In flight, you have to hit a key several times to get it to work. I have tried adjusting the processor speed, but all that does is speed the game up to an unplayable level. I am not saying it does not work, and I am using a keyboard, maybe a joystick would work, I can not say. But it is very annoying playing the game using the keyboard.
Bill 0 point DOS version. Ellis 0 point DOS version. Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you’d like. We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentations when possible. If the manual is missing and you own the original manual, please contact us! Various files to help you run Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.
MyAbandonware More than old games to download for free! Browse By Download KB. Play in your browser. Description of Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain Shortly after the release of Battlehawks , Lucasarts released this game, which is essentially the same as Battlehawks , only this time the action happens in Europe, having the British and the Germans fighting for supremacy.
Write a comment Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you’d like. Send comment. Just one click to download at full speed! DOS Version. Misc Cypher Wheel 2 MB. Download 6 MB. Follow Us! Top downloads. List of top downloads. Latest releases. List of new games here Follow us on Facebook or Twitter. Screenshots needed. Read our screenshot tutorial. Action , Simulation.