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Finally, associations between intracranial abnormalities and headache disorders are now beginning to be published from a neuroimaging sub-study HUNT MRI. We have reviewed literature data in order to find researches that support the use of nutraceutical molecules in migraine management. It can be associated with your MKV files italianoa all other video files so you just need to double click the file основываясь на этих данных play it.❿

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What a complicated bit of nonsense the CNRS is propagating! Si je n’etais pas si surmene, j’ecrirais tout ca en francais, mais sous le poids de mes nombreuses obligations actuelles, je compte sur la bienveillance d’autres pour bien vouloir traduire ce qui suit: I wish I had the time to straighten this out definitively, because otherwise a whole generation of innocent CNRS researchers will be needlessly handicapped by this misguided directive.

Here are the relevant facts and logic: 1 The CNRS directive does not distinguish between electronic journal publication and electronic preprint publication, and I will consider the cases separately, but the answer is the same for both: There is no problem, either in principle or in practice, with electronic dating; and the huge redundancy of the Internet provides many convergent cross-checks on the validity of a date — moreso than dated pieces of paper!

Each article in Psycoloquy is published on a calendar date, which remains part of its citation archive in perpetuo, along with the volume number and item number no more need for issue numbers, for reasons that should be obvious: articles can be published immediately after passing peer review, acceptance, and editing. No need to wait to collect them in an “issue” — consisting usually of unrelated articles anyway. If my Subversive Proposal vide infra is followed and authors establish public electronic preprint archives at their institutions for all their work, there is no reason a similar protected, coded, permanent dating system cannot be implemented for those archives too.

To imagine otherwise is to have a very limited grasp of the reality of electronic information and paper information too, by the way. Perhaps CNRS recommends that scientists not reveal their results on radio or TV either, because of the impossibility of establishing date information in nonprint media?

But there is a growing number of electronic-only journals that are publishing articles whose only form is and will ever be electronic. So unless the CNRS’s objective is to link the fate of its researchers inextricably, sink or swim, with the current paper flotilla, I advise them to undo this short-sighted directive at once, because the entire literature is poised to take to the skies, sooner or later and this directive only tilts the balance a bit more in favor of later — or at least later for France.

Alas it is in English, but there are some brilliant and eloquent spokesmen for this in French too. Only last night I saw on French TV5 the redifussion of a March programme featuring, among others, Jean-Claude Guedon of the University of Montreal, a passionate and articulate advocate of electronic publication as a new resource for reasserting the strength of francophonie in science and scholarship. Current Contents , November 11 Garson, L. Ginsparg, P.

Computers in Physics. August, American Institute of Physics. The Sciences 18 – Harnad, S. American Psychologist – Science, Technology and Human Values 55 – Review of S. Lock, A difficult balance: Peer review in biomedical publication. Nature 24 – 5. Psychological Science 1: – reprinted in Current Contents , November 11 Mason ed. Computer Conferencing: The Last Word. Beach Holme Publishers, ; and in: M. Okerson, ed , 2nd edition.

Times Higher Education Supplement, Multimedia, p. Washington, DC. Hayes, P. Minds and Machines 2: Library Journal 48 – Odlyzko, A. This is a subversive proposal that could radically hasten that day. It is applicable only to ESOTERIC non-trade, no-market scientific and scholarly publication but that is the lion’s share of the academic corpus anyway , namely, that body of work for which the author does not and never has expected to SELL his words.

He wants only to PUBLISH them, that is, to reach the eyes and minds of his peers, his fellow esoteric scientists and scholars the world over, so that they can build on one another’s contributions in that cumulative.

For centuries, it was only out of reluctant necessity that authors of esoteric publications entered into the Faustian bargain of allowing a price-tag to be erected as a barrier between their work and its tiny intended readership, for that was the only way they could make their work public at all during the age when paper publication and its substantial real expenses was their only option.

This is already beginning to happen in the physics community, thanks to Paul Ginsparg’s HEP preprint network, with 25, users worldwide and 45, “hits” per day, and Paul Southworth’s CICnet is ready to help follow suit in other disciplines. The only two factors standing in the way of this outcome at this moment are 1 quality control i.

The subversion will be complete, because the esoteric — no-market peer-reviewed literature will have taken to the airwaves, where it always belonged, and those airwaves will be free to the benefit of us all because their true minimal expenses will be covered the optimal way for the unimpeded flow of esoteric knowledge to all: In advance.

How do these projects relate to your needs? The goal was to provide a structure participants could use in evaluating and reviewing reports of the various digital library projects and to consider how those project were relevant to their own needs. Over 30 participants divided into three groups to discuss this topic and compile a list of questions.

Each group reported back to the larger group. Here are the reports from each group. Group 1 What is the library’s role in providing digitized resources? Should it provide access only or should it be seen as a publisher of information. If the latter, how should this activity be financed-via cost recovery or pay per view or some other option.

What is the impact of different cost models on user behavior. What is the importance of the digital library? Are any of these more important than the others? Group 2 -Who is the audience to which the digital library is directed? What are their needs? What is the digital library supposed to accomplish? Which standards still need to be developed? Are their censorship implications related to such selection? What are the user interface issues?

How important is uniformity of interfaces? How can that be done? Group 3 What are the standards and models for access and retention?

What is the role of the public services staff in providing mediated access to and searching of electronic resources? How will this role change as the digital library develops? What responsibilities should libraries assume for archiving of digital resources? What standards are their for bibliographic control of digital resources? How should we point users accustomed to print-based resources such as journals, books, and indexes to their digital equivalents?

I am in the processing of handing over any responsibility I had for this journal in its planning stages to others, and therefore wish to discontinue my subscription to VPI-EJ at this time.

I think it likely that the people who are now in charge of electronic publishing in our Society will wish to continue or begin subscribing. These people are Dr. Eric Barron, email address: barron essc.

Joseph Klemp, email address klemp nacar. I hope to sign up again in the future when my work and email load have diminished somewhat from their present overloaded condition. SE Original message From: david arch. Written by Louis Kruh. The past twenty years have seen an explosive growth in public research into cryptology, accompanied by an unprecedented public awareness of matters cryptologic.

Programmers and engineers trying to benefit from the fruits of this research, to solve real-world problems, have often been stymied by not knowing where to start looking, let alone when to stop. This book is for them. Written as a “comprehensive reference work for modern cryptology” the book succeeds both as an encyclopedia survey of the past twenty hears of public research and as a hansom “how-to” cookbook of the state-of-the-art.

It could well have been subtitled “The Joy of Encrypting. Theory takes a back seat to clarity and directness, without deliberate misrepresentation; unabashed informed opinion wins out over academic hesitations.

There are alternative methods to combined HCs which provide similar contraceptive benefits but that are much safer in terms of risks. Further research is need to address safety of newer compounds in women with migraine. J Headache Pain ;in press. Neuropathic pain is pain caused by a lesion or disease of the somatosensory nervous system. The term lesion is refers to nervous system damage demonstrated by imaging, neurophysiology, biopsies or surgical evidence.

The term disease is used when the nervous system damage is due to a neurological disorder such as stroke or peripheral diabetes neuropathy. In peripheral neuropathic pain there is usually a mixture of damaged and undamaged axons within the peripheral nerve, leading to the clinical presentation with ongoing pain, sensory loss and sensory gain hyperalgesia, allodynia. The clinical presentation in central neuropathic pain is similar, but the mechanisms are less well understood.

Mechanisms of peripheral neuropathic pain include ectopic impulse generation, peripheral sensitization of undamaged nerve fibers, and central sensitization; the latter includes altered signal processing in the CNS due to changes in descending pain modulation. For this reason the exact prevalence of neuropathic pain is not yet known, but is expected to be high due to the high prevalence of the underlying neurological disorders. A range of clinical neurophysiological and functional imaging studies have suggested that migraine might be associated with cerebellar dysfunction.

These studies all had methodological short-comings to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, it is still uncertain whether migraine is associated with cerebellar dysfunction, and, if so, to what extent and why. Recent anatomical studies demonstrated that the output of the cerebellum targets multiple non-motor areas in the prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex. Neuro-anatomy and functions of the cerebellum will be reviewed as well as the evidence of cerebellar infarcts in migraineurs.

During the last decades, the methods of neurophysiology proved to be very effective in disclosing subtle functional abnormalities of the brain of patients affected by primary headache disorders.

These methods received several refinements during the last years, further improving our understanding of headaches pathophysiology. Abnormal increased responsivity was several times revealed with almost all the sensory modalities of stimulation in migraine between attacks, with its normalization during the attacks.

Recently, authors observed that the degree of some neurophysiological abnormalities might depends on the distance from the last attack, i. Somatosensory cortex lateral inhibition, gating, and interhemispheric inhibition were altered in migraine, and may contribute to cortical hyperresponsivity and clinical features.

Cluster headache patients are characterized by a deficient habituation of the brainstem blink reflex during the bout, outside of attacks, on the affected side. Evidence for sensitization of pain processing was disclosed by studying temporal summation threshold of the nociceptive withdrawal reflex, which was less modulated by supraspinal descending inhibitory controls.

In conclusion, much has been discovered and much more needs to be investigated to better understand what causes, how it triggers, keeps and runs out recurrent primary headaches. Clarifying some of these mechanisms might help in the identification of new therapeutic targets. Within the brain, neuropeptides can modulate the strength of synaptic signaling even at a relatively large distance from their site of release. Given the evidence for CGRP in migraine and potential roles for other hypothalamic peptides, it seems likely that altered neuropeptide actions may be a general theme underlying the heightened sensory state of migraine.

Towards this point, I will briefly discuss our preclinical CGRP and optogenetic studies using light aversive behavior in mouse models as a surrogate for migraine-associated photophobia. I will describe how both the brain and the periphery are susceptible to elevated CGRP and how CGRP appears to act by distinct mechanisms in these sites.

These ideas will be tied together in a speculative model that integrates peripheral and central CGRP actions in photophobia. Classical trigeminal neuralgia TN is a unique neuropathic facial pain disorder. As there are no diagnostic tests to confirm the diagnosis, it relies on a thorough history and exam. MRI is used to exclude symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia, not to confirm the diagnosis of TN.

Knowing how to interpret MRI findings is of importance with respect to surgical treatment options and their expected chance of a successful outcome.

TN is characterized by paroxysms of unilateral intense pain usually in the 2 nd and 3 rd trigeminal branch. The pain quality is stabbing and the pain is typically evoked by sensory stimuli like light touch, brushing teeth, cold wind or eating. Up to half of the patients also have concomitant persistent pain. A smaller proportion of patients may have sporadic autonomic symptoms.

The average age of disease onset is in the early fifties and TN is slightly more prevalent in women than in men. As a general rule, the neurological exam is normal in TN patients.

As objective signs of TN, patients may wince at pain paroxysms and may avoid shaving or brushing their teeth on the affected side. Some studies argue that a proportion of TN patients have subtle sensory abnormalities at bedside exam, primarily hypoesthesia. Studies using quantitative sensory testing also documented sensory changes in TN.

Rather than indicating nerve damage, the findings may be explained by functional changes of the nervous system in response to severe pain. There is widespread consensus that TN is associated to a neurovascular contact between the trigeminal nerve and a blood vessel in the prepontine course of the nerve.

Emerging advanced imaging studies confirms that at the site of a neurovascular contact on the ipsilateral side of pain, there is of demyelination — a process that seems to be reversible in some patients after successful surgery.

Imaging studies also consistently show that TN is strongly associated to a neurovascular contact with morphological changes of the trigeminal nerve, i. Meanwhile, only half of TN patients have morphological changes of the trigeminal nerve and there may be other unknown etiological factors causing TN.

The pearls and pitfalls of TN diagnosis and neuroimaging is discussed from both a clinical and a scientific perspective.

The first evidence for potential role of PACAP in pathomechanism of migraine was the intravenous administration of PACAP caused headache and vasodilatation in healthy subjects as well as in migraineurs, and lead to delayed-type migraine-like attacks [2].

Preclinical experiments revealed that both PACAP and PACAP were found elevated in the trigeminal nucleus caudalis of rats following electrical stimulation of the trigeminal ganglion or chemical stimulation by nitroglycerin of the trigeminovascular system [3]. A magnetic resonance imaging MRI angiographic study demonstrated that PACAPinduced headache was associated with prolonged dilatation of the middle meningeal arteries, but not of the middle cerebral arteries in healthy volunteers [4].

The recent functional imaging study pointed that intravenous PACAPinduced migraine attacks was associated with alterations in brain network connectivity [6]. Clinical investigation provided evidence of a clear association between migraine phases during a spontaneous migraine attack versus pain-free period and the alteration of plasma PACAP level [7].

The activation and sensitization of the trigeminovascular system by vasoactive neuropeptides might be crucial factors of the migraine pathogenesis [8]. The recent preclinical and clinical studies suggest the importance of PACAP as a future biomarker of migraine headache.

Schytz, H. PACAP38 induces migraine-like attacks in patients with migraine without aura. Tuka, B. Peripheral and central alterations of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide-like immunoreactivity in the rat in response to activation of the trigeminovascular system. Peptides ; Amin, F. Cephalalgia ; Investigation of the pathophysiological mechanisms of migraine attacks induced by pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide Brain ; Neurology ; Alterations in PACAPlike immunoreactivity in the plasma during ictal and interictal periods of migraine patients.

Several studies are found a relationship between headache and psychiatric comorbidity in both children and adolescents []. The most frequently described comorbidities include anxiety, mood disorders [1], sleep disorder [2] and attention hyperactive disorder [3].

The association between headache and comorbidities has been interpreted in the light of different possible causal pathways. Psychiatric comorbidity may represent the consequence of a link between neurotransmitter systems involved in migraine and psychiatric disorder, such as depression and anxiety [4].

A central role is thought to be played by serotonergic receptors, adrenergic and dopaminergic D2 receptor genotype, that seem to be associated with migraine, major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks and phobia [5]. It has been suggested that the patient’s vulnerability to anxiety disorders and affective disorders as well as migraine might be attributed to the dysregulation of the serotonergic system [6].

Furthermore, it is possible that each disorder increases the risk of the other [4;7]. Therefore, the relevance of other mediating factors for the co-occurrence of headache and psychiatric comorbidity has to be taken into consideration. Recent research found that an insecure attachment may be a risk factor for an outcome of poor adaptation that includes chronic pain [9] and that pain perception may change in relation with specific attachment styles. The ambivalent attachment seems to be the most common style among patients reporting high attack frequency and severe pain intensity and in children with this attachment style there is a relationship between high attack frequency and high anxiety levels [10].

Barone et al. Although more studies are needed in order to detect the biological, genetic and environmental mechanisms underlying the relationship between headache and comorbidities, attachment styles can be regarded as one of the factors mediating this association [12]. Anxiety, depression and behavioral problems among adolescents with recurrent headache: the Young-HUNT study. The relationship between sleep and headache in children: implications for treatment. Headache and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in children: common condition with complex relation and disabling consequences.

Epilepsy Behav. Migraine and psychiatric comorbidity: a review of clinical findings. Mol Med. Association of 5-HTT gene polymorphisms with migraine: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Neurol Sci ; : Headache and comorbidity in children and adolescents. J Headache Pain ; Genetic and environmental influences on migraine: a twin study across six countries. Twin Res. Pain and emotion: a biopsychological review of recent research. J Clin Psychol ; 67 9 : Attachment styles in children affected by migraine without aura.

Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. Behavioural problems in children with headache and maternal stress: is children’s attachment security a protective factor? Dev ; DOI: The role of attachment insecurity in the emergence of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents with migraine: an empirical study. J Headache Pain In Press. Metabolic syndrome and overweight are highly prevalent among migraineurs and the weight-loss was suggested as a useful strategy to improve both migraine and metabolic syndrome.

Recently, we have observed that a particular version of VLCD characterized by very low-carbohydrate intake and Ketone bodies KBs production, named very low-calorie ketogenic diet VLCKD , was able to induce a rapid improvement of headache in migraineurs.

To assess if the favorable outcome on migraine was due to the caloric restriction, instead of KBs, we performed a double blind crossover study to compare headache modifications during a VLCD and a VLCKD in a population of overweighed and obese migraineurs. Among patients referred to the Sapienza University Obesity Clinic, a neurologist specializing in headache recruited 35 migraineurs. To verify variations in headache frequency, we used as baseline the month before the first VLCD and the first transition diet.

Headaches are one of the most disabling disorders [1]. Moreover, recent knowledge have suggested that physical examination for provocative procedures should be done on each patient with side- locked headaches as many of these headaches may closely mimic primary headaches [4].

There have been identified eleven physical tests to properly assess cervical disorders. When these dysfunctions are present, they support a reciprocal interaction between the trigeminal and the cervical systems as a trait symptom in migraine [6, 7]. In this presentation, an evidence based physical protocol of specific tests it will be provided by a physiotherapist to assess musculoskeletal disorders in the most common primary headaches as Migraine and Tension Type Headache.

Moreover, the integration of this examination in a multidisciplinary team it will be discussed. Stovner LJ. Migraine prophylaxis with drugs influencing the renin- angiotensin system.

Eur J Neurol. Prevalence of neck pain in migraine and tension-type headache: a population study. Temporomandibular disorders is more prevalent among patients with primary headaches in a tertiary outpatient clinic. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. Prakash S, Rathore C. Side-locked headache: an algorithm based approach.

The Journal of Headache and Pain ; doi International consensus on the most useful physical examination tests used by physiotherapists for patients with headache: A Delphi study. Man Ther. Musculoskeletal dysfunction in migraine patients. The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition beta version Jul;33 9 Headache represents the most common neurological symptom in pediatric age.

Among the primary headaches, migraine is far more prevalent than tension-type headache and cluster headache. Though extremely rare at this age, also trigeminal autonomic cephalgias have been reported. The most frequent causes of pediatric secondary headaches are represented by respiratory tract infections, while potentially life-threatening diseases, such as brain tumors, are less common. However, especially in the emergency setting, the possibility that a headache attack is due to a brain tumor must be always considered.

To avoid missing these cases, some headache characteristics red flags have been identified [1]. However, while the most recent ICHD criteria improved the possibility to classify some patients, such as children with migraine with aura [2], they turned out to be unsuitable for others, such as young patients with primary headache.

Several studies have shown the primary role played by psychological factors in determining the severity of migraine in children [4]. Therefore, a psychological examination is often mandatory, as part of the initial assessment of the patient.

Lastly, when assessing a child with primary headache, possible comorbidities should be never forgotten, since addressing them can represent a crucial point for the treatment [5]. Headache as an emergency in children and adolescents. Curr Pain Headache Rep ; Cephalalgia, submitted.

Diagnosis of primary headache in children younger than 6 years: A clinical challenge. Cephalalgia ; Chronic Migraine in Children and Adolescents. Headache and comorbidities in childhood and adolescence. Springer, Whether medication-overuse headache MOH represents a distinct biological entity within the concept of chronic daily headache with specific neurobiological and genetic background is still a matter of debate.

A great deal of interest has been directed at understanding the neurophysiological mechanisms that underlie MOH pathogenesis. Currently, two main, non-mutually exclusive hypotheses have been proposed.

The first, stems from the apparent compulsive use of headache medications by MOH patients, and considers this disorder a sort of addiction to symptomatic remedies. The second shifts the focus from drug addiction to neural sensitization, claiming that triptan overuse triggers adaptations of the trigeminovascular system, thereby facilitating pain transmission and leading to a state of latent sensitization. Answering these questions might be relevant to better understand the neurochemical mechanisms prompted by acute headache medications that underlie the pathophysiology of MOH and of chronic headache in general.

In this presentation, preclinical data will be presented showing that chronic exposure to eletriptan or indomethacin alter trigeminal ganglion gene expression patterns broadly and to a similar extend. Remarkably, qualitative transcriptomic analysis reveals that prolonged exposure to the two different symptomatic drugs triggers almost identical, increased expression of various genes coding for proteins involved in headache pathogenesis such as neuropeptides, their cognate receptors, TRP channels, prostanoid and NO synthesizing enzymes.

These findings will be correlated with the clinical aspects of MOH. The dramatic caloric restriction promotes the fat metabolism, mimicking the starvation, even if meals replacements ad hoc developed accounts for essential nutrients, avoiding the malnutrition. Because of the extreme caloric restriction, this type of diet is very effective in weight loss, however, that characteristic also is the main limit of VLCD, since it is possible to follow this kind of dietetic regimen for a very limited period usually weeks.

Salads are allowed ad libitum dressed with a spoonful of olive oil. Also in this kind of diet, there are meals per day, mainly consisting in meal replacement products. There is a growing interest in the ketogenic form of the VLCD because several studies have shown a higher compliance of patients with this diet. The reason of this higher adherence to the diet is still under scrutiny but several reasons are called in cause: an appetite suppression induced by proteins and maybe by ketone bodies KBs , or a modification in hormone secretion insulin, glucagon, ghrelin, adipokines.

The real impact of ketogenic diets in weight loss is still disputed; in fact, on the long period there are not differences between low-carb and low-fat diets in terms of weight reduction and regain of lost weight after the diet. However, thanks to the higher compliance and the drastic caloric restriction, the VLCKDs seem to be a promising approach in the early management of obesity and in the preparation phase for patients that must undergo to bariatric or other types of surgical procedures.

Temporomandibular disorders TMD represent the main cause of orofacial pain of non-dental origin and comprehend several disturbances of the masticatory system characterized by myofascial pain of masticatory muscles or articular pain localized in the pre-auricular area. Moreover, TMD patients show temporomandibular joint sounds and deviation or limitation of the opening of the mouth.

Myofascial pain is a probable consequence of central nervous system mechanisms of convergence and activation of second order neurons with enlargement of the receptive field, reduced pain threshold and allodinia. Often there are accompanying symptoms like facial pain and headaches. Headache is the most prevalent neurologic disorder, third most diffused health disturbance and the seventh cause of disability in the world.

It can be primary, without apparent organic cause, or secondary to other pathologies. Some epidemiological studies indicates that headache is more prevalent in TMD patients and TMD is more prevalent in subjects affected by headache. A stronger association exists between TMD and chronic migraine in comparison with other types of headache. Nevertheless the methodological quality of the available studies is not optimal and many of them classify patients with anamnestic questionnaire that tend to overestimate the values of prevalence.

A growing body of literature suggests that the association between headache and TMD may be a manifestation of a central sensitization mechanism. Temporomandibular joint and muscles receive the sensitive innervation of the trigeminal nerve that supply also the cranial vascular structures likely involved in the etiology of the headache. The sensitization of the trigeminal caudate nucleus by the TMD symptoms can favor the triggering of migraine episode.

Beside the epidemiological studies and the neurophysiologic hypothesis, there are some initial clinical evidence that show how severity of TMD symptoms parallels an increase of frequency and intensity of migraine and the simultaneous treatment of both conditions results in better outcomes. From a clinical perspective, a comprehensive assessment based on a biopsychosocial approach can provide relevant information to plan a contemporaneous treatment of TMD and headache, together with an intervention targeted to the reduction of psychosocial conditions that can elicit and maintain mechanisms of central sensitization likely responsible of the comorbidity of TMD and headache.

The exact pathophysiology is still unknown, but evidence supporting both peripheral and central mechanisms i. In fact, the frequency of headache attacks has found to be related to the level of central sensitization [4].

However, not all TTH patients present with the same level of central sensitization and clinical presentation, but subgroups need to be identified in order to offer specific therapeutic programs [5].

Prolonged peripheral nociceptive input from the pericranial, neck, and shoulder regions e. In fact, it has been found that sustained stimulation of TrPs may induce central sensitization in healthy participants [7]. The number of TrPs seems to be associated with the degree of widespread pressure pain hypersensitivity in TTH patients, supporting the role of TrPs on central sensitization: however the cross-sectional nature of the study does not allow to establish a cause and effect relationship between TrPs and central sensitization, as other variables may influence this association [9].

Physical therapy may be helpful for the management of TTH patients [10,11], as it may decrese the peripheral nociceptive input. The global burden of headache: a documentation of headache prevalence and disability worldwide.

Cephalalgia ;— Tension type headache. Curr Rheumatol Rev ; — Pressure pain thresholds assessed over temporalis, masseter, and frontalis muscles in healthy individuals, patients with tension- type headache, and those with migraine: A systematic review. Pain ; — Frequency of headache is related to sensitization: a population study. Pain ; Identification of subgroups of patients with tension type headache with higher widespread pressure pain hyperalgesia.

J Headache Pain ; 18 1 Byron’s Poetical Works. The Scene wherein Thyestes eats his own Children, is to be performed by the famous Mr Psalmanazar 1 , lately arrived from Formosa ; The whole Supper being set to Kettle-drums. Accommodations are provided, and Persons admitted in their masquing Habits. Any Person may agree by the Great, and be kept in Repair by the Year. The Doctor draws Teeth without pulling off your Mask. James’s Coffee-house, either by miscalling the Servants, or requiring such things from them as are not properly within their respective Provinces; this is to give Notice, that Kidney, Keeper of the Book-Debts of the outlying Customers, and Observer of those who go off without paying, having resigned that Employment, is succeeded by John Sowton; to whose Place of Enterer of Messages and first Coffee-Grinder, William Bird is promoted; and Samuel Burdock comes as Shooe-Cleaner in the Room of the said Bird.

They are not only instructed to pronounce Words distinctly, and in a proper Tone and Accent, but to speak the Language with great Purity and Volubility of Tongue, together with all the fashionable Phrases and Compliments now in use either at Tea-Tables or visiting Days.

Those that have good Voices may be taught to sing the newest Opera-Airs, and, if requir’d, to speak either Italian or French, paying something extraordinary above the common Rates. They whose Friends are not able to pay the full Prices may be taken as Half-boarders.

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