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Hardening windows 10 enterprise free download. Security Best Practices for Your Windows 10 Computer

There should be no impact if the setting is turned on.
Windows 10 Hardening: 19 Ways to Secure Your Workstations – Hysolate – Related Resources
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GitHub – 0x6db/windows_hardening: Windows Hardening settings and configurations.Security Best Practices for Your Windows 10 Computer | Carbide
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This documentation contains all the hardening steps which are necessary to make Windows 10 more secure. The owner can be defined with different categories of Logins, such as administrator, Standard user, child user or guest and give them different permissions to access.
This user might also have rights to install apps from Windows store and bypass Firewall rules, hence be conscientious of such semi-admin. This is a hardening checklist that can be used in private and business environments for hardening Windows The checklist can be used for all Windows versions, but in Windows 10 Home the Group Policy Editor is not integrated and the adjustment must be done directly in the registry.
For this, there is the HailMary mode from HardeningKitty. The settings should be seen as security and privacy recommendation and should be carefully checked whether they will affect the operation of your infrastructure or impact the usability of key functions. It is important to weigh security against usability. The project started with the creation of a simple hardening checklist for Windows With the development of the HailMary mode, it will also be possible to apply settings of any Hardening Checklist on a Windows system.
Policy Analzyer reads out and compares local registry and local policy values to a defined baseline. The PolicyRule file from aha contains all rules which are needed to check Group Policy and Registry settings that are defined in the Windows 10 Hardening checklist.
Policy Analyzer supports the hardening checklist up to version 0. Policy Analyzer is not able to query all values of the hardening checklist. With the development of HardeningKitty , the support of Policy Analyzer has become obsolete. There will no longer be a new version of the PolicyRule file.
HardeningKitty supports hardening of a Windows system. The configuration of the system is retrieved and assessed using a finding list. In addition, the system can be hardened according to predefined values. HardeningKitty reads settings from the registry and uses other modules to read configurations outside the registry.
The script was developed for English systems. It is possible that in other languages the analysis is incorrect. We recommend configuring Windows 10 with the security features listed in section 4. With regard to the GPO settings, departments are required to implement the minimum baseline settings outlined in section 5 of this document.
The minimum baseline settings are the standard for GC departments because they provide most endpoint devices with the required level of mitigation against security threats.
Departments with systems that may hold sensitive information or assets that, if compromised, could reasonably be expected to cause injury to the individual interest e. Within the GC context, this category of information is designated as Protected B information. Departments with systems operating in Protected B environments are required to implement the enhanced baseline settings, along with additional measures that are not covered in this document, to help protect sensitive information.
Note: Based on the results of the TRA , departments may find that additional security-related functionality is required for Protected B operations. To harden operating systems, we recommend that all departments implement both the minimum and enhanced baseline settings. These settings should be implemented with additional security measures to address department-specific needs.
Hardening operating systems is one of our top 10 recommended IT security actions. Operating systems can be hardened by configuring them with additional security features. This section outlines the Windows 10 security features and tools that we recommend implementing.
Windows 10 should be configured with the security features and enhancements listed in Table 1. All the recommended security features and enhancements are either available in Windows 10 release or can be downloaded for free from Microsoft. Departments can help harden their operating systems by deploying Windows 10 with updated configurations, leveraging the robust suite of security features as listed in Table 1 above.
From a security perspective, the default i. If the default configuration is used, we strongly recommend that departments implement the security features outlined in this document and the baseline settings detailed in the GC Security Baseline for Windows 10 [1]. These settings fall into two categories: minimum baseline settings and additional enhanced baseline settings. See Section 8. To establish these settings, we consulted configuration guidance publications developed by other organizations:.
These settings are considered mandatory for GC departments because they provide most endpoint devices with the level of security required to protect GC information assets and infrastructure against threats. Certain settings have been selected to hard code them. The enhanced baseline settings are operating system settings specific to supporting Protected B environments. The enhanced baseline settings, along with additional security requirements not covered in this document, are required to provide additional security for sensitive information.
Several Windows 10 workarounds and fixes, which are specific to release , are listed in the subsections below. The algorithms are inherent to the FIPS mode functionality. Application testing should be conducted to determine that Windows 10 can function properly in FIPS mode for a given environment.
Recommendation: Peer-to-peer networking services should not be configured i. This setting intended to lock down specific capabilities, such as real-time communications e. These peer-to-peer technologies can reduce requirements for expensive server equipment at each location with sub-optimal bandwidth. There should be no impact if the setting is turned on. For example:. There is no supported ability to disable PowerShell Footnote 8.
It has become a critical component of the operating system and many applications. However, there are several ways to lock it down slightly for non-privileged users. Consider the following:. Windows 10 supports several sleep states for compatible devices, as described in System Sleeping States [19]. The four states that are most commonly encountered on modern hardware are:. Note: States S1 and S2 are not detailed in the table below because the issues discussed do not affect these states.
Systems waking from other sleep states, such as S3, will proceed directly to the lock screen without a PIN prompt. Power consumption Maximum. However, the power state of individual devices can change dynamically as power conservation takes place on a per device basis. Unused devices can be powered down and powered up as needed. Power consumption Less consumption than in state S2. Processor is off, and some chips on the motherboard might be off.